Monday, October 5, 2009


Our Public School system wants citizen volunteers to assist in the Key Communicator Network, that provides the superintendent feedback about the schools and their administration. Suffolk Public Schools Public Information Officer Bethanne Bradshaw suggested that volunteers agree to receive monthly email messages from Dr. Liverman and to contact him with any questions, news, or opinions from themselves, peers or associates. We are assuming this is a new method of enjoining parents, and others, in an attempt to improve our schools with direct conversation between “volunteers and Dr. Liverman. He insists he wants the feedback.
For more information about the Key Communicators Network, call Bradshaw at 925-6752 or email her at


toasted cracker said...

Too little, too late. Dr Liverman is applying another layer to cover for his inability to improve the public schools. When the schools fail to meet the grade he will simply point his finger at the parental advisors and the School Board. If he is earnest about "change we can believe in" principals and school administrator's heads would be rolling. What a coward.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that after spending tens of millions of tax dollars year after year Doc Liverman doesn't know how to fix the schools?

Anonymous said...

Another quess, by someone who really does not know how to fix the SPS.

Time to look for someone with a real solution and plan. The Doc has got to go!

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you Dr. Liverman for bending down from your lofty office to hear from the little people how to run your empire. Thank you Ala Freddie Wiggins.

Anonymous said...

A disturbing opinion in support of Chancellor Liverman soon to appear in the SNH from a humble servant.
"Thanks again for your support. God bless you and may heaven smile upon you."

rpock said...

Preliminary figures show a good percentage increase in our public schools “on time graduation rates” over last year jumping to 76.6 from 72%. And the dropout rate dropped from 19% to 12 %. Assuming these numbers hold, it indicates a serious interest in our school’s embarrassing situation. Is it the result of citizen pressure or should the credit go to the school administration? We know that most teachers were not satisfied with the direction we were headed in educating our children.

Anonymous said...

Good News? Did Liverman resign?

Doubting Thomas said...

The devil is in the details concerning the dropout rate. Was it imput from parents, the School Board, a drop in teenage pregnancy rates, or programs to keep students in school. Keep an eye on the graduation roles how many went to college, the military, or other.

Anonymous said...

Citizen pressure is one form of accountability. For whatever reason we've got more students graduating, we're glad - and so are the students who graduated!

Anonymous said...

Don't fool yourselves. The state of the economy is forcing the children to stay in school. If there were jobs at the meat packing plant, lawns to rake or nails to hammer they would be long gone.

If the job market ever recovers or the Obama Administration income redistribution program goes into full operation, the dropout rate will rise again along with the number of human doorstops and front porch ornaments.

Anonymous said...

I would hope that more would be graduating, especially since they keep lowering the standards.

Anonymous said...

So why does Doc need to hear from parents. The "free" programs is what's keeping the drop out rate from raising. Why should they work to buy and make a meal when the government schools have free meals free transportation and free adolescent childcare. All they have to do is sit like a meatstick in class and pretend to learn. What a deal. Now can we see the statistics of gradulates going on to college.

Deb's Education Corner