Wednesday, March 16, 2011


 Bar codes are suddenly an important tool. Perhaps you are fed up with China. Then don’t buy a product beginning with a bar code of 691, 692, or 693. It’s that easy. Feeling a little sympathy for Japan? Then only use barcodes beginning with 49.  Still love your country  United States and Canada? Bar codes beginning with 00 or 09 will get you their products. The rest is up to  you. Bar codes can't lie.                                                                   
691-690-692 ... then it is MADE IN  CHINA
00 - 09 ...   USA   &  CANADA
30 - 37 ...   FRANCE
40 - 44 ...   GERMANY
471  ...  Taiwan
49 ... JAPAN  
50 ...   UK        

So who knows how to read the first three letters without a scanner?


Anonymous said...

A more reliable method for finding the country in which a product was manufactured is to look for a "made in" label on the product packaging.

If there is no such indication ask the clerk to scan it and name the country.

Anonymous said...

My father died on on Iwo Jima and we still don't like the Japanese. They are getting a dose of their own medicine--violence.

Anonymous said...

During the Nazi occupation every man and teenage boy in my father's village was gathered in a field and machine gunned down by German soldiers in retribution for guerilla attacks. Those found wounded were finished off with a bayonet in cold blood. The women and children were locked up in the school while the town was set ablaze. This attrocity was done in the dead of winter. Over a thousand died. That was 68 years ago. Since then we have forgiven the German people but not the soldiers that perpetrated the massacre. They took the sin of that holocaust to their grave. We hold no grudge to the generations of Germans that were born after the war. Sometime ago what was left of our family learned to forgive but never ever forget. Every year on that special day we recite the names of those in our family lost and light a candle in their memory.

Anonymous said...

Jerry was born and reared in Hawaii. He was a intellegent soft spoken kind man. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, his parents were sent to an interrment camp because they were Japanese Nationals. Feeling the need to defend his country Jerry did a silly thing, he signed up and joined the 442nd. Fighting in Italy and Germany he was wounded several times. While in Germany Jerry did another silly thing, he married a German girl and brought her back to Hawaii. Bringing home "an enemy" German and marrying a non-Japanese must have been very difficult for them. Nevertheless they had a family and a long happy life together. Jerry was highly respected in the business community, at his temple and in Japan. I don't know if Jerry has joined his 442nd brothers in peace or is among the fast dwindling ranks of Veterans but he certainly taught us a lessen in humility.

Anonymous said...

2:59 what an iditoic comment.Using a world war and death to a earthquake as a comparrison of a natural disaster and a man made event and the death it has has created,and to do it from a personal "insight" stance. I am sure that you spend money on products that comes from Japan including cars.How would you react if you were to see that your 401 fund is invested in many Japanese companies.? I am sorry that you lost your dad at Iwo Jima. Its obivious you missed his guidance in your formative years.You in my opinion cheapen his death with that kind of comment.At least your dad who was pobaly a Marine he held true to his beliefs, honor, character, befief in family God and country.I would also bet if he had survived you might have learned of those same traits. Semper Fi is more that words, its lifestyle its a family trait that is learned earned and practiced by thousands of Marine and other military familes all across this great country he died for. You should be ashamed

Anonymous said...

Everyone has a right to their opinion and IS provides space for it. Let's not screw it up by beating on one man's head. Better to work to change his mind. Remember that we still have skinheads in this country

Anonymous said...

But who is serious enough about stopping buying from China that they will look at bar codes? Recyclers perhaps. By the way, anyone know how many are currently paying the city $12 a month for pick up of the stuff that can be recycled?

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