Saturday, September 24, 2011

Class war at its best.

The folks who are getting the free stuff, don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff,

Because the folks who are paying for the free stuff, can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff,

And, the folks who are paying for the free stuff, want the free stuff to stop.

And the folks who are getting the free stuff, want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!


The people who are forcing the people who Pay for the free stuff,
have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff,
that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff,
are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.


The people who are GETTING the free stuff, have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff,

By the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason?

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

BTW, the United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 235 years ago.

The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff.

We have one chance to change that in 2012. Failure to change that essentially means the end of the United States we inherited. It wasn't perfect; it needed some change. But one Party thought tearing it down ("fundamental change" without explanation if I recall) was the answer!

ELECTION 2012 IS COMING. A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves! Take a Stand!!!


Anonymous said...

Straight talk from Herman Cain: Obama A Liar, His Class Warfare Rhetoric Is B>S>... Barack Hussien Obama doesn’t give a rat’s patootee about the 17% unemployment rate in the black community. If Obama gave a damn about it do you think he would be trying to grant amnesty to to over 12 million illegal immigrants presently living in this country? Surely at least some black people must realize that millions of jobs are being stolen from them by people who have no legal right to be in the USA. But instead of enforcing our immigration laws and cracking down on employers who hire illegal aliens, Obama’s “Justice Dept.” is cracking down on those States who are trying to do something about the problem. If illegal aliens are granted amnesty, don’t black people realize that all of those jobs will be lost and gone forever? We still have a chance to take our country and our jobs back from the foreign invaders. Don’t be fooled by Obama, he is just using you to keep himself in power! Vote for Hermain Cain In 2012! OMG I am a racissstttt.I am wondering how I am going to explain this to Morgan Freeman and to the CBC.
By SPTSP on Class war at its best. at 8:22 PM

Lucrezia said...

My brothers and sisters are so mad we's about to take off our slippers and wack someone with them. I am writing this with a slightly noticable in the hood dialect. Any news about the NAACP Nansemond Borough redistricting effort?

LOCKED AND LOADED (with reason) said...

MTV is staying away from Obama. His popularity with young folks is about as popular as a case of VD.There goes that rock star status.

NOBAMA ABO said...

Zero says that he depends on ordinary people as the back bone of his re-election. He said this at one fun raiser in Hollywood that oridnary people paid 35,000 to attend and then one where they paid 18,000.Meanwhile the oridnary people cant even get him to come to the hood. Yep oridnary folks are surely at the tip of this Warrior in Chiefs list of priorites.17 million priorities in fact.A Working Class Hero Is Something To Be.Hollywood and this fund rasing by them is just another reason not to buy tickets to their movies or buy another Black Eyed Peas CD.

Loaded with dum-dums said...

Anon 8:59, was it necessary for Cain to lower himself to Obama's level? Reagan never stooped to that with Carter. Is that what you want from your candidate? Brevado, hype and machismo just to get media face time. Most of us are still asking who is Herman Cain? Frankly I've had enough of the above from Obama and now we have to listen to Cain. I do not want to hear someone that thinks he's preaching to me like some country bumpkin. We need a candidate with business and political experience that talks to us in a calm rational and thoughtful way ala Reagan. Cain's childish verbal rock throwing may move some in the base but it's not a winning strategy even if God help us, he's elected. Obama's already tried it and it's failed. Do you think the Republicans under Cain should follow his example?

NOBAMA ABO said...

ANON 7:38
Cain has stoped down to or lectured us, as Zero has, sorry. Refreshing in its own right to speak out to zero..


When will the members of the CBC stop comparing Obama to Jesus. Oh but its ok because blacks and relgion is the bakbone of their culture. Let us all sing some old time negroe spirtuals while thousands are murderd in the womb. " I know thats right baby. Shelia Jackson Lee moonbat racist moron from Texas says, Obama Being Crucified Like Jesus…
Is she insane? She is the racist who said we planted a flag on Mars. Best thing she could do is go get it.Maybe religion is really the last vestiage for the Demoncrats instead of the race card. Besides, the race card has been used so many times, there’s no Obongo picture on it anymore. It’s been rubbed off.
Maybe this racist wwould like to tell her black followers how she made 24 million last year on her salary.
The woman has two brain cellks left and they are waving good bye to each other. Tell me this SJL You folks arent happy with Obama? now he has become that babry ruth in your punch bowl and you still continue to drink the punch. As for the attempt to compare Obam a Jesus
I don’t see Obama being scourged, getting thorns wrapped around his head, then carrying an 150 pound cross, and being nailed to it. Jesus actually was. Obama has been playing golf and living it up like the welfare king and queen that he and his wife are.

NOBAMA ABO said...

Zero has now said we are going soft? He is even blaming OTHERS
I think he needs to whiz in a jar and prove he isnt.
What do you expect when we rely on the the Feds for things like
what kind of cars we can drive, what kind of food to eat, Adoption Assistance
Adoption Tax Credit, Benefits and Government Assistance, Federal Domestic Assistance, Child Care Tax Credit, Children’s Health Insurance, College Student Loans and Grants, Crop and Livestock Insurance, Disability Resources, Disaster Assistance for Victims, Earned Income Tax Credit, Employment and Training Assistance, Farm Ownership and Operating Loans
Federal Retiree Benefits, Food Stamps and Other Nutrition Assistance Programs
Government Benefits, Government Online Services, Government Sales and Auctions,, Head Start, Home Energy (Heating and Cooling) Assistance for Low Income Households, Home Loans, FHA Loans, Home Mortgage and Housing Assistance, Home Rental Assistance
Human Trafficking, Laid-Off and Dislocated Worker Assistance
Legal Assistance
Loans for Agriculture, Business, Disaster Relief, Education, Housing, and Veterans through, Medicaid, Medicare, Mortgage Assistance Program, Native American Benefits, Pension Insurance and Benefit Guaranties, Railroad Retirement, Disability, and Unemployment Benefits
Refugee Resettlement program, Renter’s Assistance,
Rural Assistance Center for Health and Human Services
Rural Development Loans, School Lunch and Breakfast, Senior Citizen Community Service Employment Program, Small Business Loans, Social Security, Student Grants for Study Overseas, Student Loan Consolidation, Student Loans
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps)
Supplemental Security Income, Tax Counseling for the Elderly,
Telephone Assistance Programs for Low-Income, Temporary, Assistance for Needy Families (Welfare), Unclaimed Money from the Government, Unemployment Insurance, Vaccines for Children, Veterans’ Benefits, Weatherization Assistance,
Welfare (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
so if you are still reading this. When the poor get all the good stuff for free/cheap they don’t have to be told how to vote for the democrats.


Anon 7:38 you asked should Cain be an example to go by? Herman Cain by example of his own life, history he has no qualms in publicising, models for black citizens what, e.g. Frederick Douglas and Martin L. King affirmed. Both declared members of what Douglas called the Party of Freedom the Republican Party that was. A Republican president, against aggressive opposition of the Democratic Party of Jim Crow laws, and lynchings in Democratic ruled southern states, induced/forced Americans of all races (and genders) to spend blood and money to free black, and other, slaves in this Land of the Free. Do members of the Congressional Black Caucus know this history of the party under which seal many of them act?

How many - "black" AND "white" - Americans have been brainwashed to believe the Democrats from FDR through Jack Kennedy , LB Johnson, the Clintons and now Obama with their praetorians Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and of course Reps. Waters, Charles Rangel, Shelia Jackson Lee et al want blacks to truly rise up - to become what Herman Cain, Walter E. Williams, Thomas Sowell and Condoleeza Rice among others which must include ordinary black families who produce admirable citizens in their children, did by BEING citizens of this nation, of which the Obama's are ashamed. This envy of the world, which the Democratic Party - with active collusion from the modern Republican Party - has done so much to desecrate within the 20th century. Beginning with that intellectual president Woodrow Wilson, culminating in the Messiah Barack Obama - to cajole all Americans especially black citizens to a new bondage, the whip in the hands of Massa Government?
When the presidental debates begin I think America will see Cain debating Zero (less the telepropter) which will result in Zero exeperincing his General Armstrong Custer moment.

Anonymous said...

Liberals love words from Obama like kick some butt. Step on some throats. Lets drop the double edged sword that swings in only one direction.Theirs and its still a dull one at that


You decide:Fair and balanced

The difference between a black democrats and black Republicans is that the former mostly consist of “takers” while the latter are “providers.”

Liberals of all colors hate earned success/truth and delight in wealth sharing that sucks the life out of everything.

Ir Herman Cain is taking flak, thats because he is right and liberals black and especially white ones becuase they cant use the race card, but its never stopped them before. That is what the CBC is doing now as to protect their boy, the WON


Wow a photo ops for Michelle showing her "shopping" at Target.Since when did Target start selling $500.00 dollar tennis shoes? $250.00 T shirts? $42,500 diamond bracelets? She has already spent 10 million on vacations? I didntg know Target has a vacation department.I guess we can expect to see more unstaged shopping trips until the election. So now she enjoys shopping at Target and dipping snuff. She left there and went to Mickey D's and used a coupon.Revamping her image for election season. Like we won’t notice? Liberals – they think we’re as stupid and gullible as they are.


Have you ever heard of an intellectual free thinking lemming? Good luck in finding one. Blacks have wasted their political capital. The Democrat Party doesn't feel they have to work for the black vote, they EXPECT IT or else. There lies the problem with a racial group giving unfounded loyalty towards a political party and a president that doesn't deserve it.
Obama does not relate to African-Americans. His life's experiences are not indicative of a "legit" black background. He seems "above it all" and condescending in attitude when he speaks to and at both black and white Americans.As his base implodes and becomes disaffected, we can count on his frustration driving them further away. With any luck, he'll lose as badly as Mondale.
History tells and shows us The Democrats Formed the KKK Afterall.... Just Google democrats + Iron Triangle. MLK Was a republican , Lincoln Freed the slaves.... Yet they want to label Conservatives racist? It is laughable at best.


Proof Positive
Alec Baldwin the "actor" who was going to leave the staes if Bush was re-elcted. The same guy who is in the Capitol One Bank Commercials spewing off on their credit card. Is now supporting the urine stained morons who are now occupying Wall Street. The needle on the idiot meter just fell off.

Miochael Moore,Alec Baldwin, George Clooney, Samuel Jackson and many other liberals in HW all eliete hollywood trash. The difference between them and Hank Williams is Hank told the truth.
Now whats in your wallet?


You think there is class warfare at present and is growing daily? The question is what will happen when the parasites devour the host?


Remember itis fine to slander, marginalize, and demonize a black man if he’s got an (R) behind his name, but he’s to be protected, propped up, and canonized if he’s got a (D) behind his name. Typical liberal hyprocicy.

Anonymous said...

Obama is basking in the glory of our "Arab Spring"His speeches say this his actions and words prove it.Whats next an executive order suspending all elections, dictatorship and Shira Law?

Deb's Education Corner