Friday, May 22, 2009

Live Streaming of Graduation Ceremonies

I know first-hand the value of live streaming for events such as this. Last year, my husband's mother was in the hospital the day of his daughter's college graduation ceremony. We were able to enjoy the graduation with a better-than-a-front-row-seat view (in her hospital room) thanks to the college's live streaming of the event on the Internet. I also know people who have had their wedding ceremonies streamed so that family members and friends could enjoy the ceremony even when distance was an issue.

So kudos to the school district for making the graduation ceremonies available to any family or friend who has internet access. This is about using technology to improve the relationship between the local government and the citizens it serves.

I've said it before but it's a good time to say this again. How about if our Council and School Board stream each of its meetings, thus reaching out to a wider net of citizens? The cost? Actually nothing with some of the services that are available to use. Let's do this as one way to show we really do care about keeping up with technology and using it to promote positive relationships with citizens. Remember, right now if you don't have cable, you don't have live access to City Council or School Board meetings - something that is so easy to address and change.

Again, to Ms. Bradshaw with the school district - kudos!


Anonymous said...

Mayor slaps forehead with hand...

Anonymous said...

Does city council want live streaming of their meetings? Currently only Charter customers can view council in session. The rest of Suffolk has no access whatsoever other than to drive to Market Street.

I question if a streaming council session would be worthwhile as only a few interested citizens have a PC in the South and Western reaches of our city. They prefer live chat lines, ebay, NASCAR, streaming Dancing with the Stars and the VA Farm Report.

Anonymous said...

Now we can watch 25% of our students NOT GRADUATE and walk across the platform. How sad to have such an awful dropout rate.

Deb's Education Corner