Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I admit to never having recycled before today and I am nearly 87.  And knowing my wife as I do we have saved millions of gallons of clean fresh water. But that’s over now because there is no way she would toss out a glass or plastic can or bottle without washing or at least rinsing it. There will be no ketchup hiding in there or applesauce and I believe that idiosyncrasy is universal with women. So there is already an extra expense. I’m convinced both the Mayor and City Manager being distaff will also waste their time and water neatening up the used containers because not to could create threatening odors in the neighborhood.  Another thought disturbs me…how and who separates the 90- gallon mess at the plant? Unless you are a recycling nut the stuff goes in the blue cow on a daily basis. In our case we won’t be dragging the behemoth to the street until it is full, giving the contents ample time to settle into inseperable layers, as has the Grand Canyon.   Please note that in one of the comments to this post is a phone number you can call to arrange a tour of the recycling plant.  Might be a good idea for your org.             


Carol said...


Call TFC. They give tours. I was on the schedule to take one last year, but something came up. I haven't been able to go since.

On second thought, do you want me to call and set us up an appointment?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure emptying beer and wine bottles won't be a problem after you get your fattened property tax bill in December. I prefer to have open dumpsters with photos of the Mayor, City Council and City Manager attached to the ends as ideal targets for hand thrown glass missles.

Anonymous said...

I am a Suffolk resident, Chairman of the Suffolk Clean Community Commission and TFC Recycling employee. If interested, I can schedule a tour of our facility. I am also available to speak at groups regarding recycling and the environment. If interested, please give me a call at 757-435-5720.

Kathy Russell

Anonymous said...

Will there be a ribbon cutting celebration for the first truck back in to DUMP? It's a perfect photo ops for both of our mayors...

Change we can't believe in said...

SNH Nov 4, "I'm just a bipartisan, independent, conservative businessman." IS Aug 31 I will work to maintain a low tax rate by spending most tax dollars on core government services, public services, utilities and education. I insist we consider needs before wants." "I will encourage and promote business development and assist existing businesses." "I have made numerous personal and business decisions. I believe I am uniquely qualified to make practical, sensible and logical determinations that will benefit the citizens of Suffolk." SNH Nov.3, I'd say (the letter) was a factor". "I wasn't crazy about it." "It's not what I'd prefer to do, because I'm not a politician." Somehow the rhetoric and reality do not mesh.

Anonymous said...

While your about today take time and read the September 6th editorial "Another Disconnet" in the Suffolk News Herald. I don't often agree with their opinion but empty stomachs and wallets do tend to awaken people to the world of reality. Our elected officials and city administrators however continue however to live in a fantasy world. Hope you folks are enjoying your new blue wheelbarrows.

Anonymous said...

From my cummfy perspective in the country in Western Suffolk I just see another fee for another demand by the nonsesical city and my do nothing councilman jeff gardy. Explain again whe happened to that city money that used to cover trash operations! Oh yea, that went to raises and more mayor spending.

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