Thursday, October 14, 2010

Virginia Tea Party Convention Report

My wife and I had the great pleasure of attending the 2-day Virginia Tea Party Convention in Richmond this past week and got a full sense of citizen outrage with politicians in BOTH parties who have wasted such vast amounts of wealth and accomplishing nothing except pandering to special interest groups! The theme of the Convention was "The Constitution Still Matters" and included dozens of fabulous lectures and breakout sessions that delved into just how far Congress and the Courts have departed from the document every elected official or Judge takes an Oath to honor, defend and uphold! In fact, however, most politicians and judges are more likely to view the Constitution as a coffee table decoration than as the basis of our government and the primary source for this nation’s laws! They don’t read it, don’t understand it, and only refer to snippets of it out of context when some staffer suggests that it might help score rhetorical points against citizens and opposing officials. In fact, we learned just how few elite legal school curriculums even teach Constitutional law, preferring to jump right to the Case law that distorts it and gives license to do whatever agenda current political correctness is trying to achieve at the moment. The entire weekend was filled with fantastic breakout sessions and main lecture hall speakers (university constitutional scholars, authors, Heritage Foundation experts, candidates, policy and political analysts), all far exceeding any public education session I’ve ever had the pleasure of attending in my over 60 years!

Several elected officials were present as panel members--very few as speakers. While a few of them were clearly enlightened, Virginia VA AG Cuccinelli was received like a rock star for his fundamental understanding that if Obamacare remains standing in its current form, our Constitutional Republic will for all intents and purposes become extinct! He clearly sees that if Big Government can force We the People to purchase a commercial product such as a politically correct insurance policy filled with government bureaucrat dictated content, the Government can then mandate that we do, purchase, stop purchasing, eat, not eat, attend, believe, live or not live, and accept ANYTHING! The entire fundamental concept of Limited Government and free people permitted to and responsible for living their own lives is over!

No politician or public official can attend such an event without taking away a heightened awareness of the utter contempt that many good people have for the mess local, state, and federal officials—and especially the U.S. Congress—have created through their ignorance of the Constitution and their refusal to follow it. The only debate for many is whether this is through utter incompetence, ignorance, or arrogance. The message is smaller government, less spending, and more freedom –and in spite of what the LSM reports, ANY legal citizen --or legal immigrant who wishes to become a citizen--of any income, ethnic background, education, or capability is welcome! Bigger government spenders or anyone who believes in taking from those who produce to redistribute this to those who won’t or don’t won’t find supporters among the Independent Tea Party movement!


Anonymous said...

Very informative an well written article. Provides a real service to someone wanting to learn about this subject.

Anonymous said...

What those who think the Tea Paty participants are anti American and racist fail to understand is what government can, cannot, should, shouldn't do is best summarized by the preamble to the Constitution: to organize a disorganized free societies (and and their unique individuals) to form a more perfect union. The functions of this government is to Provide for the Common Defense; Promote the General Welfare of the citizens; Establish Justice; Insure Domestic Tranquility; and Secure the Blessings of Liberty.

Nowhere does it dare say to create jobs or to create wealth to relieve the People of their responsibilities. Instead, it recognizes that only a government of limited powers can prevent the return of the tyranny we left behind (securing the blessings), protect private property (domestic tranquility), defend the shores of each state, and provide the general welfare of the people (meaning the people can empower government to do for them what the people already have a right to, such as self defense, but are too weak to do themselves).

Another point of those who do stand with the tea party understand is that there is no such thing as "good government". Governments are neither good nor. bad. Governments are at their core raw power, and the men and women who exercise of that power is the determining factor of 'good' or 'bad'. This is why the founders put such an emphasis on religion and religious training. Such power in the hands of immoral people would destroy us.We see this with Obama, Michelle Obama, Harry Reid,Nancy Pelosi and other liberals the czars of Obama and thsoe who serve in his adminstration. Remember those who are in the adminstration they serve at Obama's beckon call.
What is never debated is value of the government. This is exactly what the Tea Party is doing, it is questioning the good the bad and the value of government.
The best form of government is small government. It stays out of the citizens' way and allows for creativity to flourish. Too much government interference leads to stagnation. Regulation gone awry causes people to avoid investment in new business, or hiring in established ones. Taxation keeps the general public from spending on anything but necessities because there is a reduction in discretionary income.

Government interference at present is causing uncertainty everywhere. No one wants to hire new employees only to find they cannot afford to keep them six months later. Businesses are not investing in growth because they don't know if they will have customers to buy their products, or be forced out of business by an agency like the EPA, with their greenhouse gas regulation. Ie the coal industry.

Bad government or good?
The FCC plans on taking control of the internet on November 30th. No law has been passed, no votes taken. They have just decided to do it. Obama plans on ruling by executive order, no matter who wins the elections We have been heading into dangerous territory.
The government does not view itself as benefactors of the public but as people who are in control of the masses and must see that we do exactly what they have defined as the correct way. They determine how much water it takes to flush a toilet, doesn't matter whether it takes one flush or three to get the waste gone, they determine what wattage light bulb and what kind we must use, they provide secure bottle caps for medicine bottles, milk bottles, etc. that take two people to open, etc. Is that good governemnt or bad? Would you say that there is value in that?
I think that the tea party movement is what the premable states.

Anonymous said...

You only have to look in the mirror to see who got us in this situation. Your vote and that of your neighbor has placed these people in charge and they have done the bidding as your rep.

The bigger question is, what have you done personally to change this sad situation? I bet if you answer honestly, it is very very little!

See you at the polls.

Anonymous said...

No the real question is have you looked in the mirror? Was it your vote that contributed to the situation at hand. I think that I have stated by my beliefs.

G.H. Mears ME, MBA said...

Anonymous 11:33PM. Good points all and I'm pleased you have more than a passing knowledge of the Constitution. In my mind that makes you far more qualified to hold public office than most warming those seats today! But for the majority whose knowledge of the Constitution is limited to what they have heard from the very skewed and agenda-driven media, you offer me an opportunity to contest a couple of points you brought up, specifically regarding the General Welfare clause and your observation that Government is neither good, nor bad.

First, the General Welfare Clause is perhaps the favorite and most abused clause in our Constitution by politicians looking for an excuse to raid the public treasure to buy votes. They look at it as there get-out-of-jail-free clause! In fact, The Constitution specifically limits the application of that Clause to the Enumerated Powers. By the way, the General Welfare Clause’s first cousin, the Proper and Necessary Clause, is also used as an excuse but what can be done under this clause is also tied to the the same Enumerated Powers! Please note:

The Necessary and Proper Clause (also known as the Elastic Clause, the Basket Clause, and the Sweeping Clause), contained in US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, clause 18: The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers {specifically referring to the Enumerated Powers!} , and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

In case readers are wondering, here is a complete list of the 20 areas the Constitution "enumerates" as the ONLY Legislative Powers that Congress possesses. According to the 10th Amendment, all else is controlled by the States or the People.

1. Borrow money
2. Regulate commerce among the states
3. Regulate naturalization
4. Regulate bankruptcies
5. Coin money
6. Fix weights and standards
7. Punish counterfeiters
8. Establish post offices
9. Establish post roads
10. Record patents
11. Protect copyrights
12. Create federal courts
13. Punish pirates
14. Declare war
15. Raise an army
16. Provide a navy
17. Call up the militia
18. Organize the militia
19. Makes laws for Wash, DC
20. Make rules for the Army and Navy

And as to your point about government not being good or bad, an entire host of Founders would argue correctly that this is not so. But since I’ve invoked Madison as an authority above, I’ll list 3 instances where he leans clearly to an interpretation that any more Government that is absolutely necessary tends to be bad.

"The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse." --James Madison

"All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree." --James Madison

"There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." -- James Madison (speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 16 June 1788)

The Constitution is short and needs to be read often!

G.H. Mears ME, MBA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wade said...

The Republicans have pledged to require that every bill contain a citation of Constitutional
authority. I hope they do.
Most of the Pledge is vague platform stuff short on specifics. If it were not for the Perfect Storm of Obama, Reid, and Palosi I would think the Republicans should spend more time in the wilderness.
I wish our Congressional Representative governed with Tea Party values. Randy Forbes has not lived up to the promise of his 2001 campaign.
I assume he will talk the talk again if he feels he needs to.

Anonymous said...

I too am disappointed with Randy Forbes but given the socialist (not to mention avowed atheist) challenging Randy, Mr. Forbes appears to be the only viable candidate in the race. He is conservative and has voted against all the stimulus packages--whether Bush or Obama--so he recognizes absurd legislation. He just doesn't seem able to make a difference. His biggest issues are either unchangeable or inconsequential. But even if he isn't a leader, he does understand the Constitution and he will be a reliable vote for any conservative leaders who do assert themselves.

Anonymous said...

George your compliment I thank you for it. I am not ready to run for any office nor do I thrive to.What I tend to do is to question more than others. Reason being in a civil society or in ones civil mind debate can be good and rewarding. I respect ones opinion and commentary. You can read and understand most if that person displays character responsibility and accountability. Its more about respect of the commentary and then the commenatator. Asking one of an opinion can be very educational if the other actually can comment as if he knows what he is talking about and doesnt use others talking points when they are limited because they dont know or to dumb to at least investigate the topic and not speak only to one side. Im sorry to say if some one has never read the Constitution wants to debate is already lost if fthey have an opposing view of it. It is a living document. It hasnt been destroyed YET

Anonymous said...

It never ends with The National Association For the Advancement for Colored People (NAACP) is still screaming that the Tea Party is a racist goup and so are it's members.
Like many another organization that has lived bast its due date, the NAACP is intellectually bankrupt and grasping for relevancy.

Frankly, calling a group of who people “racist” is in itself an act of racism.
A group organized on a racist principle, the advancement of a single race, is calling racism on a group that is demonstrably diverse in race and devoted to the common welfare. Looks like the pot calling the kettle black to me.

Here’s what I see . . .
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
accuses the Tea Party Movement of being The National Association for the Advancement of White People???

It’s as if all Barack Obama is to the NAACP is the color of his skin….”
That is the key. If not for the color of his skin do you think 96% of blacks would support him. Blacks are the most racist demographic in the US.
The NAACP is and always has been a racist organization. Their name states that quite clearly and their actions match their name.
FACT end of story.

Anonymous said...

The Constitution says nothing about the Federal Aviation Administration either.

Carl Paladino and his racist emails; Sharron Angle and her "Hispanics look like Asians"; John Raese making fun of Asian people; a person could go on and on. No, the tea party is not a bit racist.

When someone says it's not about race, it's usually about race.

Anonymous said...

Oh the same type of comments were made by Reid and he gets a pass? He has insulted every gender, race in this country lets not bring up his 'THE WAR IS LOST" let s not forget that he said he had nothing to do with the status of the country. Even his own son disagree with his dad. Who made the last election about race, who uses race to promote his socialist agenda? MLK Jr would call Obama out in a quinstant. Too bad he isnt here to to take Obama's base from here. Obama isnt black enough for his base and he isnt white enough for the rest of the country.In fact I dont think he blacks trust him and some might consider him a Uncle Tom

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:33
The difference between the Tea Party and the NAACP is if you are looking for racists at the tea Party you look at the fringe and if you are looking for racists at the naacp you look to the stage.
NAACP believes whatever they do or say to support their position is correct no matter the truth. NAACP is the largest hate group in the usa if you don’t beleive it disagree with them in a public forum and watch all those so called honorable go ballistic and cry to their enablers in the liberal marxist communist media.
Anon I suggest that you and Obama are more confused about the Tea Party than a woodpecker in a concrete forest.

Anonymous said...

What the TP folks are doing is exactly what the Constitution states.
The conservative mandate, the agenda, has been to devolve power back towards the people at every level of government.
The states must take back from Washington what need not be done in Washington.
The local governments must take back from the state governments what need not be done at the state level.
The people must take back from all levels of government that which affects only the individual or the family.
I see the Constitution in 2 sentences:

"The minute the Constitution tells you what you get, that's ALL you get. When the Constitution tells you what you can't do, you can do EVERYTHING ELSE. Isnt that is what freedom is all about?

Obama and liberals can't seem to bring their 'vast' intellect to bear upon the subject and understand those 2 simple sentences. No, he and they continues to believe the Constitution only tells you what you can't do--not what you 'must' get. They see it as a negative thing... what a sad little man and group of people that they cannot see the eternal beauty in it.

Anonymous said...

The left is driven by ideals while the right is driven by personal values. One can compromise ideals and still survive. If one compromises one’s values, there is nothing to live for any more. Both the right and the left are motivated by ideals, but at different levels.

When a liberal wants to make the Constitution a living document through judicial activism to “address modern times”, that is an ideal. To a conservative, changing the Constitution without going through due process is an attack on the very soul of the conservative. This is a prime example. Others are not so simple to identify but are present.

Liberals do not understand this and mock conservatives when they show love of their country by reciting the “Pledge” or “saluting the flag”. This doesn’t mean that liberals do not love their country, most do, but in an ideological manner. They love the idea of their country while conservatives love their country for itself. Has anyone ever asked why more conservatives (about 4-1) are willing to volunteer to fight and risk their lives for their county?

I remember when I was in elementary school at Thomas Jefferson and being in Mrs West's home room. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. The Pledge was part of our day. The pledge is much more than that to me now as I have seen how unique this country is through business and personal travel. I admire those founding fathers who could see hundreds of years in the future. I tend too now find my eyes waering up when I hear the National Anthem or seeing our bravest return home and are met by their loved ones

I, like so may others, have taken the pledge to defend my country and the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. This is a personal value. I cannot compromise that value and expect to wake up tomorrow. To my liberal friends (I do not have very many!), this country is not all that different than others. Some want us abandon parts of the Constitution in favor of world opinion or to emulate European values. This is an ideal. They can compromise on some of these issues and still wake up tomorrow.

That is why liberals and conservatives will not agree on issues concerning personal values. There can be no compromise of personal values! Never!

Deb's Education Corner