Thursday, March 18, 2010


This week the Planning Commission was placed in a difficult situation. The School Board submitted an application to build a new school on Copeland road to serve the needs of Holy Neck and Whaleyville Borough residents. Seventeen sites were considered before deciding upon Copeland Road. Unfortunately no one bothered to check if the location was suitable in the City’s 2026 Comprehensive Plan. So on Tuesday afternoon after much discussion and good intentions the Planning Commissioners did the right thing and turned down the School Board’s application. They unanimously agreed that amending the Comp. plan in a haphazard manner would have undermined its importance. If there is to be a change to the plan to accommodate the school, the decision belongs with City Council. Regardless which location is chosen some of the approximately ninety students will be traveling greater distances. To save costs the site selection needs to consider the availability to water and sewer. The Copeland site will require wells drilled, water quality evaluated, drainage basins created for storm water runoff and drain fields or an expensive sewage treatment plant. The Villages of Whaleyville and Holland have water but need sewage treatment plants. Development is progressing along Route 58 faster than 13. If you were a member of the School Board where would you look?

"IS" Team Deme Panagopolus ME


Anonymous said...

Simply stated, I wouldn't. We should not feel compelled to build a multi-million dollar building to make things convenient when the economy is in a big mess. The taxpayers should not be burdened with such an expenditure.

Anonymous said...

If there is to be a Centerpoint and other commercial projects along Holland Road housing will follow. A site somewhere along that road should be selected. Building a school for 90 elementary students in these difficult times is this another issue.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing less than another mis-step by our incompetent school board and staff. They have a copy of the comprehensive plan and should have known better. I live near the site and can not for the life of me, figure out how anyone with a reaonable mind could think that this site on Copeland Road is right for a new school.

Finally the idiots in City Hall got one right. I guess even a blind squirrel can find a nut now and then. We do not need a school on Copeland Road, it should be put up near the interchange on route 13 where ther is water and sewer service.

Anonymous said...

It will merely be a monetary issue that kills big government spending. The clowns on Market Street need to be re-elected so there will be a bone or two to throw at the South end of the city. The new school however was big enough to choke them before the election.

Anonymous said...

How much does portable trailer classrooms cost for 90 students and 12 teachers? How much for a potable water tank, plumbing and portable toilets? The School Board need to understand that's about all we can afford.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Milteer's mouth has gotten himself in hot water AGAIN with the public school teachers. Calling them dogs that hunt until June when the budget process ends. The School Board-Administration said they were appalled at the comment. Frankly most tax payers agree it's about time these two arrogant disfunctional groups rip into each other.

Anonymous said...

Now we have football for girls. That's just great. How much does it cost the People's Government School System of Suffolk to provide uniforms, field maintenance, coaches, liability insurance, referees, etc. The idiot parents and School Board just don't get it. Can sexually confused males participate in girls sports? Will testosterone juiced up flannel shirt wearing girls be allowed to play boys sports? Give me a break!

Deb's Education Corner