Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Drop by the old Courthouse to visit both your new Visitor Center and your share of the  $1,000,000 that came from your pocket to restore the grandeur of the 1800s. Of course explainers will point out that “the money was actually from grants so it actually wasn’t yours.” The Visitor Center is similar to a yacht, a hole in the water in which you pour money…employees pretending they are busy and recovering their cost by making telephone calls and dusting off the stacks of tourist pamphlets designed to direct travelers to interesting places. Suffolk citizens have yet to see proof there is profit in this business but so what, the coffee is free and they do have a cute little kitchen. I grant there is some pride in being able to provide such quarters with those huge white columns adorning Constance and Main. And as the tourist dollars roll in there is no excuse for not restoring the Phoenix Bank to its former glory. It is beginning to look like Washington Street will eventually outshine Main. Golly, even City Hall could end up there.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the people who work for the city tourism department are good quality employees and there are people who come here and stay at hotels/motels for the purpose of visiting, conducting business, attending functions or events etc., but to come to Suffolk to tour the city, this would be rare. If the purpose of a tourism department is to get people to come to Suffolk to help business's such as hotels/motels, restaurants, convenient stores and the like then those business's that want such should have to pay for it. If there were no tourism department in the city the same number of people would be employed in the business's that are now served and the same taxes would be collected.

Deb's Education Corner