Is there a genuine reason to tear down the beautiful Obici House? We believe it is wrong to consider. The 18th hole at Sleepy Hole is bragged about in this area because of the scenery but most important is the fame of the man who had it built out of love for his wife. Restoring its charm would enhance the golf course and we hope Roundtree will recognize it as a tribute to her whose name was removed from the only hospital we had for many years. Obici made Suffolk famous, on the map, and employed hundreds. Some believe The Suffolk Professional Firefighters Union has the spirit but the wrong motivation. The Citizens for the Preservation of Obici House group probably can find the money. Moving Obici House is out of the question but Roundtree has other plans for that perfect spot. Surely he will work it out to the satisfaction of everyone and he deserves everyone’s cooperation.
The CPOH would be more than happy to work with Mr. Roundtree and has made that clear on several occasions. Thus far he has been completely unreceptive to that suggestion. A joint effort would be a win win for both parties but obviously he has other plans.
Amen. THe man's a hero for even being willing to try with all the negative comments made against him by other, misguided "civic leader wannabes."
Is it just a coincidence that the agreement proposal from Mr Roundtree came shortly after Inside Suffolk posted a request for citizens to cooperate with and at least listen to him?
I will be brief. Beware of the offer by Mr. Roundtree and how it will be crafted to support the desires of the Mayor and her council. Lies flow off their lips like honey from the hive, where the Queen Bee does her bidding and contrives how all of this has played out! I must admit that I am ashamed at times to let my fellows in Hampton Roads know that I reside in Suffolk, and that was never how it was supposed to be, but with the group we now have in charge, what can be said?
The only reason Rountree is appearing to be flexible is because of the substantial pressure being applied. Always remember in physics and politics you need to use leverage and pressure to dislodge large heavy objects from their position.
These are the same people who want us to recycle to save the Earth. Gee, a magazine means more to Council than does the Obici House.
Why not "recycle" the Obici House? Good comment about your inept mayor, manager and council as they would recycle a magazine, but not this historic mansion. Go figure!
I like the fact that Ronnie Roundtree has stepped forward, but also know Ronnie is driven by greed over public service, so watch out!
For two years the timing of finding surplus funds is a surprise to all. I question the timing of Ronnies finding his heart and the "possible" commitment to the preservation of an historical landmark that is in dire need of repair. Which just happens to sit on "his" golf course. I hear the words now. "Your welcome Linda and I thank you for all that you have made possible and done for me.
If Suffolkians were as concerned about their local government as the Obici House, we wouldn't have the problems we have today. In fact the whole Obici House issue wouldn't have surfaced in the first place. Taxes would be lower, schools would be better and government leaner and smarter. However that's not the way we do things here. We keep people down, tell them to shut-up and allow others to do their bidding for a price. What a pack of cowards.
This entire Obici House issue refelcts what is truely wrong with Suffolk. Special interests demand more and more and council only supports those who support them, not looking to merit or real long-term needs. So much for leaders whom we all depend upon to do the right things for us on merit, not their own needs. This issue is just a symptom of the sickness in the way our city is managed and lead, and demands change of those who seat in the big chairs at Market Street.
What to do? The voters are mobilized due to other national issues, but will they deal with the manner the incumbents have run things into the ground, or not? The history of Suffolk say the voters will fall asleep when the polls are open and give us another two years of controversial decissions, failed leadership, and the deals of the moment so that we all can complain about them. Maybe that is what all want, a reason to complain, not live in a good and well managed community. Go figure!
Many of the Riverview crowd live in homes their parents purchased decades ago. They pay or almost no mortgage. Their property taxes are low in comparison to North Suffolk and they get by on very little. Thus their lives are focused on the minutia of issues and don't care much about anything that doesn't immediately impact their lives. So when an issue like the O-House arises they mobilize to appear to their friends like they are doing something they can talk about sounding important at the next fundraiser or cocktail party at the club. But when it comes to the important issues like electing a city council representative or improving the quality of education they just don't vote because they don't care. Take a look at their children. They can't make it outside of Suffolk, returning home after a brief hiatus in college. They marry one of their own from the inner circle and perpetuate the linear family tree, proving that small towns create small minds.
Your comment about Riverview is offensive to all that call Suffolk Home! We are hard working and good people that do have a civic sense of our hometown and how it is being ruined. We have made deals with the powerful on council in th epast and now understand that they have screwed us over almost at every turn. While some of your fairytale has the ring of truth, in that we have not been mobilized to vote against some of the paria like Parr in the past, we will no longer go quietly into the night. Parr and his like have proven that there is no way to accept the way things are done and will vote for "anyone else". Johnson is no better as she always looks to slice a deal that benefits her or her interests over us all. Most of us did not vote for Johnson, she only won because, of the stupid crowd of candidates that divided the vote for her and let her take the seat. With less than 35% of the vote, she has no mandate at all! What is really needed is for all Suffolkians to band together and lance the boil on our butts called our city council and especially the City Manager! What a do nothing, accomplish nothing, self-serving group that never should have been, they are! I too have intelectual rage over how things are done in Suffolk, and the Obici House is just the latest outlet fot that rage. In November, we all need to run Parr, Gardy, Brown, and Barlow out of town on a rail. I would also use the tar and feathers if possible to make the point clear to one and all, that we do no like how our City is being run into the ground. And by the way, dam those pesky alarm fees TOO!
Should we not be considering preserving the building where Mr Obici's "lady friend" lived for years after Mrs Obici died? I understand it was on the corner of Saratoga and Washington Streets. I understand this was never a secret, so does it impose some new "opportunity" for the CPOH to get back in and start a new crusade? Of course, for historical accuracy, I hope they will insist on restoring the liquor store that was once of the first floor of this "historical treasure."
Riverview Voter tells us what is offensive and untrue about many of the residents in that community. Indeed many of the problems have arisen because Riverview residents perceive themselves to be elitests. They turned their backs on knowledgable candidates and supported the status quo. They raise their nose at us because they are insecure individuals. Just a quick walk down any street and you'll pass a house that met the description given in then earlier comment. Sorry it may be tough to agree but it is the truth.
The truth of the matter is, that we all are coming to the conslusion in our own way that the Suffolk City Council, especially the Mayor and "her" City Manager are our enemies. They are into only what benefits them directly and that is just wrong! I have lived here for many many years in a modest home near downtown and find that the Mayor, Council and the inept city manager are not worthy of our support any longer. While I will not make the referenece some have to boils and such, I do want to get a new crop of faces on council so that we can have a change in management and where our city is being taken. I watched the Vote last night up north and hope, no demand that we get the same opportunity to "Throw the BUMS OUT!" here in Suffolk. We have and are suffering since Mayor Johnson came to power. She either does not have the skills or inclination to lead properly, without always looking for "her part of the deal" and it shows. I also agree with others on this page that Parr is even worse! I voted against Bobby Ralph and for Parr almost four years ago. What a mistake that was! Parr has got his deals on land and money and that is about all that can be said about his legacy for Suffolk. Some kind of public service, huh? November is coming fast, but not fast enough!
I never knew that I lived in such a shameless area as Riverview until reading the "Inside Suffolk". Tell me Riverview bashers, where should I move? Is there a neighborhood in Suffolk, Norfolk, Chicago, Charlotte, Boston, etc., that children don't return home, marry their childhood sweetheart on even inherit their parents home?
Nothing has been settled by last night's city council meeting over the fate of the O-House. It is still at grave risk. There is no clear plan how, when, or specifically who will restore the home and carraige house. What will the building be used for and the extent of restoration-renovation to be undertaken. More importantly where will the funding of 1 to 2 million dollars come from.
I fear once this issue settles for awhile and people's short term attention is distracted, this last little shred of the legacy of the man that put Suffolk on the map may suddenly disappear in a cloud of smoke or will be neglected to to the point of where it cannot be brought back.
Shameless, I didn't know that our Peyton Place known as Riverview couldn't take a little criticism. Someday when it's residents realize the world no longer revolves around then we can re-build our city's broken government.
When we no longer have the obvious nepotism, cronyism and corruption we can then attract real employers and improve our downtown. Sadly all too many in your neighborhood would never take on the system. They'll just go along to get along. Playing their games of self-importance, trying to show off to the neighbors while their children suffer poor education and little hope for employment other than warehouseman and forklift operator. Consider moving to Washington DC suburbs, Dallas, and West Palm Beach where you can get a healthy dose of what your neighborhood has been doling out to the rest of us.
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