Sunday, October 10, 2010


The Electoral Board situation is already an old cow pie, and judges of the Circuit Court refuse to step on it. Why attempt to settle this dispute when the characters involved in this drama are already reading from different scripts and life goes on.  Cow pies can be deceptive, time and sunshine cause them to crust  over but just below that  is an unsolvable mess no one wants to hear about. And this cow pie in particular does not deserve the attention of anyone. It would be difficult for a judge  or jury to keep from laughing as testimony and/or witnesses were brought  forward. We think the judges were at best scratching their heads at the notion that this mess deserved their attention. Case closed.


Anonymous said...

There really is only one question to ask. What would have happened if this had been done in a normal office setting, where a supervisior sent such an email to a subordinate of the opposite sex? I dare a guess that the powers to be would have fried the supervisor at the stake and it would have been "well-done" at least!

David Sylvia made a huge mistake that shows his lack of judgement and the remedy is that he resign from the position he abused so greviously. Anything less and his ability to function in this critical and sensative political position is compromised!

The judges made the right decission, by not letting these things taint them and I applaud them for their insight and wisdom, but that does not let Mr. Sylvia off the hook.

Dave, be a man and just resign and let the community move forward. Most likely these words will fall on deaf ears, woun't they, Dave?

Anonymous said...

This is another case where when you step in it it ozzes between your toes. We use to use the word cussssssssh when describing it. I dont see this being funny at all. What I see is one violating city policy regarding the use of its computers. The email's content's were inapproiate, offensive and childish. I dont care if he was sending it to only males inside the city adminstration or not.If this had been a email with racial over tones would the city still circle the wagons? I cant excuse Sylvia's conduct. This cities adminstration is led by females and they see no wrong doing? Yep the city leadership wants this pile of steamy cow pie to just dry up and blow away. Too many cases that where city leaders elected or not have been involved with have done just that.Suffolk is no different that what the DOJ practices, selective enforcement.
I suggest that that a email campagin of sexist jokes and x rated pictures be sent to all city leaders. Just dont do it from your work station, as most companies I know all have policies in place to guard against this very same issue. You dont think that sooner or later the receipent of your email isnt going to report it to your supervisor or owner of the business in which you work? How funny will it be then?

Anonymous said...

Historical fact:
When the city learned of a manager of the recreation department engaged in sexual relations with a co worker (who happend to be his lady friend) on city property he and she were both fired immediately. They had a tape of the incindent. They had evidence. Is the email that was sent not evidence? Is the admitting of it being sent by Sylvia NOT EVIDENCE? Yet we know nothing has been done and it appears nothing will be done at all. Politicans wonder why taxpayers and citizens are fed up with govt? Suffolk and yes the country get what we deserve. Its time to stop turning our heads and looking the otherway. Its time to stop protecing its own. Misdeameanor or felony it makes no difference. We expect zero tolerance in our kids at school. This policy should be expected from our so called "adult" leaders.

Anonymous said...

Commentators please refer to rpock Rule #1:

When a comment is rejected there is good reason for doing so. Too often there are unsubstantiated statements of "fact" that could be misunderstood. To indicate that one knows what another person will say or do, or believes, is foolish if based on conjecture. If the person commenting includes an email address we (IS) can double check.

If you are sincere then submit your emails otherwise prepare to see your comments censored....rejected.

Deb's Education Corner