Sunday, May 1, 2011


Bring the troops home,  all of them. Put them to work drilling for oil and gas here or rebuild our tired transportation  system.  Eliminate most welfare entitlements and put majority of former recipients to work. Push Senators and Representatives over 65,  at all levels of government, out to pasture. Grade the school and college teachers from 1 to 5, below 3 drive buses.  Force local government to be transparent and tax payer friendly. Rebuild the bridge to Driver.

All will be well again.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Obama the world's greatest narcissist, didn't sanction the attack to coincide with William and Kate's Wedding. That would have taught them a lesson not to inviting him and Michelle to the gala event. Guess he'll just have to wait for Peanutfest or Taste of Suffolk.

Anonymous said...

What do you think the reaction will be when I head down to a mosque and hand out candy and cake?
Someone should ask Petraeus if this will put our troops in danger, as much or more so than burning a Koran?
You know this has been a great week first the “Birthers” got closure now the “Truthers” got closure… How bout that? Of did they ?
Bob how does the whole Nobel Peace Prize fit into this?

Anonymous said...

Anon:12:00 PM
But the announcement did interrupt the Apprentice.One person who hasnt been heard from is Skillary Obama's in house idiot. Remember her General Betrayus B.S.. Well done General Petraeus.Maybe you and West would care to run in 2012 Our COIC surely wouldnt still want to take credit for something a community organizer couldnt do.

Anonymous said...

Obama fit it in very nicely. After Kate and Will's Wedding, Pope John Paul II's Beautification and the White House Correspondents Dinner Roast of Donald Trump. Isn't our first and last Black President wonderful?

Anonymous said...

Standby photogs of UBL minus a sinus, will be coming around the time of the 2012 election. Meantime the MSM's appetite for information will be temproraily slated by evidence of his burial at sea. To quote Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

Anonymous said...

I have realized why there is no dissent on this site. Because everyone of you has been drinking the Glenn Beck,Rush Limbaugh,Donald Trump Kool-Aid. I am a moderate republican and am intelligent enough to respect the office of president. I disagree with many policies of this administration as I did with our last president. But I also give credit when it is due and I salute our military and our president for a job well done. God bless America!

Anonymous said...

As a member of the Racist, Sexist, Homophobic Alliance, we take great pride that we have a President like Obama. In fact we need another four year term for him to finish this country off just like OBL.

rpock said...

The previous comment seems strange to us on the "IS team. None came aboard agreeing to agree. I, for one find Beck's constant use of religion a bit tiresome and I deserted the gold microphone years ago. I know little of Trump and don't even understand his hair problem. Only one of us joined the tea party. And none of us are Republicans. Sorry old chap,try again.

Anonymous said...

Pock, all the Republicans I know brag that you're one of them.

rpock said...

Then they were taken in like you. I have respect for the PRESIDENCY but can't say that about every President. In fact few of the last ten met my standards for President. And I say that about standards for Council members. Unfortunately we see others failures much quicker that we see our own. Perhaps with your keen insight you should be on the "IS" team instead of barking at it.

Anonymous said...

Bob: Thanks to you and those others from your generation. Many forget that its you good folks made sure we would not be wearing brownshirts.
One thing else, I dont hear any body on the right saying Seig Heil.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it the SEALS tried to capture OBL and explained to him the benefits of Obamacare and Osama asked for the bullet to the head. Better a quick death than death by 1000 paper cuts.

Poll Queston:
Does the way Obama killed Osama bin Laden affect your opinion of
President Obama….
Not nearly as much as the way he killed the economy

Anonymous said...

A Navy Seal entered a quiet bar somewhere in Tidewater. He sat down and asked for an OBL. The bartender paused with a confused look and asked what's an OBL. The Seal looked up, smiled and said two shots and a splash of water.

Slaytheman the Magnificent said...

He was really a nice boy with good parents that appreciated education and raised in a religious home. What happened? You pick the race, religion and region, the excuses are always the same whether it be Abbottabad Pakistan or Suffolk Virginia.

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