Forgive me Leroy. Bennett, it's the first good laugh since I finished 6 weeks in the hospital. I have to laugh when I picture you waking up to the fact that you now live in Mr. Brown's borough. how fast can you move to suitable quarters in your Nansemond Borough? Or can you find a way to circumvent the law, most politicians can. You are now representing but 12,000, you may have lost supporters.. Will your wife be able to control future elections with so many new voters to convince. And how long before those forced to leave you will it take for them to adopt a new Borough chief.
This tsunami of population changes also sweeps aside two School Board members, Hinton and Diane Foster. Do you have any idea how they will remedy this?
Me thinks this be political payback for years of a self-serving and ineptitude he demonstrated sitting on the SPSA and Western Tidewater Regional Jail Boards. Not to worry the crafty Bennetts will find a means to maintain their throne over the citizens living in the Nansemond Borough. Look for them to be shopping for a RV camper or a circa 1980s carpeted panel van over at Duman's.
Meanwhile the Bennetts' Nansemond Borough is becoming increasingly white as new neighborhoods are developed meaning that the Suffolk Borough will have to be turned Black (sorry Parr) if we are to maintain the precious racial harmony our Democrat Party City Council values so highly.
Hinton on one hand says she received the votes of whites as well as blacks in 2008. How does she know? Did she have a camera in the voting booth? However after being briefed on the proposed borough re-alignment she wants civil rights (aka black) groups to check for racially motivated gerrmandering. In her mind if a white borough turns black that's okay however if it's the reverse there must be racism. Thelma you aren't being pushed out you are being thrown out by un-identified "city staffers" working for a black city manager. As far as many are concerned about your race baiting, good riddance to you. Suggest a move to Hobson and claim racism, genocide and ethnic cleansing by the city to a SNH reporter.
OK, who thinks there is any merit to the fact that Mr. Bennett did not support the City Managers latest operating budget. So, Mrs. Cuffee Glenn acted like she did to the Airport Commission when they wanted to be an authority and.... cut them at the knees?
it is my understanding one of the goals of adjustments of the redistricting is to leave the incumbents in the re-defined boundaries.
Parr and Bennett can change seats, with Bennett in Suffolk Where it is getting darker/blacker and Parr in the lighter/whiter Nansemond.
The deeper concern is how these people keep power over the rest of us. The answer: we let them by bing inept voters looking for someone to take care of us, rather than demanding good government. Just look to the elections since 2000 to see my point.
I totally agree that the Johnson machine has hijacked our local government and run it into the gorund. We have rising debt for nonsense things and a sharp toned government macnine that puts the people in their place, under control. Suffolk is going to the dogs, even if our credit rating is up. Mr. Standish and Herberet were our last shots at good government and setting priorities to keep our downtown core working and improving. Now we have strip malls and cookie-cutter houses growing in fields up north and politicians lining their pockets by granting approvals. Is there really anyone out there that does not realize we are on a rip to become another mess like Viriginia Beach? This is not Suffolk and the crowd we have in power are not for Suffolk! Does anyone outer really not understand that? This dreaing boundries is just their example of trying to keep power at any costs. Lets see what the Justice Department thinks of their mess and how they control the idiot City Manager to submit such skemes.
Another new borough may be necessary. The problem lies in the election process and who talleys the votes. Don't expect anything to change unless it comes from inside. The voter registra office and those "managing" the voting precincts need a good hard look by objective people (SNH?). If the same people count the votes in 2012 each and every questionable hanging chad will count. We don't need another close election for the incumbent, we need a landslide of change.
Hinton needs to GO! She does not serve the entirity of the school system well at all, nor her own district! She's self serving and only supports things "she likes." When speaking, she sounds completely ignorant of the culture of Suffolk as a whole, and is a poor representative of her area. She's currently more concerned about boys wearing dresses (read the Suffolk Sun) than the growing problem of drugs in the schools or the perception of Suffolk students when they apply to colleges or attempt great achievements in Hampton Roads. Really?
Instead of a pencil line to separate boroughs, people of the mindset of Hinton would prefer railroad tracks. She is an example of what's wrong with Suffolk's politicians who happen to be card carrying members of the Democrat Party machine or RINOs.
Term Limits anyone?
I wonder how much David "EMAIL" Sylvia has to do with this? Anyone hear where the lawsuit against him and the city stands?
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