Friday, October 30, 2009


What are your thoughts about the group of Suffolk Citizens bidding for restoration of the Obici House as a place for fine dining. There perhaps is a connection between those who play golf and those whom fine dine and might make complete sense. Or would you prefer some other group unconnected to golf to make it their private building? "IS" is not that interested but we know some of you are...we have heard the muttering. Only because of the generosity of Mr. Obici toward Suffolk do we offer this opportunity for comment. It seems to us that Mrs. Obici has already been slighted enough and wish she had a voice in the matter. Maybe your opinion will help deciders decide. Who knows?


Anonymous said...

Amazing the group attempting to restore the Obici House with OPM already has a named picked out for the restaurant before the first nail has been driven. Ladies, how about the owner/management deciding that one. The other tidbit is repairing the tiled kitchen, the outdoor kitchen and wood floors. Want to guess who's hubby is going to do that contract?

Anonymous said...

The last comment makes no sense. Everyone knows who will be the restaurant moving from downtown in the unlikely event this "group" with no financial spsonsors is able to snow the Council into tying up the property, golf course, and future rents with a suggestion so shallow that "this would make a nice restaurant" with
no backing other than the implied threat that not to go alone with this superficial suggestion would be "anti-historic." Hopefully the Council will not be so timid as to be intimidated and will instead seek a proposal with at least some
degree of financial support. While I agree this would make a great restaurant, it would also make a nice health spa, a nice privately owned corporate treat, a nice medical clinic and dozens of other such uses. The danger is that the Council and a well meaning but inexperienced group will delay this because of a dream with no substance or backing while the building continues to go dowm dramatically.

Anonymous said...

How can the lady's hubby profit from this or the restaurant be involved if, in either instance, the family members are the leaders of the "group" itself. Who will they get to waive the conflicts of interest that are inescapable in any scheme to use governmemt money and tax deductions?

Anonymous said...

This may make the SCCA and the Hotel seem like just minor disasters if the council doesn't insist on proof of not only government tax credits but also future viability. Everone sees the
local foreclosures, empty homes and financial disasters that have resulted local with a few real estate "investors" who attempted to base their financial future on misplaced "tax credits."

Anonymous said...

The SCCA receives historic tax credits, private donations a yearly government subsidy no strings attached of nearly 500K the city rents space and they still are in financial disaray. So what's different about th Obici House? The same faces, the same contractors, the same old story, and we will be paying for the political patronage in the end. Hope they have a viabe business plan before the Nansemonds.

Anonymous said...

Susan Blair and wealthy friends were told their bid to restore Obici House and create a high end eatery was rejected like the rest of the bids. There was no reason given for the turn down. That makes it difficult, and perhaps silly to offer a second bid. That's what it's like dealing with the city.

Anonymous said...

Council rejected ALL proposals that were submitted. Why havent ALL of those proposals been made public? I wouldnt be surprised to see that the grand home of the Obici family will end up like the homes on St. James. Burnt down....Let the building of the Condos on the Nansemond begin.

Anonymous said...

Condos is exactly what the Mayor wants at Sleepy Hole. Just like Lola Pelosi, whatever Linda wants, Linda gets.

Hey Susan how about a Carraba's or Olive Garden?

Anonymous said...

Who cares? If private money is used,then so be it. If tax payer money is used then there is a problem. How many private relators NOT on council or ON build or provide section 8 housing get tax credits or grants from the government?

Light a match, let the Condo's on the Nansemond construction begin.

Anonymous said...

I think that a Gentlemen's Cub with a real brass pole would be just the place for for the carriage house.With all of the deals made on golf courses, our local mover,shakers, council types, other paid city adminstrators including other types of constitutional officers can stop going over to Norfolk and other cities, so they wont be discovered.The money stays here in the comunity. Think of the jobs and taxes it could provide.

Anonymous said...

The economy and fear of a deepening recession are the likely reason for the tepid interest of investing over a million to save the Obici House. Perhaps now is the time when the city could invest a little capital towards shoring up weakened areas of the two buildings like the roof, windows, doors and foundaion. In a year or two when the fog over the economy clears the city can revisit the issue. What say ye Madame Mayor?

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