Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Jean Cunningham, the Democrat Chairwomen of the Virginia State Board of Elections, appointed by the Democratic Governor, is claiming that she has the legal basis to raise massive barriers to prevent military personnel currently in combat from voting in the November election, she has testified in Federal Court that she is only required to send military personnel an absentee ballot “the day before an election.” She is doing all she can to disenfranchise military personnel currently in combat from voting. In the last election thousands of votes were never counted and her actions helped Obama win the election in the State of Virginia. A similar action is taking place in New Jersey. If you know of any active or retired military personnel residing in Virginia and New Jersey, or civilian residents in Virginia or New Jersey, please pass this on and ask them to do all they can to oppose these actions. Time is not on the side of military personnel in combat who hope to vote in the November elections; these premeditated and mean spirited actions by Democrats in Virginia and New Jersey should be brought to the attention of all Americans; military personnel in combat defending our right to free and fair elections should not be prevented from voting-------it’s outrageous! Respectfully, Joe Gecan


Anonymous said...

Virgina should be so proud, Maybe the military can just pull out altogether and watch the state crumble financially. Virgina "We love and support our military"

Anonymous said...

Does anyone find this a shock? Just more from that anti-American (Democratic/Marxist) Party. Love illegals voting, but not an American getting shot at in Iraq.Dont worry, Im sure ACORN will take care of everything and get ballot to the "correct" soldiers.
Disgusting but not surprising. If they could get away with it, democrats would gladly disarm our military in the middle of the battlefield and charge each and every member with every crime imaginable from murder and rape to racial discrimination.

Consider that Dems don't want servicemembers to vote, but do want convicted felons to do so.
Let that soak in for a minute.

Pock,The only difference between liberals and criminals is methodology.

McDonnell needs to run with this and so should every repug in the state. Time to stop being a John Mcain. RINO Republican In Name Only

Anonymous said...

When the house of cards collapses only the military will be there to keep the peace and maintain a measure of control. We'll have to take the chance they will be tempted to take and hold control for however long it takes or they want. History has many examples of a failed democracy replaced by a authoritarian state. You Dems in Richmond and Washington better play fair with our men and women in uniform.

Anonymous said...

This should be a national concern as well as a concern in Va. & NJ. This should be told to Glenn Beck, he may want to take up the issue.

Anonymous said...

I imagine that the liberals will support Obama's Domestic Army he wants so bad. Why does he need one? Maybe to quash a domestic uprising? Keep civil control over the population? I think that Comrade Obama knows that our military would ever draw down on us as done at Kent State. Thus he wants his army which will be made up of Acorn members and Black Panthers. And friends of Bill Ayers.I have my weapons of choice and plenty of ammo.
I am almost ashamed to call my self a Virginian. Other Virginians that I spoke to do feel the same way. However the majority of Virginians are tired of liberals and their so called great programs being forced upon us. Thats why they think they are so great. Rules? Only apply to fit their agenda, any other time they can be chaged to fit the needs of their party and the hell with the rest of society. Class warfare is here, domestic warfare isnt that far off, if things dont change soon.

Anonymous said...

For about $1000, you can buy yourself a new Glock, a holster, sufficient ammo, and CCW training courses.
Since Glocks last forever and their use is known to swiftly thin the herd of felons or in this case Obama's youth corp. An AR 15 works well and midification is not that hard to perform

Anonymous said...

The only problem with your plan is that the first real step taken is the same as HITLER took upon gaining power. You take all the guns away and lock up anyone that opposes you. Then you just start thining the herd to keep any opposition under control and enjoy the fruits of your work.

It is good to be the meshia and even better to be the DICTATOR with a Peace Medal!

Anonymous said...

He's waging war in two countries - yup, a real reason for the Peace Prize. He was nominated just weeks after being selected - with a nomination form that clearly states "he shall have," which means AN ACCOMPLISHMENT. There was not one yet - and there's no accomplishment now. Just folks worming their way to the top and awarding things to one another.

Anonymous said...

Its being reported that Rush Limbaugh will be a judge at the Miss American pagent, that way Obama cant win that too.

I will never give up my guns to Obama or his corp of cadets.

Heck why we dont just give the SB trophy to the Lions right now just for trying and being the Lions..also the
Heisman trophy and title of Playgirls man of the year award?He is so BUFF..

Anonymous said...

A empty award for a empty suit. Indeed, it is. Why not just award this esteemed prize to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? He's done as much to accomplish "peace" as Obama.
It's all about the Hopenchange,right?
I wonder what Neda Agha Sultan's family thinks about about this?
She should be the one getting this prize:
Remember she is the Iranian woman gunned down in the streets of Tehran.
This award given to the Messiah proves that Norway has its "Cash for Clunkers Program too.Maybe Obama maybe will win the NPP for economics as well.

Anonymous said...

Praise for the unpraiseworthy. Other than get elected and spending our children and grandchildren into poverty, what has Obama achomplished?

The world is going to hell in a handbasket and it seems we all are powerless to do anything to change it.

Buy your guns. Gather your ammo and food. Lock the doors. They will come for you someday soon.

Anonymous said...

If Comrade Obama can use this "prize" named the Noble Peace Perize as a tool to help him become the President of the UN could the youth coprs fails to do the job My bet is that we could see UN troops on our soil, to follow any of Obamas commands. Something to think about folks....

Anonymous said...

Underachieving for an overated award. Or is it overrated and underachieving?

Anonymous said...

Don't criticize Cunningham and Kaine they are every bit as American as Obama.
With Cunningham You can put lipstick on a dipstick, but it's still a dipstick.

Anonymous said...

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said of President Barack Obama’s 2009 Nobel Peace Prize:
"We have seen no change in his strategy for peace. He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan. He has not taken a single step for peace in Afghanistan or to make this country stable.
We condemn the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for Obama. We condemn the institute’s awarding him the peace prize. We condemn this year’s peace prize as unjust."

This is be the first statement the from an enemy of the US has made with which I agree.

Anonymous said...

Cunningham, Kaine and other looking down their noses liberals think that's all us military folks are... that they are all low IQ, white, trailer trash, Johnny Sixpacks who couldn't hold a 'real' job so they joined the military. That way, instead of getting arrested for beating their wives, kids and liberal idiot next dooe They can instead beat, rape, and torture foreigners, not to forget lose a war.
Yeah. Sure. Wanna put your college degrees up against their ***hats?!

Well, the good part of this is that they liberals feel emboldened to show their true colors now as anti military and anti US.They forget now that they do vote and it scares them to death.Why try to deny them the right to vote. In Kansas there is a liberal congressman who is up against a Veteran of Iraq who lost his leg. This so called Man called this veteran "White Trash".
That one legged Marine can still kick Moore's physical *** without the prostetic device. Something about a one legged man in a @** kicking contest comes to mind
Liberals no matter where they are from, Middle America, Hollywood, Virginia dont dont have a clue. I wonder what one of these liberal politicians would do if shown a video of what REAL Taliban do to their victims.
Do liberals really think they're going to convince us all to become good little socialists, that Christians are evil, that conservatives are cold-hearted hypocrites, and the military is a loser? That Obama and themselves really have America's best interests at heart?"

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