Friday, May 28, 2010



Anonymous said...

Barack Obama is the neutron bomb of fiscal policy. Day in and day out, he obliterates the private economy -- and only the empty shops and office buildings remain.
Are the good folks up in Utopia North Suffolk ready when he guts the defense industry?

Anonymous said...

Bob,Have you ever seen anyone who can't pay their mortgage at 6% escape their situation by borrowing on a credit card at 30%?
That situation only lasts until the credit runs out. It is fundamentally unsustainable.
Despite over a trillion in stimulus, bank bailouts, auto bailouts, and various other interventions, unemployment continues to increase, jobs are going overseas, small businesses are closing their doors, families are losing everything, and the debt continues to build.Even the folks in the $200.00 basketball shoes are going to suffer because their will be no wealth to be taken from the workers of this country.
The mess has been papered over by a rise in the stock market, continued issuances of Treasury bonds, and massive injections of cash into failed businesses. Where did this money come from?
It was printed Bob.
Curently there is no medical explaination for severe mental retardation of this magnitude. Additionally when you suffer with a such a well documented and proven mental disorder such as liberalism it's nearly impossible to cure someone of such wanton stupidity....Examples like Obama,Reid, Pelosi and The Clintons, yes I said 'Clintons"
Let us not forget all liberals in general and those who think they should share in the wealth.

rpock said...

Bob has seen, this year and when he was a small boy in the thirties, the kind of chaos a depression brings. Having a job is of utmost importantance to everyone with responsibilities "Printing" money as Obama does is counterfeiting and a crime even when authorized by a Socialist President. It may bring this nation down.The piper will be paid.

Anonymous said...

When Obama died, George Washington met him at the Pearly Gates. He slapped him across the face and yelled, "How dare you try to destroy the Nation I helped conceive?"

Patrick Henry approached, punched him in the nose and shouted, "You wanted to end our liberties but you failed."

James Madison followed, kicked him in the groin and said, "This is why I allowed our government to provide for the common defense!"

Thomas Jefferson was next, beat Obama with a long cane and snarled, "It was evil men like you who inspired me to write the Declaration of Independence."

The beatings and thrashings continued as George Mason, James Monroe and 66 other early Americans unleashed their anger on the radical, socialist, leader.

As Obama lay bleeding and in pain, an Angel appeared. Obama wept and said, "This is not what you promised me."

The Angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 VIRGINIANS waiting for you in Heaven. What did you think I said?"....."You really need to listen when someone is trying to tell you something!"

Anonymous said...

Could anyone explain the difference between Johnson the mayor, and Oboma the president? Seems like the same to me. Also how about a thread that deals with the high pay, paid to our police here in Suffolk?

Do they need so many new cars and boats? They can't even respond to a call before we have to shoot someone ourselves, like the poor guy in Whalyeville did to protect his family and store a few months ago. I know there will be the clamoring mob that forgives and excuses all that the police demand and don't do, but when to we get a real discussion of their foolish spending spree? I can only bet that the beatings will soon start to excuse them and fault this comment!

Anonymous said...

The boat was a grant from the USGC there where no tax dollars involved.

Anonymous said...

And where the Coast Guard get its money? From tax dollars. Not too many people donate personal money to them. So where, friend, where?

Anonymous said...

Obama’s administration and the mayor's really is transparent. Transparent in the fact that it doesn’t take one very long to see what motivates each and every action they take. As to being transparent with regard to the truth? That’s a different story.

Toasted Cracker said...

Let us all recognize BP for their Top Kill effort. They have sucessfully killed the President's media infalability that government can be everything to everyone. Stop in at your nearest BP service station and thank the girl behind the counter.

Anonymous said...

Stop by your local Citgo and tell the girl there to thank Chavez

Anonymous said...

May I suggest the following to the folks at BP. Based on the hubris of this 'president" that they stuff him into the casing and inject him into the well head. That should get the damn hole plugged.

Anonymous said...

Who said Obama doesn't have any noteworthy accomplishments?
The number of Americans receiving food stamps in March topped 40 million for the first time as the jobless rate hovered near a 26-year high.
Recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program subsidies for food purchases totaled 40.2 million, up 21 percent from a year earlier and 1.2 percent more than in February, the Department of Agriculture said yesterday in a statement on its website. The number of recipients has set records for 16 straight months.
Food aid climbed as the unemployment rate stayed at 9.7 percent in March for a third straight month, near levels last seen in 1983, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The rate rose to 9.9 percent in April.
Don't worry, though, Obama's people are working hard at getting even more people on the dole. Likely part of his re-election strategy.
An average of 40.5 million people, more than an eighth of the population, will get food stamps each month in the year that began Oct. 1, according to White House estimates. The figure is projected to rise to 43.3 million in 2011.
The Democrats won't rest until all of America is dependent on the government.
So how is that hopey changey working for you? Well if you got 6 kids by 6 different dads, it must be working out for you.

Anonymous said...

6:14 That explains why 91% of Blacks in American still support Obama.

Anonymous said...

You know why they support him. It's about the issues. Dont you feel the love in the air? Unicorns for everyone. Sprinkles and rainbows everyday of the week.

Anonymous said...

Wow Zero wants to get tuff he wants to kick a**.Meanwhile this spineless president continues to wear down his knee pads with the leaders who know he is weak but at home he becomes a tuff guy from Chicago. Obama's new tough-guy quote about his petrocatastrophe: "I want to know whose a** to kick."
I suggest that If he wants to kick someone's a**, he could start with his own. He should probably pull his head out first though.

Anonymous said...

Obama cannot pull off that whole cowboy image. Hey, remember when being a cowboy was a bad thing? I never thought it was, because I far prefer a cowboy to an empty suit. But, it turns out that, boy, an affected, faux cowboy sure is a bad and pathetic thing. Obama really should have rehearsed that line more; it was painfully obvious to all that he’s never uttered the phrase “ass kick” before in his ivory tower swaddled life. At the very least, he could have watched a few episodes of King of the Hill in order to form some semblance of a believable performance.
Good grief. Did his teleprompter not let him know that pretending to “ass kick” doesn’t work when we have all seen his baseball “pitches” and when we picture him clutching onto a head of arugula, while whining about it’s price at Whole Foods? I now imagine him practicing his tough guy image. Rehearsing with Rahm, saying things like “You won’t like me when I’m angry! But, may I please finish my yummy waffle and hitch up my Mom jeans first?” Pitifully feigning an attempt at opening up a can of whoop arse also fails miserably when we’ve all seen Obama daintily sip beer, pinkie extended. And *bow* incessantly. I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure there is no submissive bowing in ass kicking. Although, to be fair, by ass kicking Obama did probably just mean a sternly worded apology. Or, perhaps a nice beer summit. Daintily sipped, natch.

Since Obama, by his own admission, can’t deduce “whose ass to kick” on his own, I figure we should help him out. He’s awfully busy fund-raising and golfing and such. I suppose even if he and his experts finally figure out a target like, say, the terrorists who want to kill us, he’d merely continue to fail anyway. It’s not like he has any practice manning up nor any practice actually kicking anything, ass or otherwise. He can’t even kick the smoking habit, for goodness sake.
All of this tuff guy image about figureing out whos's a** to kick As opposed to when he parties with anti-American dictators, and wants to know whose ass he should kiss.

Anonymous said...

7:39 I get that feeling every time Obama looks down his nose at me or Jeremiah Wright preaches the gospel of love thy brother.

Anonymous said...

We have heard how Obama is looking to kick azz. Isnt it funny that
is usually followed by ...hold me back, hold me back"

Anonymous said...

If Bawreak Obama kicks like he throws, the BP Chairman doesn't have a thing to worry about. In fact being a Brit the CEO is probably an experienced soccer player with a pretty good kick. On a conciliatory note, how about another beer summit on the White House lawn with cold Boddington's served with gulf shrimp, fish and chips. After the leak is plugged they can have their kickas-fest.

Anonymous said...

Be warned the economy is ready to burst at the seams, not ours Brazils. Now that Obama has shut down exploration in the gulf 35 rigs sit idle and the Brazilans are offering top dollar. Cap and trade and his exodus of rigs were surely looking at $ 5.00 a barrel plus. The company that I work for has interest and customers in the drilling industry. Our senior management is considering shutting down some hours and those who can work from home will most likely will be doing that plus cutting the work week to 4 10's. Travel is restricted domestically and internationally.
Thanks America for voting for this socialist, Marxist-Muslim man of color. Blacks will suffer and blame it on others, just like he has done his entire life. This "man" has destroyed this country so much that other black liberals will be hard pressed to ever run a black for the White House. All Obama has done is divide this country along racial lines and class. Exactly what socialism and Marxism is supposed to do.

Anonymous said...

Since over 90% of Blacks still support Obama what does that say about their way of thinking? Are they Capitalists or Socialists? What do Black Liberation Theologians preach every Sunday to their flocks?

Every other ethnic race has adopted the American Dream but by their acceptance of Obama's policies they apparently remain committed to take and redistribute something for nothing. Many ask, when are Black Leaders going to recognize the pending disaster and speak out? We as a nation are on the cusp of age of fear, civil unrest and economic peril. Cooler heads must prevail or we will become a separate but equal nation for the rest of our lives. Brothers and Sisters the ball is in your court.

Anonymous said...

We heard Henry Waxman Mr. Potatoe Head tell the BP gentleman that they had read over 30000 documents regafrding the oil disater.You believe that b.s? They couldn't and didnt read the health care bill Wake up America

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