Sunday, December 19, 2010


What, does “serving openly as a homosexual” mean? Is all homosexual conduct permitted, e.g. cross dressing when going to the PX? What conduct is not permitted?
Will “hate speech” policies apply to the armed forces after the repeal of the law? If a service member uses a term offensive to homosexuals, can he be charged with hate speech? Will commanders be required to take judicial action? If no judicial action is taken, will commanders be subject to civil or criminal suit by various homosexual political groups and their elected sponsors? Will the personal opinion on homosexuality of a service member become an impediment to promotion or assignment to key billets?
Are there any assignments to which homosexuals must be or may not be assigned?
Will the Senate and the House Armed Services committees demand sexuality statistics to make certain that homosexuals are being promoted at the same rate as non-homosexuals?
Will homosexuals be promoted at a faster rate to “compensate” for previous years of discrimination?

What benefits will same-sex “partners” receive? How long must one have a relationship to qualify as a partner? Will partners of homosexuals be assigned to on-base housing? Do former partners of active duty homosexuals retain dependent benefits (like a divorced spouse) when divorce is not a legal option? Will homosexual service members be permitted to date each other? Live with each other as partners in bachelor officer quarters (BOQ) or bachelor enlisted quarters (BEQ)? How does this affect fraternization regulations? Will homosexuals be deployed to countries where homosexuality is a crime? If not, who picks up the slack? What happens if a dyke lesbian insists on staying with the guys, and fighting as a man? Using their facilities etc. because “she” wants to be a man?
When enlistments are up Will we see a mass exodus of our troops? If a gay soldier is offended by a straight soldier will we see a law suit filed?

The US Census Bureau reports that about 1% of the total population is LGBT (which is short for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender), which probably translates to less than 1% in the military. And we have a congress and president (all lower case now because they don’t deserve respect) that passes laws favorable to less than 1% of the population. This country has truly degenerated from a Constitutional Republic into nothing more than a mob-ruled third world cesspool full of liberals, progressives, and the politically correct. 



Anonymous said...

there is another issue on this policy that those idiots in DC failed to know or understand. We have over 25 or so Repug govenors who have National Guard and Air Guard troops. Those troops fall under the command of the govenor of the state ant the Adjunat General of the state. They are paid for by the taxpayers of that state.These troops are responsible and accountable to the state and not the federal govt.What now if theose governors and the republican controlled state houses adopt a uniform policy that We will recruit new soldiers and airmen according to these standards and operate our military units under them. Same-sex fraternization will be vigorously prosecuted according to the established guidelines in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the Manual for Courts-Martial, as well as our state laws."
Its time to tell Obama and others enough is enough with their social enginneering. This could be on big long expensive lawsuit. What the DC crowd is doing is called Federalsim. The only way that this can happen is for Obama to nationalize these state forces and then the feds have to pay of it. I dont think he will nationalize them.

Anonymous said...

Here is another question.Men and women in the armed forces dont shower together, so why would we put straight and gay individuals in this position?
I am not judging homosexuals. I am not hating homosexuals. I am asking only questions. I am not judging the "effect" of allowing homosexuals to openly serve in the military. That is a different issue. The utter pc nonsense of "all things for all people at all times in every sphere" that slothful minds have come to believe is the essence of liberty needs to be attacked and discredited at every turn. Men should not use the women's bathroom. Women should not use the men's. And if you're homosexual either by genetics or choice, Life is not Burger King; you cannot have it your way.

Anonymous said...

The CIC was all smiles as he signed into law the repeal of DADT. He also stated while smiling that those who are gay in the miltary and those wanting to join will never again have to live a lie again.
EXCUSE ME, CIC when will you do what you SAY or tell others how to live. When will you and John the traitor Kerry release your military records. Opps you have none Barrack so lets try your BC and your college transcripts to begin with.

Anonymous said...

I have taken this to a level where I have tuned in black radio stations to hear the commentary of blacks regarding DADT. I have discovered that black radio stations don't mention Obama's signing of DADT? Brother Al has been mute but he wants to hush Rush. Does Jesse still want to cut off Obamas testicles? They know black people are against the homosexual agenda, so they keep uninformed black people in the dark. To liberals, the military is nothing but a jobs program. And the military has sold itself that way for decades. The problem is now that about 70% of high school graduates who are black cant pass the simplest of test and are obese
Even today our military has stopped AA. I guess that it will make a comeback because of the acceptance of the repeal of DADT. What if we are invaded? What are the gays going to do b slap them with their boas? I dont see a large influx of blacks entering into the military because of gays.
All of this gives new dimension to "Brothers In Arms."
Double standards drive me nuts. They bother me when I'm advantaged, and they infuriate me when I'm disadvantaged on the basis of a double standard. Maybe that's just my own personal neurosis, shared by few others. BTW. Full disclosure: I am a white, heterosexual, Southern male.

Let's imagine for a moment that a boorish male soldier grabs a female, "just for the thrill of it". If she turns around a slaps him, or strikes him with a closed fist, or resorts to the ever faithful ol' crotchshot, do you think she would be disciplined? (No) Do you think that after she whacks him he will be disciplined if she reports him, assuming his grab was witnessed? (Yes) (i.e., the grabber is punished, the striking grabbee gets a pass)

Now let's imagine that a boorish male gay soldier puts the grab on a straight SWM soldier in the shower "just for the thrill of it". If the SWM soldier turns around and decks him and breaks his jaw do you think the SWM soldier will be disciplined for "assualting a gay soldier in the fashion of hate crime"? (Yes) Do you think the gay soldier will be disciplined, even if the grab was witnessed? (No) (i.e., striking grabbee is punished, gay grabber gets a pass)

Ah, you gotta love the old double standard. I'm sure this sort of politically correct disciplinary idiocy will occur. But I'm sure it won't have any effect on recruitment or especially unit cohesiveness or retention.

Anonymous said...

All this is about is the recognition by the Federal Government of same sex marriage. Once an openly gay soldier's partner is given the same priveldges as a heterosexual couple the institution of marriage in the same sex is official throughout the country. The Battleship Iowa is missing a gun turret, was it just an unfortunate accident or a lover's quarrel.

Anonymous said...

The silence over this issue is deafening. No wonder the country is spinning downwards into becoming a cesspool of liberal/marxist/socialist decaying idealogy. Social engineering is second in line afer the take over of industry, education,and religion.
The military believes that it will resolve the issues of gays in the military through "education and training.". Something about re-education camps comes to mind. What does this encompass? Will it teach servicemen that their moral and religious beliefs are wrong? (see comment on take over) or surrending of ones religious beliefs in the name of the state?

Anonymous said...

Anon: 8:30
Great point. How many dont know of this event. That it even took place and or the reason. I think that the Navy has to deal with a problem that other services dont. Surface warships and submariners have to live in tight quarters.With the repeal of DADT and the beginning of "openly gay" service members will it then mean that "Adam and Steve" can sit on the mess decks holding hands and gazing endearingly into each others eyes? Will "Adam and Steve" share the same the same time...on a Submarine? As most sailors know the cohesiveness and unity of a ships company is crucial to the ability of the ship to perform its assigned mission. Distractions such as "openly gay" service members in public display of their fondness of the same sex will be harmful to the good order and discipline of any sea going command.We already know about the epidemic of pregnant women in the Navy. Now they have plans to put women on submarines. It must be great for those hormone filled young folks at night on the Navy ships with men and women in close quarters. Think about the good times they will have on submarines. I just hope they have roughly a 50/50 mix so no one gets left out of the party. Now that gays will be free to do their thing, everyone can have a good time.

Liberals have made the cause du jour a cause that effects an institution in which the majority of them do not serve, and if they do, they represent the slenderest of minorities. Alas, it is the epitome of the crap sandwiches which they love to set in front of their political enemy, conservatives, and force them to eat. They couch their crusade in false flags such as "service" and "honor" and know not what those terms mean.
Our own Senator Jim Webb (Vietnam veteran) is included in my thinking as well.The problem with Webb is he forgot what honor and character is.Several of the books Webb has written had graphic descriptions of inscet and graphic sexual acts.Of course Webb responded to critics that his writings were being taken out of content.Hopefully in the next election Virginia voters will see that their votes against Webb and his social engineering wont be taken out of context.

Anonymous said...

Almost everyone here are homophobic, and completely do not understand.

Ive had a life of abuse as a gay man for 60 years.

We dont fancy everyman we see,we dont furtively look for fun in showers, we are as brave a soldier as anyone else. WE ARE HOMOSEXUAL..WE ARE NOT HETEROSEXUAL WHO CHOOSE TO HAVE SAME SEX FUN.

I know of lots of "Straight" men who have tried it on with gay men when its their wives problem time.

So many gay military men have lived through the ages....
Lawrence of Arabia, Several Kings,Lots of Generals.

You lot need to get real, and accept that there are others in the world except you.

Deb's Education Corner