Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This is an abbreviated version of a comment.

As I sit here in my over-stuffed and comfortable chair in my older home, just a few blocks from the intellectually challenged leaders that ride upon our backs on Market Street, I am watching them vote to give away the rest of the "Fairgounds Project" that millions of public dollars has been spent upon. This bitter pill is even more so, because it is clear to one and all, that it is being given to Friends of the Mayor (FOM) and other members of Council as political payback and is it ever "payback"! For just pennies on the dollar, the Mayor and her henchmen are voting to give to select developers who have supported her with campaign money and political help to keep her in power. It is an absolute shame that the sale of this heavily moneyed public project is being "sold-out" for utterly give-away prices and without any real plan or comment. Some might say, "well it has been ten years and nothing has been done with it, so why not give it away and let someone do something with it". That contrived reasoning is utterly wrong and shows that the deep pockets of the people have once again been picked clean and it hurts in these difficult times for the umpteenth time.

Then the folks will sign us up for even more debt to support SPSA for debt that was run up to cover tipping fees we were not responsible for, due to our agreement to host the landfill. But our leaders are indifferent to protecting our interests. Mayor, you have failed to represent us and our interests in any realistic way! Your administration, under the guidance of the most incompetent city manager we have ever had in our city, is now a real embarrassment given how you have used us all as your own little piggy bank for "Chicago-style" political payback for your own gain, not ours'. When they look for an example of failed municipal leadership and an absolute sell-out to the developers and moneyed characters of the area, they all will look to you as the "Best" bad example of such.

I have lived, worked, and grown old in this City and must now state that I have never seen such abject and utter failure as the period that Mayor Linda Johnson, Charles Parr, and Jeffery Gardy have been in charge. We are now suffering the pox of selfish and obtuse leadership under these people and that defines all that is wrong in Suffolk politics for the last six years. Mayor Johnson, her henchmen: Gardy, Parr, and the new guy Barclay; show us all how not to represent the people. The rest, Milteer, Brown, Barlow, and Bennett just don’t understand what is going on and can be manipulated by the Mayor's group. The people lose once again as the policies’ of the Mayor takes, demands, and obfuscates the truth only to line the pockets of her inner circle of the "Friends of the Mayor" (FOM) who know too well how to pick the pockets of the people, who are usually asleep or slow to comprehend the truth of the situation.

(With full Understanding)


Anonymous said...

What an honest and clear view of our community. Why is it that we can't have people like this writer in public office? We need people like this solving our problems, not taking advatage as those we now have. Seems like we do have some talent in Suffolk.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone who really knows our mayor. She has lead our city off the cliff and most will willingly follow like lemmings. Suffolk will hit bottom soon, will it bounce of flop? under johnson I predict a flop for sure!

Anonymous said...

Pock, one of the issues you got incorrect in regards to SPSA is that the City actually reduced its exposure by reducing the City's guarantee from approx. $28 M to less than $7 M. It was a good thing last Wed. night. One of the reasons the City agreed to the 28 M in the first place was to prevent SPSA's doors from being closed. If that happened, the City would have started to pay a disposal cost that could have cost up to $6 to $8 M a year. And again the $28 M was not a payment but only a guarantee to cover payments of the worst happened at SPSA (which it has not yet happened). There was no real cost for this guarantee, but it could have possibly saved the City from having to pay a tipping fee.

You may not have agreed with the previous guarantee of 28 M, but surely you do not object to the recent reduction to less than $7 M?

that was a good think, by reducing the City's guarantee by approx. $21 Million.

Anonymous said...

The main thing here is that we are still getting less leadership and more politics from the like of our incompetent Manager and Mayor. People, we are hurting and these types of schemers do not one good, but themselves. This is jsut liek the Dems are doing with healthcare. They seem to believe they know better than anyone and will prove it with your money. I have lived here my entire life and we have never had a worse mayor or manager. There is some disconnect with how they see our city and reality that the rest of us live under. We pay the bills and they spend without much thought or care. That must change, but how?


Anyone out there listening?

Suffolk Born said...

I just read this comment and came to the thought that this person must really know our Mayor Johnson well. From what I have seen over the last few years is exactly the same thing and it is disgusting to say the least. Johnson has made our fine town of Suffolk nothing more than her private political piggy-bank. Parr is no better, but it always seems that we will see them in office for years to come. What if we all just decided to kick the bums out? How could it be done and who would replace them?

We can only hope that this festering scab of a Mayor can be excised from our city and maybe even take Parr with her to political oblivian!

Anonymous said...

Good comments and this is why IS is worthy of reading! Suffolk is suffering and it is all about our midget mayor. Time to get a full size version and get rid of her boys too.

Deb's Education Corner