President Obama and senior members of his staff met with eight religious leaders at the White House Wednesday to discuss protecting programs for the poor and vulnerable in deficit reduction and debt ceiling negotiations.I guess that Obama and liberals have no clue as to separation of chuch and state is about, but it makes very little difference when they are in power.Let's get this straight folks.Pastors who work for tax-exempt corporations are invoking the name of Jesus for political causes? Obama uses religion (non muslim) when its good for obtaining votes. He uses his Muslim roots when it benefits him and other Muslims.
By invoking Christian religious beliefs found in the Bible, do you think that Jesus would approve of this? Many of these so called religious foundations and churches.,many of these churches are on the dole themselves.The so called and titled "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright run multi-million-dollar operations taking money from Head Start and other federal programs.
Can anybody provide to me the addresses of the churches that Rev Al and the good Rev Jesse claim to lead. Exacty where are their chuches at?
Churches are supposed to collect alms for the poor — not demand them from taxpayers.
As a liberal, shouldn’t Obama kick them out under the liberal interpretation of separation of church and state?
How come many veteran cemetaries can't use God in their services? How can chapels that are there are closed to famlies who's family member is being buried there and they want to use the chapel for prayer? If a cheerleader can not say a prayer before a football game or a student wants to say a prayer at his or her's graduation, why are these lobbyists allowed to invoke Jesus at the White House?
It's funny Bob, I don’t recall Jesus ever being a stooge for the Roman government.There is NOTHING in the Gospels where Jesus advocates coercively taking money from anyone for any reason.
Come to think of it Invoking Jesus Christ while proclaiming support for the Muslim faith, does this not violate the tenets of Islam??? Obama might be the first US President to have a Fatwa issued against him if he continues dealing from the bottom of the deck like this.
I see that our very own liberal moonbat congress critter Jim Moran commie of NOVA is spouting off crap that he has no knowledge of.Typical of a moonbat.Dem Rep. Jim Moran: Thomas Jefferson Would Be “Embarrassed” To Be Associated With Cut, Cap And Balance…
Get a load of this B.S. and lie.
Jim Moran, a Democrat, said on Friday that Rep. Goodlatte’s remarks about the cut, cap, and balance amendment WHICH INCLUDES A BALANCED BUDGET regarding President Jefferson’s wishes was “bulls**t.” Listen to Rep. Jim Moran here.
“That’s just bulls**t.” Cap, trade and balance,is all about setting up a structure that prevents Democrats from being able to govern as Democrats. In other words. Investing money in equality and opportunity and expanding the middle class in a better life and a more sustainable environment. That’s going to take the money off the table and so the rich will get richer and the middle class will get poorer. That’s all it’s about. It’s a long term ideological strategy. That’s what cut, cap, and balance is all about.
”Thomas Jefferson would be so embarrassed to be anyway associated with this Thomas Jefferson was a humanist. He believed in treating people decently and equitably and he wasn’t always true to his word, but at least in terms of his public stance, he believed that this should be a democracy where everyone has a vote.”
Oh really?
“It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.”
- Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson, “He believed in treating people decently and equitably".“He believed in treating people decently and equitably". Including his slaves?
It is safe to say Moran and Warner NEVER would have been able to stand amongst the ranks of those who signed the Constitution, let alone he who drafted it!
Moran and Warner both are living proof that liberalism is a mental disorder
“I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves without a master.”
- Thomas Jefferson
Talk to Mr. Jefferson lately, have we, Jim?
AS a conservative and now an independent I want to thank Barack Obama for what he has accomplished as a man, and what he has inadvertently done as a president.
First the personal.
His mother’s nomadic lifestyle meant that he was often the only black kid in school — I have been an only white kid in class — and in Indonesia, he may have been the only American to boot.
Obama resisted the temptations of youth — OK, he has admitted to some drug abuse while at Columbia — to graduate from an Ivy League school and to later acquire a law degree from Harvard, where he was elected class president.
He is another example of any boy growing up to be president.
Many are the presidents who were born in log cabins and many had stepfathers, most recently Bill Clinton and Jerry Ford, both of whom had their names changed to that of their stepfathers’.
Being the one in a million who makes it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. may not have been unprecedented, but that does not make the climb easier.
Ask those who followed Edmund Hillary up Mount Everest.
Running for president as a black man took courage. While I believe charges of white racism are overblown in the country, the fear is there.
But I have political reasons to thank him.
Obama keeps proving conservatives right.
His denunciation on the campaign trail of President Bush’s foreign policies — particularly the war in Iraq — and subsequent adoption of them proved just how wise President Bush was in the prosecution of the war on terrorism.
Obama’s breaking of his promise to close Guantanamo Bay’s prison also shows that Bush was right.
Obama’s sudden embrace of the very military tribunals he once scorned does my heart good and our nation proud — and proves Bush right again.
For all his rhetoric about tax cuts for the rich, the Bush tax cuts stayed in place throughout his one — and I think only — term.
Sadly, Obama has also adopted Bush’s failed policies.
The failed $150 billion stimulus of 2008 was followed by a $787 billion disaster the next year under Obama.
On his watch, the nation has lost 2.1 million jobs so far.
Between the bank bailouts and the auto bailouts — and Bush gets a big share of the blame for that catastrophe as well — the American middle class rose up against Washington.
I ask this ask, why are we and do we reward failure?
Nothing has rallied the people as much as President Obama’s tin ear on health care.
Obamacare made Republican John Boehner the speaker of the House. The 63 seats gained by Republicans last November was their biggest gain in 64 years.
In summary, I thank Barack Obama for giving young men an inspiration to rise above their station at a time when so many boys grow up fatherless and discouraged, and work their way into prison.
His life has been a conservative one of hard work and a belief in God. I am not comfortable with the church he chose, but his attendance was faithful.
Mostly, though, I thank him for proving conservatives right.
Obama woke up the sleeping giant that is the center-right majority in this country and spawned a movement that is still growing. Also, obama was responsible for large conservative majorities at the local and state level as well. I can’t put enough emphasis on that last sentence. The local level is where everything starts. It’s time to kick the leftists to the curb including those here in Suffolk on council and th SB and take back what they have ruined through idiotic policies.
This is scarry from our Wannabe dictator Obama; quote un quote: “The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you, not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. This was said by Obama while addressing La Raza the Mesican gang who want back all of the southwest including California.
He is considering issuing an Executive Order on the debit crisis and ingnoring congress and the 14th anmedent. Pleas go ahead and lets the impeachment begin.
He does love his executive orders. If he’s already found “it tempting,” that means he has already rolled it over in his mind. Shows what he’s willing to do to get what he wants, a bankrupt country. Wonder how much Soros is splitting with him.
have come to the conclusion that he is so stupid that he thinks that the Presidency has free reign on policy and law. What a rude awakening he has had to experience! And guess what . . . the majority of Americans DO NOT want their President to have as much power as he seems to think he has. WE ARE HIS BOSS . . .President Put Put it is time someone reminded you of it.
For those of you who mistakenly do not listen to NPR to find out what the enemy is thinking, this morning they floated the idea of the President suspending the debt ceiling law on his own, citing to Abraham Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War.
The “very tempting” line is an absolutely astonishing admission. Just imagine the MSM outcry if Bush had said anything like this.Better watch this SOB! He is about a nervous breakdown away from becoming Hitler!
I think that the arrogance, irritability, and mental confusion on display by our historic First Adolescent President could be symptoms of severe GWS — golf withdrawal syndrome:Zero hasnt played golf in over three weeks and the country is paying dearly for it.Someone needs to get him out on the golf course and let grownups get on with the serious business of radically reducing government spending before the economy collapses.
I’m a little torn over all of this.
On one hand’ he does less damage when he’s playing golf or on vacation. But on the other hand, when he’s making a public idiot of himself my stocks in Smith & Wesson and Browning continue to rise almost as fast as the price of the gold I own.
Obama is suffering from Tramatic Golf Syndrome while watching the collapse of his idol Tiger Woods. He's puffing a pack a day while Michelle is stuffing her mouth. Sasha and Malia are refusing to eat their peas. This looks like a good time to go on another taxpayer paid vacation to Martha's Vineyard.
After last's nights campagin speech which is almost now 24 hours old,I am still hurling week old groceries.
I thought that his red tie went well with blue lips, I must give him that.
Right from the get go Zero was bashing Bush right off the bat and heralding a budget surplus during another Democrat scumbag; Clinton
You would think by now repeating the same lecture/speech, he wouldnt need a teleprompter.
What a dip this guy is. Corporates jets and oil companies? Gee Barry you have one and its called AF1. How many fund raisers has it taken you too? 21 so far this year? Did you buy some carbon credits.
Excuse me? He complains about coporations not paying enough. he didnt mention his buddy from GE on the debt commission receiving tax cuts and shipping 36,000 jobs to China and paying no taxes. How about GM (Obama Motors)
Didn’t his administration take over student loans?
Did he mention that the tax plan he offered back in April was rejected 97 to 0 by the senate and who controls the senate? And has since 2006?
He didnt mention that the 111th congress failed to pass his budget. blame Bush . . . blame the GOP . . . blame the rich . . . blame jet owners . . . blame anyone but him and the Dems who according to the CBO are responsible for almost 70% of the deficit. 70%. He effuses lies. Lies on top of lies.
He described Washington as a three ring circus.And who’s the circus master? Remember this when he said "Every man cannot have his way in all things”" Practice what you preach, you liar.
I wonder why he thinks Americans are stupid to believe his crap I really do wonder why he thinks Americans are that stupid.
He says Americans are tired. He's right there...tired of him.
Oh well...The Democrats and Republicans take turns winning. We lose. What’s new
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