Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The vote was 6 and 2.  Only freshman Mike Duman had scrutinized the budget enough for him to say, "Sorry, gang, I can't see more than a three cent raise in taxes." All but Duman and Bennett voted the typical Suffolkian way, you know, the  "Yes but, theory. YES, we know this budget will break your  back, BUT we got plans.


Anonymous said...

Since Duman stood for us, I can almost see my next vehicle purchased coming from his his lot. It wont be one of Obama Motors GMC's either.

Anonymous said...

This is great news for Linda Johnson she just bought the next Mayoral Election with your money. City, school employees, and the constitutional officers across the city and all their families will be joyful of her gracious giving of our dollars and will inturn repay her and the oblique thinking Barclay and Milteer in November 2012. Soon there will be more pork out of Market Street than Smithfield. Remember to thank Parr, Brown, Milteer, Gardy and Barclay. She couldn't have done this to you without their help. Mike only wanted a 3 cent increase. But what's a few million here or there matter, it's only money...... right?!

Anonymous said...

5:28, why would City and School employees vote for any of these people? They're the reason those folks haven't seen raises in the last three or four years. They're willing to raise taxes to build a Suffolk Versailles, but not to provide a cost of living raise to the first line employees. I think you'll be hard pressed to find a City employee who is a fan of anyone in the City Manager's club. But they know how she works. Remember, she can fire people based on her judgement. And city employees have rent to pay.

I'd say mortgages...but even with the real estate market bottoming out, most city employees still don't make enough to buy a decent place in this town.

Anonymous said...

And even with all the sqwaking about Linda Johnson, many of your voted for her because you wanted to feather your own beds. How is that going now?

Anonymous said...

Bob, wouldn't it be nice if the mayor and her sock puppet the CM actually listened to the voters and heeded their wishes? I guess we all can keep dreming.The federal government and our local government no longer exists to serve the people; it exists to serve itself. We are regarded as little more than wallets or purses with legs, to be dumped upside down and shaken out periodically for more dough. The political class cares about the common person only insofar as he is necessary for a given poll to be re-elected. The rest of the time we do not exist. The mayor of North Suffolk Johnson and our version of Valeri Jarrett the CM dont care what we think. All one has to do is look and see how selective governing works and its results.
It's a little early to say this but Mike Duman just might be our only hope for a united Suffolk.Now that would be a "Surprising Suffolk" or possibly it could/will be a 'Good Time To Be In Suffolk" including being a Proud Suffolkian, once again.
"Toot Toot Peanut Butter"

Anonymous said...

Whaleyville's historic society is looking for relics for their collection. They didn't accept our offer of Curtis Milteer.

Deb's Education Corner