Wednesday, March 24, 2010




Anonymous said...

A self-portrait confinced me Obama is not a Muslim. There's something in the Bible about do unto others.....I'm sure the Koran and Torah also have something like that.

Anonymous said...

After what has taken place before and since this unknown has begun the process of killing our country, I would think that comments are warranted. If you remain silent, then you choose to reamin silent,then you approve of where he is taking us.Its not just about a difference in political beliefs, it his vision of modern slavery and he is the master of the plantation.

Anonymous said...

Either Obama doesn’t know what the "heck" he is doing or Obama DOES know what the "heck" he is doing. Not sure which one scares me the most. my bet is the first one. He tells Israel this is what your going to do. Then walks out of the room and tells their PM to stay awhile, think about what Obama said and get back to him if there are going to be the change Obama wants. 20 years of Rev
Wright and his anti semetic rants are paying off. This punk in the WH is a Muslim. Calypso Louie Farakahan must be very happy as well.Obama is no statesman. I have never known a Muslim to be one.

Kenyan Krusader said...

Is Obama painting Saladin, Suleyman or Mohammed. He thinks of himself to be as great as any of them. Strange though as it is prohibited for a faithful Muslim to paint the image of a human.

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