Thursday, March 31, 2011


The English word “rank” has two meanings. One is position in a list and the other describes its condition. I’d say a rank position would be in the middle and that is Suffolk’s overall physical health is when compared to all the other cities in Virginia. That’s impressive…we are 70th of 132, in the bottom fifty percent. No, we don’t blame the health department because it is carefully watched by higher authority at state and federal levels. Fairfax is at the top of the list and has similar living conditions as in Suffolk.

The study appears to be based on a study of the rate of health issues such as low birth weight, sexually transmitted infections and rates of smoking The survey also examined environmental factors, such as air pollution and access to recreational facilities; social and economic data, such as education, poverty and the violent crime rate; and clinical care measures, such as the ratio of primary care providers to the population and the rates of screening tests for diabetes, obesity and teen births. Enough said but we could add non-prescription drugs.


Anonymous said...

Anything in the study about racial profile of the highest ranking cities that can be compared to Suffolk? Fairfax has a large Asian population.

Anonymous said...

Pock OMG!!! Does this mean Money Magazine awarding Suffolk one of the top 100 Best Places to Live was a mistake? Will our property taxes increase to help our city leaders boost us to the top 50 percentile? Will Budget Officer Ann Seward demand another increase to the restaurant tax and levy a bonus fee for high fat content victuals. Why is this necessary in the first place since we already have Obamacare. We should be treated all the same. Most importantly, will we have to sacrifice more to live in this paradise called Suffolk.

Anonymous said...

In roughly one mile between Elephant's Fork and Constance Road there are twelve purveyors of fried chicken. That about says it all.

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