Saturday, May 1, 2010


They tried, oh how they tried. The Work submarine failed...time to call the Navy.

Click on picture, then back arrow.


Toasted Cracker said...

To say I'm suspicious would put me in line with the 911 Truthers. The drilling-pumping platform had the explosion and now pipelines about 5000 feet below are leaking? Not sure the Navy has the kind of experience, equipment or personnel to turn off the valve. There may be submersibles in the North Sea, Arabian Sea or off the coast of Brazil. Getting it all to the gulf takes a little time. It can be done very easily however, all our little Black Moses in DC has to do is wave his hand and the seas will part open. We'll settle for him shifting the tides and winds away from the coastline.

Anonymous said...

Yea, let's use more swat teams to conduct searches in an enviroment of an off shore oil rig they know so much of and about. Idiots but we responded. Let BP do their job and keep Obama out of it. oh thats right his background is being a community organizer with experience in the oilfield.

Anonymous said...

From the time I was about 12 or 13 years old I have heard we must be free from the Royal Families of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We went to war for oil. etc etc
Since the community organizer became our ruler nothing has changed but now he has got his excuse not to allow any more new drilling. I am surprised that our entire oil and gas industry has not been completly shut down or taken over the government it self. I think they call that nationalization. Hell Maxine Walters the liberal black puppet master said it herself. All of the talk about green, alternative fuels must be found and developed. Well boys, girls, liberals, envrimental kooks, save the planet folks how are we suppose to survive in this world as a leader. Our own self defense rides on our own black gold. Our own economy is also at risk if we dont find more black gold. The Chinese have developed a offshore drilling base in Panama. Think folks what dictaorship it is supporting. How about Cuba and Venezeula We dont control the Straits of Hormuz nor do we control the Panama Canal.
The Chinese do now. Thanks to Jimmah Carter. Many moonbats and enviro nuts ask why we are drilling? I have never seen a Peterbuilt with a solar panel or s wind blade sticking out of its roof. There are millions of other reasons why we need our own black gold. Maybe the following will help explain the above commentary.
First,the BP platform and (many others like it) was drilling for what they call deep oil. They go out where the ocean is about 5,000 feet deep and drill another 30,000 feet into the crust of the earth. (5,280 feet is one mile( you do the math ok? This it right on the edge of what human technology can do.
Well, this time they hit a pocket of oil at such high pressure that it burst all of their safety valves all the way up to the drilling rig and then caused the
rig to explode and sink. Take a moment to grasp the importance of that. The pressure behind this oil is so high that it destroyed the maximum effort of human science
to contain it. But now we are not going to be able to develop the technology to see that we can recover that oil?
Yes we as a country, emphasis on the word WE are looking at possibly the worlds worst greatest disaster and if the goverment is to get involved this disaster could grow ten fold. What has the govt ever done that resulted in success? Even our national defense is suspect. Our borders are wide open The rot is growing from with in.
The question is Who knows how big of a reservoir of oil is down there? The other problem/question is "Do we have 20 more years of relying on others to be dependent on for our oil? I dont think we do. One last point, did you even take the time to read the names of those who were vaporized on that platform?

Anonymous said...

9:14 I like what you say. I was a sailing a 120,000dwt bullseye during the Iran, Iraq Tanker War. Did anyone know how many of us were vaporized, scaulded to death or drowned? The media didn't care and if it doesn't pass their smell test for the liberal agenda they will ignore it. Reporters like politicians today are only concerned about image not substance.

rpock said...

These men were assumed killed.

Jason ANDERSON, Aaron Dale BURKEEN, Donald CLARK, Stephen Ray CURTIS, Gordon JONES, Roy Wyatt KEMP, Karl KLEPPINGER, Jr., Blair MANUEL, Dewey REVETTE, Shane ROSHTO, Adam WEISE.

Anonymous said...

2010 Underwater Odyssey. The response from the HAL 9000 robot was; I'm sorry Barrack I can't do that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pock

Anonymous said...

BP DONATED $71,000 TO THE OBAMA WAR CHEST. Watch him trash them and demonize them but wont dare return the money nor will the lame stream media tell you this.
If this was Bush's watch,our ears would be bleeding

Anonymous said...

If they can locate almost every piece of the Shuttle Challenger they can stop the flow of oil. Why they are procrastinating is another matter.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are more interested in sea turtles dying? How can you even think these tragic events are realted? Water? ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

Your kidding 8:48 right?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob Since we've put a halt to any new offshore drilling in the wake of the BP disaster, how about we put a halt to any new citizenships for Pakistani immigrants in the wake of the arrest of Faisal Shahzad? We already have enough of them working in convience stores as it is.

Anonymous said...

Burning the oil will give the earth a fever. Allowing it to weather in the sun will burn off the oil's light ends but the heavier components remain and become nasty tar balls. Oil booms and skimmers help if the flow is secured. Emulsification agents and engineered bacteria will help but these take time and favorable conditions to work. The big problem here are the beaches along the gulf coast. They do not have rocks where unemployables (Obama's People) from the 9th Ward of NOLA can go out a polish them like in Alaska. Just like the City of New Orleans the gulf will soon become a Chocolate coastline. What is needed now is a good community organizer.

Anonymous said...

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano is going to see for herself the extent of the oil spill. My her courage, doesn't that just inspire you? To make her feel at home, they should hire a few thousand illegal aliens from Arizona to help in the clean up. Cajun crawfish taco anyone?

Anonymous said...

I think the question is not so much about who's at fault but why should those who profit the most from a dangerous enterprise not bear the brunt of the costs when risks inherent in that enterprise turn into serious public damages?Last I checked, government at all levels takes in more “profit” on a barrel of oil than oil companies.
Senator Jay Rockerfeller says he cannot support anymore offshore drilling. Ok Jay I propose the following for you and the other liberals in the congress who want to shut down the offshore drilling industry. OK, lets revoke every Coal Mining Permit and stop that Industry dead in it’s tracks while We are busy “policing” things that are Industries that built America.
How about that Mr. Rockefeller? Lets see the impact on West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Utah among a few States. Who needs oil or coal now that Our Self proclaimed Experts in Congress and The Senate have determined that the harm exceeds the good? Let them over regulate and tax something else on their hit list with oil and coal off the table. We can buy electricity from Foreign sources anyway and why not?
After all, look at how brilliantly they have turned the Economy around, Secured the Borders, solved the MEDICARE issue, made Social Security solvent and kept the Nation safe from Terrorism!

I’m fine with giving Obama credit for being there on Day One. It means that his involvement didn’t help anything and it does show a consistancy with all of his other programs to “fix” something – his “help” only makes it worse.

Anonymous said...

Congress is busting BP and the oil companies about their profits. Whoaaaaaaa who receives the greatest amount of taxes on oil? Not the oil companies the govt does.

Anonymous said...

Quote of the day from B. Hussein "Everything Bad Is Bush's Fault." Obama is always castigating others for disastrous events that happened on their watch. All this so-called president does is blame others for his shortcomings as a leader and as a man.

"I will not tolerate more finger-pointing or irresponsibility," Obama said in the Rose Garden, assigning blame to oil companies, drilling equipment makers and federal agencies that oversee their operations. [Emphasis added.] Obama said, “You had executives of BP and Transocean and Haliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else. The American people could not have been impressed with that display, and I certainly wasn't." Apologists and Obama will insist he only blamed agencies for the way they behaved under the Bush Regime. He went on to say, “For a decade or more there has been a cozy relationship between the oil companies and the federal agency that permits them to drill. "But the government receives the majority of the profits in taxes.

Maybe BP should have just said they inherited the oil spill from someone else. That's usually treated as a valid excuse. Despite the hysterical response to the spill from the environmental left and the media and the lack of a response from the government Americans still support offshore drilling by 58%-23%. It's rather disconcerting, however, to contemplate that almost one in four Americans think cars, trucks, and buses can run on unicorn flatulence.

Anonymous said...

Meantime all this shaking his finger and stating he wont tolerate the oil companies he awards HALLIBURTON with a no bid contract for services in Iraq and Afghanistan. HYPOCRITE?

Anonymous said...

While I feel bad for all the otters, birds, and fish what are getting coated by oil from the leak in the Gulf, is there a way to recover the oil that's leaked out and turn it into fuel? If not, are there companies that are working on processes that could do so? Because that would seem like a good idea, if it's at all possible.

For the enviro kooks and greenies while I feel bad for all those critters, they don't currently power my car, so they're kind of a secondary concern for me.

Anonymous said...

Lets see who's next up in the blame game: British Petroleum, Trans-Ocean, the Federal Government DOI, U.S. Coast Guard, Obama and now Bush. Future blame will be the Tea Party, Democrats, Republicans, George Soros, Exxon, Shell, Saudi Arabia, Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

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