Friday, May 8, 2009


Paul Lasakow, new boss at the Cultural Center found a way to live with a reduced budget, they had requested $600,000 and allowed $450,000, an amount many thought was inflated. There are still thousands who believe SCCA should survive with no financial help. Sadly three employees had to go and were replaced by the Director who apparently is capable of handling more responsibility than he of the purple shirt who recently moved on to better things. Lasakow calls it “organizational shifting” stating that remaining staff will be picking up duties of the people moving out.


Anonymous said...

This joke has gone far enough. In spite of the millions given to this organization from private individuals it is up to city tax dollars to keep the SCCA's doors open. Remarkably the city has not increased it's equity share of the business though every year they are given 450 thousand dollars forcebly taken from Suffolk's citizens. Perhaps it's time Mayor Linda Johnson follow the Obama Administration's example and appoint a culture czar. Then find a union of theatrical performers and give them 55% ownership. When they fail she could municipalize them as city employees.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should allow the new SCCA director to take over the Tourism Bureau where he can thin out the paid employees. They keep getting money from the tax payers and can only assume they recover some of the dollars supposedly supplied via tourists. Perhaps he could at least provide accurate numbers instead of wild guesses.

Suffolk Over-TAX PAYER said...

This issue is not going to hange until some stand up and say no more! That is not going to happen and the sheep in Suffolk like getting sheared. Linda Johnson is only providing the kind of government that the people of Suffolk want and deserve.

Where is the business plan for the SCCA? We have heard time and time again, that it is important to have a plan for such organizations that demand pulbic money, but this group always gets a pass as long as the council gets freebees! Could this be a form of fraud that should be reviewed to see if it has in fact been the reason that the council has provided our money to this group for? If so it would be something that the authorities should look into, but once again with a State Attorney that is not interested in anything but getting paid, nothing wil be done os said. It all drains down to the fact that we have no leaders who feel acountable to the people they continually take the money from. Until they do nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

Okay Lasakow bring out that Biz Plan for all to see. Forget what Ole Yeller Tooth says, she's of the past, the club of ladies that badly damaged the center's credibility. If you fail to do so NOW you will suffer the same fate as your predecessors.

Deb's Education Corner