Sunday, September 4, 2011


There is little reason to point out that Raleigh Henderson Issacs is the Sheriff’s son, the Sheriff is not guilty by association or responsible for his son's behavior. The "boy” is 50 years old and his first arrest was in 2006. Many  wonder why he was never properly punished unless they understand the probable relationship between prosecutors and elected officials.  You must agree that this drunk driver still is one after many appearances before the law but the leniency is not the fault of the father. He more than likely was as embarassed as any father would be. But what this time, isn't everyone treated the same in our courts?   


Anonymous said...

It appears there are different rules for some folks, especially constitutional officers children.Maybe something will be done this time since the paper had the guts to print the article about all the free passes Raleigh Jr. has gotten. If this was your average joe he would be prosecuted to the fullest. The commonwealth attorney's son got a free pass several years ago also. That is the way the system works. It is disgusting but it happens more often than most folks realize. They pulled every trick in the book to get Phil Fergusons's son off the hook. That would really make for a good story if the papers had the guts to print it.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pocklington's last remark can only be addressed by the one who was elected to the position of D.A. 30 years ago. He and his staff are sworn officers of the court. They have bypassed responsbility of the office for which he was elected to serve as well as those appointed. The D.A. can no longer hide from the professional and social relationship he has with the Sheriff and with the father of the son.The law must be enforced with no bias.Until that happens, the DA, his staff and the office are null and void when other DUI cases are tried by those very same people.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:18
Your are absolutely correct. What I found to be ironic is when the son graduated from college it was front page news as if nothing had ever happended.
Its time for Ferguson and Issacs to step down.

Been There said...

Of course, no one is happy here, much less the parent, and the young man appears to deserve a strong punishment here.

However, Raleigh Isaac is my friend, and I strongly support him in the undeseved pain this must be causing him.

As hard as I wanted to, I couldn't raise the perfect child, and I sure don't know any other parent who can or should blame Raleigh.

Anonymous said...

What is sad that the politics of this traversty of Ferguson and his son is that an election reunited those envolved in the cover up together and are now serving Suffolkians today in the capacity of being Constitutional officers sworn by oath.

Watchful said...

Is having a blind jury or judge any different than City Officials being blind to high paid employees not living within the city. It is a law made by the same people who violate it.

Anonymous said...

No one is blaming Issacs for his son. What people are tired of is ones status that is used to be treated differently based on title and name recongintion. It is a problem that thrives in Suffolk.Adults who make bad decisions no matter what their name or title may be are no different than those with out the luxury of that name or title. Then we see the same adult family use their status to circumvent the system because of those who have that same status who are working in the same system that they help to abuse.

Anonymous said...

Let he that is without Sin cast the first stone.

Anonymous said...

Show me the rock pile and in this blatent case I will start thowing stones. This is about as bad as it gets Sherrif DOG. You arrest us without reguard, but ask for leinent treatment of your own, by the hands of your connected friends, SAD!


Issac's and Ferguson's home are made of glass.The public is sick at what they see going on in those homes. No one needs to throw any stones. Those windows already have cracks in them.

Anonymous said...

The sheriff's office transports suspects for trial and if someone gets out of line in court they will slap on the cuffs, but I don't recall ever seeing them making arrests without regard or as happenstance as is being suggested.

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