Wednesday, December 1, 2010


11 Billion is spent annually on welfare to illegal aliens by state governments. $2.2 Billion dollars is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. $12 billion is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English! $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education of the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. 11 Billion a year is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. Kinda adds up, don’t it? Thought you'd like to know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bob:One can sum up the Democrat/liberal/progressive/socialist, by simply pointing out they use the index finger of the right hand while simultaneously using the middle finger of the left. Really no need to delve further.

Deb's Education Corner