Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Doors sealed, business closed as investigators study corruption. STOP  is broke. The largest anti-poverty agency in the area is gone except for uncovering the financial mess. STOP was recently named as the agency to occupy the Norfolk approved Midtown office complex, a black developers dream. It was to be subsidized by Norfolk if Stop became a major tenant. It appears corrupt black managers have cost Norfolk over $l00 million but, strangely the failure has not stopped Norfolk from offering very nice “Golden Parachutes to leaving employees. So the needy went without but some ex-employees gained a $100,000 each.


Anonymous said...

I guess Franklin Rains, Al, Jesse, Jermiah,Calypso Louie and impeached federal judge now congressmen John Conyers and Shabissh,Cleaver, Cummings and Cummings are enjoying the beach down in the Dominican Republic with Charlie Rangle working on their tans. Can you imagine the ladies who might be there? Conyers wife,opps not her she is in jail,Shelia Jackson(I saw the flag that we put on Mars) Lee, Maxine Walters (40 thousand and a Lexus)Cynthia (I am not a racist, I just dont like white people) Mckinney
Not one of them mentioned above has character, honor and honesty like Lt. Col Allen West and Herman Cain.
West or Cain for president gets my vote in 2012. I wonder what the late republican MLK would say of these two men?

Anonymous said...

Wasn't one of our school board members a vice-president of the STOP organization here?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think a audit is called for. Why no warnings from their CFO? Its bad news all around for the kids, the employees, Mercedes Benz, BMW and Lexus.

Anonymous said...

Why not ask Michael Steele why his brothers and sisters in Maryland ditched him for the white candidate. When you can answer that you know why Cain and West don't stand a chance.

Anonymous said...

A $10.4 million discrepancy in the city’s utility fund has caused the city to fall out of compliance with its own fiscal policy and could affect next year’s water rates.

And I thought we always heard about how professional our City Manager was and how everything was so fine under her watch. What a hack and on top of that making so much money from us. Now there will be a huge campaign to blame everyone else for the errors in judgement and management that are her fault as the top girl sunday! You just could not write this stuff for TV!

Anonymous said...

The price tage for a new city hall just went up. Remember to thank the mayor and city council the next time you vote.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Ms. Sewage pays a water bill in the municipality where she lives?

Anonymous said...

Steele played himself right out the door with his mananging of the RNC. Plain and simple.If you are speaking of Steels personal family His sister turned against him because of his stance on abortion. His mother is a devout Catholic. He doesnt have a brother.If you are speaking of his "brothers and sisters" History shows that they vote democratic and he has been called a house negroe along with a few other names.West and Cain can win more support within the white community as time goes on. History also shows that repugs are more supportive of civil rights and even with the damage that Obama has done to the image of black politricians along with the help of blacks in power in general. Black conservatives will make a difference with white voters. I will vote for West if he were to run. I see no "white" front runner that I can support at this time.Pence gets my attention, but I dont think he wants to make a run for the WH yet. If you want to make an arguement that West isnt ready. West is a no nonsense fellow and displays leadership qualities where as Obama stills displays zip even after two years.
You will never hear West say "Present" and he will answer the phone at 3:00 am

Anonymous said...

I forgot to respond to the question of why the black voters turned against Steele and went with the white candidate
A. Blacks did not support Bush where Steel was a big supporter of Bush (three-quarters of black Marylanders strongly disapproved of President Bush and nine out of 10 believed the war in Iraq was not worth fighting.)

B. The white candidate was a liberal who opposed Bush and repugs.Ben Cardin was a white Jew and Kweisi Mfume, a black who left his position as president and CEO of the NAACP in 2004.were his opponets and I believe that Mfume was his opponet after the primary was over.Not much of a fighting chance for a blasck conservative where Maryland has a large black political base. But lets not mention what has happend to Baltimore after blacks took control of the city. Its beoming another cesspool like Detroit,Newark, Chicago, Oakland, Kansas City and Atlanta just to name a few that are run by black liberals whos political base is entitlement thinking. Something that West and Cain dont.

Anonymous said...

Lets support Donald Trump he's wealthy, smart, a good dresser well spoken and White.

A majority of Americans have ridden themselves of White Guilt since 2008. There will not be another Black President in our lifetime thanks to Obama......Period.

Steele running as a Rupublican was indeed an outcast among his own people in the State of Maryland. Maryland has two shores East and West and is likewise split by industry, politics and race. The Western Shore is heavily government dependent-influenced, with rusting smokestack industries surrounded by suburbia with a large Black population in Baltimore and PG County and Democrat. The Eastern Shore is agriculture based with light industry, sparsely populated, independently minded predominately White and Conservative. Had Steele had a D instead of an R after his name he would have been a shoe in. A Black running for president as a Republican will not get the support they need from White Americans and that is a very sad commentary where we are as a people but nevertheless realistic.

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