Sunday, October 3, 2010


If you  are interested in the dismantling of our nation's military to save money for the Obama administration's social programs see Rep Randy Forbes opinion piece in today's SNH. Forbes holds nothing back in his assessment of what is going on in the Pentagon. We have lived through these military declines before and regretted the time  and technology lost. There will be a clamoring for Gates's head but it is obvious he is only following the orders of higher ups who are following the dictates of highest. Perhaps this quick way to cut the nations indebtedness, mostly caused by the highest,  is to slash the military. But before very long the country will be screaming even louder about people out of work, and the nation's weakening defense. And surely our enemies will watch closely.

Back in 1940 we were able to organize quickly and rebuild our military just in time. But we had lost the technological gains we could have had and paid dearly for it. This will happen again unless there are dramatic changes in our government this November.  


Anonymous said...

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced military spending cuts in programs that he has found to be bloated, redundant, and unnecessary. Good for him.Hey Forbes.Think about this.Now we need a similar commitment to cost-cutting and fiscal responsibility from cabinet members, other agency heads, and, of particular symbolic importance, Members of Congress, who should immediately consider reducing their salaries and office expenses.
Just maybe you "lifers" could save some jobs other than your own but then again its the voter who controls that.

This makes sense to me. Makes sense, cut your pay by 25% THEN cut out your kickbacks. Members of congress don't get to be millionaires on their salaries alone.
Along with that 25% cut they should eliminate the $90,000+ annual chunk of money you get which congress doesnt have to account for! Yes, that's right, each congresshack gets an additional $93,000 plus to do with as they want without having to submit a receipt.
Eliminate the EPA, the Department of Education AND the Department of Energy and we'll see some real savings. Liberals hate the military so it becomes their first target. The military is covered under the Constitution. The others are not, along with the hundreds of entitlement programs. The Dumbocrats will never cut their "vote buying" programs. Ever.
The socialists who gatheered yesterday in DC have for a long time dreamed of the day they can eliminate the military which, by their line of reasoning, "is why we have wars at all". I know, convoluted's pathetic. But....given the socialists ongoing agenda, they may very well "come to the conclusion" that "all we can do" to balance the budget is to go to a wafer-thin military. Cutting military spending won't be hard for them to "justify". Note I use all their terms in quotes so as not to be misunderstood that I actually believe anything they say.
This logic also applies at the local politics level. They always scream for more money in taxes, yet when state revenues are down, the first thing to suffer is public services like police, fire department and so on. But perish the thought of canceling any give-away money program. "They are suffering...they really need it". So by that logic it's better to lay off police or firemen and put them on unemployment before you take away the food stamps or the welfare, etc. Drug rehab, needle programs, "free" condoms, and eco tunnels for turtles down in Florida and prop up states like California.
Obama wants a military all right, but one over which he has complete control.Do you remember him saying he wanted a "national security force, equal in size and funding to the military but NOT the military".
This is why he thinks it's necessary to shrink the military by 88%. Only then can he start to build a "national security force".
The miliatary is and always will be the victim of people seeking cushy jobs and fat retirements these days.
Pock, I dont really know if I want to laugh or cry becuase I dont see those who suck the oxygen out of Washington actually wanting to change things at all.Hows that hope and change working for you now America?

Anonymous said...

Follow up to comment 1
In the words of our anti American anti military president. "Let me be clear". I am not into drive by type critical remarks being shot in the dierection of Randy Forbes. My commentary is directed to those in Congress in general and as status quo where it appears that one is looking to improve ones standing by being PC or self enrichment. The entire Tidewater area and the STATE has a true champion in Forbes. His voting record on the military and military related issues is unmatched.
I have no worry as to how Randy will vote on DADT.
I dont see the govt keeping the JFMCO open.All in the area here that are a part of the military complex who work in it or live in it will suffer because of liberals/progressives who think that lighting candles, holding hands,singing Imagine or saying we are sorry is going to make this world and country a better place isnt going to cut it.
Thank you Randy for your efforts in advance no matter how this turns out.

Anonymous said...

The military may be the only trump card left to stop the socialist takeover. If Obama has his way, his US version of the Red Guard will have greater control, funding and influence than the DOD. Obama may not be successful this time but rest assured the next Carter-Clinton-Obama President will be. Just like Nationalized Healthcare they won't give up unless they are stopped by the courts, constitution and if necessary a defiant military.

Wade said...

A few thoughts on the topic of JFCOM and our Congressman.
1. If JFCOM were in another state would feel we as strongly about it?
2. If SECDEF and former Commanding Officers feel the current Command is not worth the money why not listen? I want jobs as much as anyone but tough choices have to be made and our Military leaders are capable of making them. Making them without interference and random deci$ions made by politicians.
3. In regard to Congressman Forbes. I would expect any politician in this area to fight for the military and local jobs. I have serious concerns about him but that can wait for another post.

Lastly, what a great website. I found it while looking up information on the election next month.
Wade in Chuckatuck borough

r.pock said...

As some proof that we read every comment and then accept and print or reject all comments as they arrive we thank Wade for his kind words about our effort to keep citizens informed as best we can.

rpock said...

‘Hampton Roads' elected leaders have set aside their partisan differences as they join to fight to save the Joint Forces Command. BUT MEMBERS OF THE WASHINGTON LOBBYING FIRM HIRED WITH LOCAL TAX DOLLARS TO HELP PROTECT THE REGION’S MILITARY ASSETS HAVE NOT. The firm has 260 attorneys in its D.C. office.. Akin Gump is under contract with the Hampton Roads Military and Federal Facilities Alliance, which lobbies in support of military bases. Last year, it paid Akin Gump about $520,000 for its services, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The alliance is supported by a 50-cent-per-resident fee paid by the cities of Hampton Roads including SUFFOLK. “ Half a million paid to them but we still are losing Jfcom.

Anonymous said...

The DOD's process of determining to close JFCOM remains in question. Forbes certainly heard something about it from the DC grapevine and the committees he is a member of. But he chose instead to let it appear that it came out of no where and that he could make points for his own political gains. Please do not let yourself be taken in by him again.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:57

Where is Warner? Where is Webb?
Could this be a case of a liberal who is anti military and thinks shutting the command center down is alright?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:14 Nope! Warner and Webb are just as at fault perhaps more so because of their party affiliation.

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