Friday, October 9, 2009


After a public hearing at city hall on the issuance of up to $27 million in bonds drew no speakers at Wednesday’s city council meeting, the council voted unanimously to approve the move and incur the debt. Nowadays $27,000,000 is too small a number to cause concern. Obviously we now trust our Council to do the right thing.


Anonymous said...

This was a done deal. Nothing anyone said in the public hearing would have swayed this city council for putting ever deeper in debt. They're glad this was done because next year council incumbents would be squirming in their seats as their opponents and constituents look on in disgust. Thank you SNH for your lack of opinion. Thank you citizens of Suffolk for your indifference.

Mr. Holland said...

I think that this city council has accomplished more in three years than many others have in the last 15+ years. Like what they are doing/dislike what they are doing - you cannot say that they are a do-nothing council.

Anonymous said...

And what is different about this lack of comment on poorly thought out policy? You get what you deserve in leadership in Suffolk and it shows.

Anonymous said...

Notice the difference between council wanting a lot of input and citizen ideas for a new motto - but actively seek NOTHING for things that are most important.

Anonymous said...

As usual, those with friends in City Hall will always voice an opinion of support and then there are the rest of us.

With most families under sever strain for making ends-meet, to see the City spending freely and for such questionable priorities raises the question of the merit of their policies. It seems clear that the future is being pushed harder than ever, even if we can't afford it. That is why the policies of the leaders of the community and their friends must always be questioned.

The present group that are now in the seats of power have not "acomplished more in three years than others in the last 15 years", they are the best at spending our money, but not at improving our city. The test of imporoving our city must be seen in how they have improved the lives of the average citizen, rather than the friends of council. There is a difference. The present group is perhaps the most willing to get what they see our future as, even if it is bad policy in the longer run. Just look at spending and it is clear that there is a problem.

Anonymous said...

Without exception every member of this city council is a Democrat. Some may be more aware of fiscal restraint than the others but a Democrat nontheless. Until there are conservatives on council focused on fiscal restraint we will continue to suffer the tax and spend policy.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with a Democrat, so long as they don't hold office. The people that are now in charge in Suffolk are wasting our money and failing at every turn. One only has to look at the utter failure of almost all policies they implement to see such. The failure of the bulk garbage thing, the alarm fees, the manipulation of assessments, and so on for nothing more than more of your money. But we are to stupid to fix it and that really says it all.

So the Democrats will rule us and take our money, because to many stay at home and hide. They fail to understand just how much their failure to act, fails at all!

Anonymous said...

Councilman Barclay if you had sold the airport maybe you wouldn't have to borrow so much. Maybe if you sold the non and under-performing assets you wouldn't have to borrow at all. The problem with you and your fellow councilmen is you can't let go of anything. You take what you can and give nothing back.

Watcher said...

MAny carp and complain about Obama and the Federal Government, but the local government takes much more from most families than the feds ever do. Look at you real taxes and you will see that the taxes you pay locally are a larger amount for most than the Federal Taxes you pay.

So if you feel the pinch about paying to many taxes, take a real look at what you pay each year to Suffolk: Real Estate Taxes, Personal Property Taxes, Utility Taxes on electricity, water and sewer, Cell Phone Tax, Meal Taxes (10%), cable TV taxes, and so on. Then there are all the fees that they are to afraid to call taxes like: fees to build a home, stromwater fees, bulk garbage pick-up fees, and about 500 other fees that you can be subjected to. Then this does not even address the huge increase in taxes paid due to manipulation of the Assessed Value of your home and real estate!

So if you really want to know where the squeeze to your family budget is coming from, just look to local government for much of the pain. Local government takes about 65% of your total taxes paid. The thing that makes this so painful is the fact that they are always looking for more and more. How can that change? Only when we change the people in the big seats!

Mr. Holland said...

Gardy is not a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Holland if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

Watcher said...

You're right, Gardy is a RINO and votes in lockstep with the Democrats all the time.

Anonymous said...

Gardy isnt a democrat? Gardy is a RHINO (Repug in name only)

Anonymous said...

Gardy VOTES like a democrat. He may not be registered as one but he certainly supports a more left position when voting.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Gardy is an Independent
Charles Brown is the only Republican

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Holland, October 9

Please tell us what the city council has accomplished in three years as compared to councils in the past during a 15 year period. I really want to know.

Anonymous said...

I nearly lost my dinner reading that Charles Brown is a Republican. Where did that come from, The National Enquirer? Tell you what instead of voting for Reublicans let's agree we need more Conservatives.

Dumpster said...

My councilman the honorable Chales Brown is a conservative and good helper for his people. HE is the only one who questions why there is so little help for the less paid people and why do much of our money goes to the wealthy people neighborhoods. If you have live in Suffolk as longer as I did, you would know that he is only one to stand up to the mayor, par, and the others that want spend on the Riverview crowd and thier stuff all the time. With millions spend on the culture center, the hotel and the Pinner road to nowhere ther is no doubt that the rich get theirs first then the peanuts are left of ours. That will change soon and my councilman the honerable Charles Brown will see to that! He knows that tradeing is the way to get somthing for his people and he is smart that way.

So yall look to him as the local leader that can solve peoples problems and lead good local government in check.

Anonymous said...

If Brown is a repug or a conservative, does that make him an Uncle Tom in the eyes of the base of his supporters? So does that mean his supporters vote on issues and policy of the man or is it based on color?

Dumpster said...

We all vote for the Honorable Councilman Brown for his intelignet and savy leadership. He knows how to lead and how to make them account for actions. He is support for his virtue and hardwork. He is support for his ability to serve his community and people. He is support for his clear view of facts and how to make our needs stated for our side of town and will serve for many more years to come! I would ask all to send any contributions to him to show our support for him and to help in his good work for us all. He is right about the trash dumping deal and other issues like the indians plan for a casino at the lakes.

Anonymous said...

Dumpster - tell us more about the casinos. That sounds interesting!

Dumpster said...

The honorabel councilman Brown has told us all about the plans for the casinos if the indians get the land at the lakes. It is not good for them to do that and that is reson for council not to give them land. The Honorable counciman Brown is the only one to stand to a fact that they all know!

He is interested in the stand of raising our kids right and seeing that all is well for his people and that is the most important thing about being a good councilman. Is you councilman as good or concerned about your people? When you have answer to that let us all know and we will see.

Anonymous said...

Brown is honorable? And my bet is you think Rangle is too.

Anonymous said...

I do have to state that compared to many we now have on council, Brown does apprear to be honorable!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone of you tell us what Brown has done to make you think he's honorable?

Anonymous said...

HE is not the one calling for all the spending, is he? That comes from the mayor and her merry men (Par, Gardy, Multeer, and Barlow).

This group we now have in charge on council are the worst we have ever has to carry! Perhaps is 2012 it will all end and put us out of our collective misery.

Anonymous said...

Let's start weeding this out in 2010. Here come City Council elections.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right. Because Brown does not spend our money at the pace of the others that makes him Honorable? Is that like Reid doesn't spend as much as Pelosi therefore he is honorable? Pelosi doesn't spend as much as Obama therefore she is more honorable?

I don't disagree with most comments, I want to see change in 2010 and 2012. The consistent problem has been once elected our politicians become easily corrupted, self-serving with an overwhelming sence of self-importance.

Anonymous said...

Everything in politics is by degree of failure. The system as it is presently set, insures failure and fault, because so many are so easily influenced by EGO or just outright self-serving grabs. So yes the situation is always about who is the worst, because it can get so fast with so many in power today. To see this, just look at the present group and you will see exactly this going on. It is not that they are evil people, they just lose perspective. They stay for long periods of time and get re-elected time and time again because of the favors they do for the active voters in their areas. That is why we need term limits to thin the long timers that hae lost perspective and ideas. Milteer is a good example. He will sell his vote for a few dollars for his direct supporters and that defines it all.

Anonymous said...

Term limits would be a good way to start. But what good and hornorable public servant wants to cut off his OXYGEN supply so he can survive....

Anonymous said...

There is no real interest in government, that is why we are in this mess. WE keep puting the same people into the same position of government and we expect to get different answers and that is just stupid! WE are at fault and deserve the government we get.

Anonymous said...

A hundred employess or more show up for raises and the public sits on their hands on bonds? But show up to complain abt the hand outs of money?.

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