Sunday, December 26, 2010


Now that Randy Forbes has been knighted and titled Chairman of the Armed Services Readiness Committee will his meetings with General Odierno, the man with the hammer, make any difference in the amount of personnel being transferred, fired, replaced? One would imagine "Readiness" would include suggesting, convincing, demanding, forcing  the military services to work together whether defending our nation from evil doers or defeating the enemy. Apparently it takes about 3000 military and civilian "employees" to make it happen while Gates, the boss, is probably steered, driven by bureaucrats to save $$$ where possible. Surely Obama knows nothing about the military, loathes it, and would disarm the country, that is until this recent election. Maybe some second thoughts on the horizon. Working together means a lot more than say Marines under fire asking the Air Force for help. Full unhesitating cooperation is a tough goal to reach partly because of past we learned in World War II and other nation clashes since. Too many supernumeraries that had to think about it. But don't ask the Admirals and Generals to agree with that statement.                                 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who cares? At least we have Obama Care.
Now that DADT has been repealed, maybe the military can help keep it open by using it for sensetivity training.

Deb's Education Corner