Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Now and then a comment arrives written by an anonymous person making serious charges against another Suffolk Citizen. We assume if the charge was factual it might have made the papers long before this. If it is just the writer's opinion it is of no value to anyone, certainly not to us. To even print such info where names are used would be unfair. An average citizen is not fair game like a politician might be for using his/her office for unfair gain...that is another story.

And let me wave off a potential personal attack. I did not write the piece about Obama's fans, a Czech did. I picked it off the net because I agree a very bad choice was made to lead the country, and we are awash in proof. I suffer enough pain because two younger members of my own family think the right man was chosen and is doing well...and they are the ones that will pay through the nose. The only good news I've had this year is that a good friend, after fifty years of serving it, left the Democratic party. Even his golf game has improved.


Humpty Dumpty said...

Pock hold fast. If someone doesn't like the message then let them challenge it with facts. The problem has been these past decades is some people have had the media, unions, NEA and community organizations to leverage this country into what we have today....a mess. I wonder how our great community organizer can stop an oil spill or a volcano in Iceland. Guess there somethings government cannot fix by themselves.

Anonymous said...

Obama stated the folllowing while talking to the dutch boy at the dike "You need a real job? I need a hole plugged. Who said he isnt an organizer

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