Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The cat fight up in DC, supposedly to save our nation from utter ruin, may never be over and I can't believe either party is ready to accept cuts in spending to the tune of trillions. A few billion cut is against their nature. A buck here a buck there is how they usually trim an expenditure of mere millions. I just caught a glimpse of my 6 week hospital stay, $184,000. If they actually make cuts in Medicare, say 20%, either the hospital would get less or I would pay more. We undoubtedly face less entitlements or nothing changes. Trouble is, no matter what is decided, any negative will not apply to our honored politicians.
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Lets see how fast our House Representative Randy Forbes will fold to pressure. You folks just don't get it the longer they stay in Congress the more complacent they become. Haven't heard anything from IS's Tea Party crowd but I'm guessing they aren't partying any longer. There is an old saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. How about doing something a little different, like imbedding yourselves in the Democrat Party and forcing the party from within to demand fiscal restraint?
IS never did have a Tea Party crowd. We would have however if they had given us a sign there was life.
I don't know about the Suffolk "Tea Party," but I suspect IS, especially having become more main stream and inching out the SNH, has become the conservative voice of our community.
Bob:I keep hearing folks say that our great grandchildren will be paying for this Obama fiasco. It is going to be a lot worse than that. According to what I read in the newspaper on July 17th, the debt limit was 14.3 trillion dollars. Obama wants another 2.4 trillion dollars on top of that. That totals up to be a mere 16.7 trillion dollars. If the democrats could do basic arithmetic, they would realize that we must pay $45,722,108.15 per day for the next 1000 years to pay off that much debt. I know it's hard to believe but run the numbers for yourselves. The Democrats blatantly want nothing to do with solving the problem, they only want an issue to blame on the Re3publicans. This was so obvious. There in lies the problem in the country, one party wants control and will do any thing in its power to get it, to heck with the welfare of the country, that is not even in the picture, nor the people.
The biggest problem coming out of Washington is disseminating the facts from the rhetoric. It has become a given that our president can not speak the truth. It is a fact that for all the so called brain trust that Obama assembled in the form of czars he does not have a plan to move America forward. He is piloting this ship of state through dangerous waters with out any sea charts or maps.
If Obama is given a 2.4 trillion dollars increase for our credit card, what's to say he won't be back for more. Why does he need more money? Is it to meet our current obligations? That means we are broke and we can not cut back on our spending. Does the increase mean that he needs the money to spend on more entitlements or projects? Or does it mean that he can't be reelected unless he buys more votes? The American people are left worried but resolute. Stop the spending! We should be praising the people that we elected in 2010 for keeping their promise and standing on principle. It is a rare thing that they do!With that being said, I still believe they are all feckless and it wont take long for the new blood to become the old blood.
TERMS LIMITS AND A BALANCED BUDGET amendements are what is needed.
Simple, a democracy will last until
the populace realizes it can give the countries money to themselves.
We have arrived at that point.It is catch-up time and there is no one around to do the math.
We bailed out the banks right? Why wont they bailout us now? Borrow from our own banks and not foregin countries.Use our goal to back the loans.
Pock:More proof of liberal and Obama double standards, The follwing is proof of it bugt then again some moron will deny it.I think it is a racist statement since it comes from a black senator voting against Bush. Many in congress today have said people are saying no to Obama just because he is black
Oh wait, that makes me racist but not those blacks like Jackson Lee, Jesse Sr and his son Al, Conyers etc who accuse others.
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
–Barack Obama (Congressional Record, p. S2237 [March 2006])
After all of this political b.s. of threats, guns to the head, extreme right wing patriots who believe in the Constitution debate. The liberals are losing some of their base and repugs will see a decrease in funding illegals.
Whats funny is that the Demwit's will be the hardest hit.
There are fewer undocumented immigrants in California — and the Sacramento region — because many are now finding the American dream south of the border.
“It’s now easier to buy homes on credit, find a job and access higher education in Mexico,” Sacramento’s Mexican consul general, Carlos González Gutiérrez, said Wednesday. “We have become a middle-class country.”
Mexico’s unemployment rate is now 4.9 percent, compared with 9.4 percent joblessness in the United States.
An estimated 300,000 undocumented immigrants have left California since 2008, though the remaining 2.6 million still make up 7 percent of the population and 9 percent of the labor force, according to the Public Policy Institute of California.
Gee,If things get much worse, Mexico will be complaining about “American White-backs”.
I get it now, this is Obama’s ingenious solution to the illegal immigration problem. All of the Mexicans will run back home where they will get killed by his and Holder’s guns.
“Obama is a man of few words – he just uses them a lot.”
Why is it that the repugs are the only ones that have to compromise? I didn't see liberals compromising with the American people when they shoved Obamacare down our throats in a 2003 page bill at 1:00am in the morning.
And they wonder why repugs are not compromising?One word applies: TRUST
“Hi, I’m Barack Obama. I’m not a President, but i play one on TV…….”
The question you need to ask yourself is Why exactly does Obama want to raise the debt limit $2.7 trillion and not some other outrageously unmanageable sum? Because that on top of the mountains of money the federal government constantly bleeds from us and the $14.294 trillion current debt ceiling is all he plans on burning through before the election next year:After the election, assuming he wins, debt ceilings won’t matter anymore. America as we’ve always known it will be finished.Hie goal will be accomplished.
From the Department of Labor.Since Obama came to power our debt is up 35%. Unemployment 18%
Well its about time that the race card in the debit debate is played one more final time, dont you think?
The Democratic members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) urged President Obama on Saturday to sidestep Congress and hike the nation’s $14.3 trillion debt limit on his own. (violating the constituion for thsoe who dont know or care)
In a letter to the president, the lawmakers argue that he has “both the authority and a moral obligation” to invoke the Constitution’s 14th Amendment “to avoid an economic catastrophe of historic proportions.”
“We must not allow a political deadlock to cause the United States to default for the first time in our history,” the CBC members wrote. “Now that Congress has borrowed money and incurred debt, we cannot — as a nation and under our Constitution — walk away.”
That’s odd, I don’t remember the CBC asking George W. Bush to turn the presidency into a dictatorship, do you?
I agree we should avoid effort to reduce support to our armed forces but that is exactly what those zany, wacky members of Congress will be doing. In fact they so lack the intestinal fortitude to do it themselves, they will have a committee of bureaucrats do the cutting. Yes Sir aren't we proud of our elected officials taking control of our lives.
The idea of a strong national defense liberals think its a white flag or blue helments of UN troops.
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