Saturday, March 19, 2011


“For years, the parade the city of Suffolk holds during the Christmas season has been the highlight of the city’s holiday events. Folks line the streets along the long parade route to get a look at the bands, the floats, the fire trucks and the other units as they pass by, while they clutch warm cups of coffee and hot chocolate in an attempt to ward off the brisk December temperatures. This year it will  be held at night. During discussions about the topic, the CITY still insists on calling the event a “Holiday Parade,” instead of actually referring to the holiday it has always been meant to celebrate, and that insistence represents a misguided sop to political correctness.”

And we all know that cities cannot speak so which frightened little city employee or weak kneed politically correct committee bowed down to calling it “Holiday Parade?” They join the cowards in this country that would take Christ out of Christmas and everywhere else. They still allow Christ in that den of iniquity called Congress allowing both invocation and benediction each day, even in local Council meetings. We hear nothing from local churches.


Anonymous said...

Here we are 9 months away away from celebrating a holiday that has become a politically correct, of let's not offend others thinking and beliefs season.Our local religious leaders will not take a stand and speak out because they dont want to disprupt the "natural order" of our society when in fact when that order began to change say 30 years ago, they had no spine to speak out then. Why should they now? Do you think that the black religious and leaders are going to speak out even if they dont buy into the fact that Obama is a Christian? No!And we know why.
Many chose not to attend a church but still have a faith and celebrate that faith in the way they so choose. But why should a Christian society feel guilty to do just that by attending and choosing to do it in a church enviroment or not by celebrating their Christian beliefs with a Christmas parade, a candy cane, Christmas tree or a nativity scene, singing of Christmas carols etc etc.
We allow others to kneel on our streets with prayer cloths 5 times a day an disrupt the natural order of our society and expect us to kiss their ass while its up in the air?
Of my time of being in church as a child, I was taught christian values, I took a couple of religious classes while attending prep school. I have heard words of faith from preachers when one has lost a friend or loved ones. I remember in 1968 the crew of Apollo 8 on Christimas Eve reciting from the Bible. I guess it was then I understood what faith was. We were at that time a nation that was a nation undivided.Maybe our religious and political leaders could read those words as described by Apollo 8 miles above the earth and also remember the words of Reagan when he spoke to the country and the world in memory of those on Challenger. Maybe the faith of our religious and political leaders will once again be supported by a spine.May we all celebrate Easter with no guilt as well.

Anonymous said...

Don't like it one bit. Not going....period

Anonymous said...

If this is a Holiday Parade which Holiday are we having a Parade for,is it the after thought of Thanksgiving or for, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, First Day of Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years, MLK day or what?

Anonymous said...

Let's instead celebrate Government Appreciation Week like in Madison Wisconsin. We can have big rallys with speeches from Reverend Jesse Jackson about revolt and recall. We can have a parade with the government workers (unionized) marching with red flags fist raised shouting union power. The school children singing the lyrics of Mm, mm, mm, Barack Hussein Obama.

Deb's Education Corner