Sunday, March 21, 2010


For years we have heard complaints about Suffolk still having homes with outdoor toilet facilities. The city finally agreed and is taking action against owners by placing those buildings in bad condition on the “hit list.” Some have already been demolished in Hobson bringing other owners out in strength to demand a halt to destruction of “historic” buildings. The City insists their motive is only safety, not an attempt to merely clean up the village. One could say the residents can’t have it both ways. Mary Hill is defending the right to own historic buildings and insisting that the city allow sufficient time to restore rather than destroy “antiquity.” The city, on the other hand, has pointed out that they’ve already allowed plenty of opportunity to deal with the safety factor. Whose money would be spent for restoration is yet to be determined.


Anonymous said...

Hobson is a digraceful collection of abandoned, delapitaed ramschackle collection of fire-traps. Many have been empty and overgrown for so long they cannot be seen from the street. A strong message is needed before lives are lost.

Anonymous said...

Mary Hill needs to get a real life. She is just wrong in claiming that all those shacks are somehow "historical" properties. As a member of the city staff I applaud the resonable efforts to tear them down and make way for progress.

Anonymous said...

When will the city treat the slumlords or owners who own property East of the tracks in the same manner? Hell not just on the other side of the tracks but all across the old city of Suffolk?

Toaster Cracker said...

Mayor Linda is eyeing Hobson for her latest personal project, Johnsonville. The city will condemn and demolish the hamlet and move the populace out to Oakland or Sandy Bottom. Then build a high tax luxury housing development between the Nansemond River and Chuckatuck Creek.

Anonymous said...

If they don't like the way they've treated you then go write a letter to Obama, Pelosi and Reid. They've got all our money and we're broke. Hope for a little change you can really count on.

Anonymous said...

Hobson today Whaleyville tomorrow Cypress the day after. What will happen to all those homes on the South end with no internal sanitary plumbing system. At least Hobson has automated garbage pick up.

Anonymous said...

More of how Suffolk Officials deal with the little people. Since mayor linda johnson has been our mayor things have gone from bad to worse. Seems like she has reinvented the chicago style pay-to-play politics and it only insures that she get her's and that is it.

Anonymous said...

Mary is trying to make a buck as always. This is not history she tries to preserve, but her intersts in properties and money. Get it right or tear it down I say. The same should be done around downtown where I drive by delapidated stuff all the time. Time to clean house this spring.

Anonymous said...

Hobson was hit a few years ago with one of Suffolk's highest assessment increases. Why, I asked. It appears the rich and powerful are interested in cleaning up the hamlet and redeveloping it with new expensive subdivisions. Hobson is between a river and creek. There is big acerage and waterfront property for several Governor's Pointe type estates.

Many of the nearby White residents would like to see Hobson and Sandy Bottom go the way of many Black neighborhoods into the history book. Lets see for a price if they can be bought out or must be forced out by taxes and city codes to appease the powerful.

Deb's Education Corner