Monday, March 29, 2010

What Does MORE Government Mean?


Toasted Cracker said...

Our nation is made up of a people that escaped from poverty, famine or war in their home country. Some were forced here as indentured servents or slaves. All have enjoyed the fruits of liberty. But like all good things it must come to an end. So now we become a people that are impoverished, staved and beaten like slaves. The only difference is who is the Master.

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned in an earlier post about a Constitutional Convention. I completely agree. We need to get at the very crux of our nation's malaise if it is going to survive. However it goes will determine if we are to remain united states. Beating our heads against the wall with one party or another get us no where. We already are aware that doesn't work. The Supreme Court has proven it doesn't follow the existing Constitution. Where can we go before we come to blows or ruin? A Constitutional Convention!

Anonymous said...

The diagram that is on the front page of this post is a simple, but exact discription of what is going on in our country, state and city. We all had hoped that the mayor johnson would at least break the cycle here in our hometown, but has done nothing of the sort. :(

Anonymous said...

"In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: Who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: Who does not obey shall not eat."

~ Leon Trotsky (1879–1940)

Anonymous said...

Even old Leon got what he deserved when the animal he fed turned on him. It took over 70 years to start to reverse the damage by socialists in Russia. To this day they remain largely bound to a corrupt system, and so will we.

Anonymous said...

Great question and topic:
The federal public debt, which was $6.3 trillion ($56,000 per household) when Mr. Obama entered office amid an economic crisis, totals $8.2 trillion ($72,000 per household) today, and it's headed toward $20.3 trillion (more than $170,000 per household) in 2020, according to CBO's deficit estimates.
Now lets play moonbat liberal progressive black response>
Dont you know that these numbers are fake? They are made it up! You are a racist because you don't like this Administration's spending.
Bush is still making the Democratically controlled Federal Government do these things!
Cheney is making Bush make the Democratically controlled Federal Goverenment look bad! DIDNT YOU KNOW THAT ITS BUSSSSSSSSSSH FAULT?

Anonymous said...

Yep many a black wept and cried tears of joy when Zero became president. When they left Washington after the swearing in, you saw the trash and garbage they left for others to clean up. Well the work is just beginning. I would weep tears of joy to see a real American man or woman walk back into the Oval Office.

Anonymous said...

Post-Racial President Renounces His White Half.
Barack Obama is the nation’s first black president.(Clinton must be hacked off)
A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born (?) in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.) or is it the NAACP
Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing.
There is no category specifically for mixed race or biracial. I am so shocked I tell you just shocked.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it kind of ironic that the political party that hangs Che Guevara posters in its campaign offices is whining about how their opposition is supposedly a violent political movement? Called teabaggers.

Anonymous said...

Obama News Flash the MSM isnt reporting on:The effective tax rate on the 26 million small businesses across the country -- which in the past have accounted for more than half of the job growth in the US -- has jumped to 50 percent from 40 percent, sucking valuable cash from the businesses.
But I thought taxes weren't going up? Well taxpayers if you get your information from Obama's lapdog media you probably won't know any of this at all would you?
The 26 million small businesses in the US are getting buried under an avalanche of new taxes, which include:

* An increase of 4.6% in federal taxes from 35% to 39.6% (expiration of Bush tax cuts)

* An increase in capital gains taxes from 15% to 20% (expiration of Bush tax cuts) liberal politicans were unavailable for comment, they were reviewing their financial statements.

* A new tax of 3.85% on investment income, dividends, rents, royalties mandated in the new health care bill Charlie Rangel was unavailalbe for comment

* An increase in the Medicare payroll tax to 2.35% as mandated in the new health care bill on small business and you are questioning why major corporations are upset? I have a bumper sticker that I want to put on my car but because of the respect I have for my preacher I wont put it on. It says if you voted for Obama thanks ......e

Toasted Cracker said...

As taxes roll up watch small businesses stop reporting cash sales. Perhaps they'll even promote cash over credit under reporting annual sales and hiding revenue just like in Europe. Tax revenue to state and local government will continue to slide downward while their spending addiction goes on unabated. Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows.

Anonymous said...

Since Zero is offering relief to those who have credit cards I will just put all my purchaes on my credit cards.

Anonymous said...

Democrats say no to balanced budgets. They say no to lower taxes. They say no to smaller government. They say no to states' rights. They say no to gun rights. They say no to the rights of the unborn. They say no to sensible immigration laws. They say no to policies that would encourage private-sector job growth. They say no to tort reform. They say no to sensible, targeted health care reform. They say no to pro-growth environmental regulations. They say no to education reform that rewards results instead of teachers' unions. They say no to bipartisanship. They say no to moderate nominees for federal courts. They say no to ending affirmative-action handouts, preferences and quotas. They say no to welfare reform. They say no to tough laws for criminals. They say no to a strong national defense. They say no to families. They say no to faith.

tom said...

One fact remains, that without government, we have NO freedom.

Deb's Education Corner