Sunday, June 7, 2009



Just in case no one knows there is one more prominant position being forced out of the city of suffolk. Tom Patrick, the director of Information Technology for 26 years was demoted to asst. director last year to "streamline upper management" This year his position is not in the budget at all. Come July 1st a new position of Chief Information Officer which is open to the public will be running the department. While Tom may apply for the position he is not assurred of getting it. Tom now has 27 years of dedicated service to the city and is near qualifying for full retirement. It seems that the city is not going to allow that to happen though as he will not have a job at the end of the month. Quite a shame once again.
June 7, 2009 3:50 PM


Anonymous said...

The city manager wouldn't know how to run the city, if the job description hit her broadside. How can you eliminate a job position and demote the person in it and than resurrect the job and eliminate the job that the demoted person was in? These instruction must be in the book that the city manager uses to run the city. The mayor must have given it to her. It a great time to be in Suffolk.

Anonymous said...

What did he do to to upset the mayor and Parr?

Anonymous said...

I hope Tom has a good lawyer. Unfortunately he's of the wrong color for our precious city manager's liking.

A city employee that may be next said...

Tom has done a very good job for years, but is not inside the click with the CM. This City has really gone downhill and there is no one to stand up and say so. Leonard used to do so, but no one has heard a thing form him since the election. We need you back and now Mr. Leonard!

Anonymous said...

This is yet another example of the city manager's deep rooted insecurity. It has been well documented that Debbie George the Communications Director does very little communicating outside of what she is told. The FOIA Office is a joke. The SNH is controlled by city threats to pull advertising. Even Andy Damiani's television show was suddenly yanked off the air. This leaves only a few other holes to plug one being the Information Technology Department. Fortunately city employees know what Ms. Glen & Co., are doing. They can and have contacted Inside Suffolk and its sponsors.

Anonymous said...

Inside Suffolk will soon be shut down and the few who still place their names on as sponsors have been identiifed as local trouble makers. What is a local trouble maker? One who does not agree with Ms. Glen and her manner to strike fear from behind her cloud of poor public management? This latest example of her manipulation of those she sees as "Enemies" of her truth is just one of many. Remember Tom O'Grady, Chindy Cave, Maria Katman, and tens of more victims. This insecure woman is running our community into the gorund. The only reason that it is not looking bad by now is that we are belessed with so much and she just has not had the time to run it all into the gorund, yet. Given time Ms. Glen will ruin our fine city. Just look at how far the downtown has alredy failed. She has her propaganda and all, but it still is happening. This is enabled by Parr and Johnson, who seem to be getting power from contoling this horror-show of distruction and all. They would sell us all out for a few dollars for them and have. Ms. Glen must go and we need a real leader to stand up to the likes of Parr and Johnson like Steve Herbert. He was our last real Manager. He did have his warts, but he did the job. Ms. Glen can not even stand in his shadow and that about says it all. Please just go Ms. Glen!

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of a state, city or county government that has gotten rid of as many top level managers as Suffolk has. Very few people, if any, walk away from these 100,000
dollar jobs unless they are forced out or already have another one to go to.

Anonymous said...

Human Resources Director, Economic Development Director x 2, Communications Director, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Finance Director x 2, City Assessor, and many many more.

Anonymous said...

All that has been said here I agree with. Just what is happening to our beloved City? It seems as though the aliens have invaded and there are "Pods" at every corner as in the horror-sifi movies.

Ms. Glen is a good person who is over her head in responsibility and choses to solve problems by striking out at anyone that does not parrot back her thinking and orders. We can survive her for sometime, but it costs us all os dearly. As she goes about her business (as she sees it) and weeds out anyone that does nto "FIT" into her skem of things, we are the losers due to poor goverance. To fire a senior department head because they don't "FIT" seems to be the height of incompetent arrogance and leading by being a bully. Is that what Suffolk stands for? Is that how we hold to for good government? As a lifelong resident and woner of a "Downtown Business" this is not how it is supposed to work. I had the opportunity to bring a problem I had with my business and got nothing but the best of help and information from Ms. Cave and her people. What is it that our city manager and her underlings are looking for? It seems that this episode, when viewed by all the other departures, shows a revolving door problem that is plauging us from the TOP! It must change now or we do need a new manger. It is just about that time anyway to fire the manager and look for another ego-maniac anyway! I also agee that Steve Herbert was abrasive, but he was a good city manager. We really lost out downtown when he was sacked by Mr. Parr and others. Par was mad because Herbert would not allow rezoning of his property out on Turlington Road. This is why we are paying today, by way of such poor managment of our city. We now have a city manager that Mr. Parr and others can control and they like that, but she is also incompetent and drive by fits of anger at those she does nto like. This trait has gone unchallenged and we are paying the price as we see in this situation with Ms. Cave. Ms. Cave will not be the last victim of our city manager unless this entire situation is changed by firing Ms. Cuffee. Mr. Parr has indicated to some of us that he is interested in running again for council next year. I have yet to decide who I will support, but so far he has not done the job. That could change, but seems unlikely given how he has praised Ms. Cuffee, so h must like the show. He may change once his job is up next year and that is a sad commentary.

Afraid to list my name said...

The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.”

-Edmund Burke

About says it all!

-Worried about where this all leads. A life in Suffolk wasted!

Anonymous said...

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity" -- R. J. Hanlon -- 'Hanlon's Razor.'

Anonymous said...

Perhaps SCG is too involved in the Peanut Fest to be able to do a good job as city manager. There is no doubt that most City Managers are going to attract criticisum, like a lightning rod from time to time, but SCG seems to always be at the center of the storm. Is it just possible that there really is a problem here that focuses so much critical comment on her poor performance? I hate to say that someone should be fired, but SCG has worn out her time in our city and that is clear. Where will she go when the wolves turn on her and fire her? There is enough cause, there just needs to be a spark of anger by the choosen eight and she will go up in flames. I am hoping that happens before anymore good city workers are stripped of their jobs to fuel her insecurities.

toasted cracker said...

Give up the possibility of SCG being relieved of any responsibility. If she is fired she will scream the "R" word to the media and find one of the many experienced attorneys that has sued the city to recover her dignity and a handsome package at our expense. The crux of the problem is the people that hired her and are keeping her in power. The best and only means to send them a message is to commence a campaign of civil disobedience. For example, do not attend this year's Peanutfest, TGIF or Taste of Suffolk. Advertisers need to pull out or risk losing your business. Don't post signs or otherwise market city sponsored-supported events. Most importantly save your money, because next year you'll need every dollar saved to pay for Federal, State and Suffolk Taxes.

Anonymous said...

Follow-on to an earlier post. Let the advertisers and sponsors from last year's Peanutfest know in advance that if they do so this year, they will never see your business. Call it tough love.

Suffolk Watcher said...

I strongly agree with the last two postings about boycotting the Peanut Fest if SCG has anything to do with it or uses it to spend our money on! SCG is a terrible manager, even if she is an obediant employee and nice person. She has ruined our city with mis-steps time after time and it is an embarassment to all of us who worked hard to make our city better over the years. I look back longenly at how professionaly Steven Herbert ran our city and embraced our great downtown. We now have Mr. Parr looking to turn a profit on every deal he can rather than looking out for what is best for Suffolk. This kind of self-promotion that is now the norm should end and it will if we withold support for those things that the elite push like the Taste of Suffolk, Peanut Fest, and so on. If SCG is connected to it, boycott it is all I can say! I also relish the opportunity to work against Mr. Parr next year and get him out of our council!

pass it on said...

Go to Suffolk Peanutfest site to see the list of sponsors. A copy is on my refrigerator another on my office desk.

Ethics Supporter said...

The suffolk fest events people did not like the above poster to spill the beans. The link that lists their sponsors no longer works. I guess they only want a "Stelth" sponsor list where no one knows what or who is really paying the bill. You can still count upon the fact that the City of Suffolk is still on that lsit for about $50,000 of your money. We can thank our city manager of her support of such payment as a senior board member of this select group. I would not have a problem is mrs glenn wanted to give her own money (after all she is making big bucks), but I do draw the line at her spending my money.

We need someone to hold a class on ethics in city hall and the sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this blog can create a link to Suffolkfest's site to locate the sponsors. Selena will not be happy but won't be able to do much without alienating the big money players by pulling down the site.

Anonymous said...

The site that lists the supporters is gone. So much for transparency and openness. Time to boycott Peanut Fest and all that attaches to it and SCG!

Anonymous said...

No, the link provided doesn't work for the sponsors of Peanut Fest, but when you put the FULL url it does.

Anonymous said...

I have pulled up the Peanut Fest Sponsor's listing and will keep it in my pocket for refernece of who not to patronize. The only way to break the strangle hold the geeks in this city have upon us is to avoid the businesses that support such events as Peanut Fest. If enough people take exception to such sponsors manipulating us under the direction of people like Mrs. Gleen

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