Tuesday, January 19, 2010


What happened up in Mass today is as important to me as the last day of World War II and it opened up a door to a better chance we will recover from the damage done. It will still be a financial struggle for most because of the national debt, but without further damage the nation will be encouraged to clean up the mess. Down with progressive liberalism and Socialism. Raise the flag of Conservatism. NO SOUR GRAPES, FOLKS, YOU COULD SEE IT COMING.


Toasted Cracker said...

Most in the Black Community still don't get it. They have yet to understand that by steadfastly supporting National-Socialism over Capitalism their welfare and civil rights are also at risk. The election last night was but a minor skirmish in the war for America's Recovery. It will take decades to win as our public schools and universities are still under the control of the very same people in the White House, Senate and the House. This will not change overnight as we will continue to witness assaults by Pop-culture elitests on the young, vulnerable and weak minded.

Unfortunately for all of us, the Republicans have just as many warts as the Democrats and likewise cannot be trusted. I believe we are now entering the political phase of hand-to-hand combat. In combat you trust the man in the foxhole with you. In politics?????

Anonymous said...

Now maybe we can mobilize the masses to throw the bums out! I was thrilled to see how the people do matter and can cut off the politicans when it counts. In Suffolk we need to get rid of Parr, Gardy, Brown and Barlow in November. Maybe then we will have a council that can stand up the "Her Mayorness" and demand real open and transparent government in Suffolk. Folks, things have never been this bad before and they just seem to get worse everyday since Johnson has taken the reins of power. We need relief from the Mayor and her council as some on this page have called for!

Anonymous said...

Last night in Massachusetts the people with brains proved an election could be won by ordinary citizens with a cause. In Suffolk it would take more organizational ability than is available. Last time those running to boot the mayor were not smart enough to go with just one candidate.

Anonymous said...

The loss of the seat,the broken one occupied by Ted the Captain of the Water Polo Team Kennedy of Massachusetts, means that the Democrats no longer control the 60 Senate seats necessary to avoid a filibuster. Obama's reform package, which aims to provide health insurance to most of the over 40 million Americans currently lacking coverage,will ultimately fail as a result of that loss.
More than that, though, the vote shows just how quickly the political pendulum has swung back to the right following Obama's election. The seat Brown won had been in Democratic hands for all but six years since 1926. Now, its new occupant is a man who not only opposes the health care bill, but also favors waterboarding as a method of interrogation for terrorism suspects and rejects carbon cap-and-trade as a means of limiting carbon emissions.
There's a gathering storm and the parties in power are somewhat oblivious to the extent of its power.
The Democrats as a whole are doomed. Conservative voters are about to show them the door in a bloodbath that is going to make '94look like a Sunday drive with grandma if there are conservative candidates running against the incumbants. Hopefully we will see the same thing here at the local level.
Air America filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. How much longer will it be before Obama see's that the country does to and how long it will be before the mayor, council and Liverman bankrupt the city? They already have when it comes to morals, open and transparent goverment, closed door meetings,the handling of Obici house, Centerpoint etc etc They are all like pervert window peekers. They will all be caught sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

The debt ceiling was raised today to over 1.93 Trillion dollars. That's over $43,000 for every citizen in the country. The Senate vote was 60 to 40 by party lines with Mass. Senator-elect Scott Brown impatiently waiting in the aisles to be sworn in.

Senator James Webb did you hear that sound? That's the sound of your career going down the drain. I hope you have another in mind because you don't have a prayer of re-election.

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