Sunday, May 2, 2010


"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." - CICERO - 55 BC



Pompei said...

Like the Roman Empire eventually the United States will be divided into autonomous regions. Who will be the next Atilla and Caligula should worry us all.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Johnson is Nero and wlll fiddle while Suffolk burns. Nothing seems so true as this simple connection.

Senator Anonymous said...

It has been said many times and backed by history, whenever there is a weak government a dictatorship follows. Is Obama the weak leader or the dictator?

Anonymous said...

Remember boys and girls under our presnet marxist who is in the WH,everything must be equal in everybody's house. Since people have varying degrees of talent, motivation, responsibility, and acquisitiveness, it will require totalitarian government to ensure that no one has anything that everyone else doesn't have.
Except of course our Marxist rulers. I don't see them giving their fortunes away, so the tyranny of equality must not apply to them.
Remember, kids!They're NOT Marxists.
In fact, we conservatives don't even know what that really means... we can't because we simply don't posses the intellectual capacity.
And certainly we have no hope to grasp the definition of communism, or even socialism, sadly.Whatever those big, scary words mean, they most certainly cannot be applied to the very people who exhibit the behaviour and declare in their very own words, exactly the things that marxist, commie, freeloading elitist socialists do.We all must be mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Internal AT&T presentation: we'll save $4.1 billion a year if we drop all employee health care benefits

You know how President Obama relentlessly marketed his health care takeover with the slogan 'If you like your current health care plan, you'll be able to keep it™'?

Here's a news flash that you won't see in the legacy media: he lied.

Anonymous said...

Cicero, the last rational thinking Senator in the history mankind. I did enjoy watching old Senator Bob Bennett from Utah tear up after he was booted in the primary.

Et tu, Brute? said...

All's I gots to say bout him is he's a carpetbagger. Damn Italians don't know nothin bout culture. Bet he'd didn't like watchin NASCAR.

Anonymous said...

To 2:58 Et Tu, keep your cotton picking, beer swilling hog jowel pig feet stuffing racist comments to yourself. Imagine calling Italians (Romans)like Cicero a carpetbagger. What are you some kind of knuckle dragging linear family tree Neanderthal?

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