Saturday, April 24, 2010


The idea is to cut services first, like the Volunteer Rescue Squad. This may not affect many Suffolk citizens but it gets a lot of attention. While cutting them $50,000, that’s only $1.38 per household, it could require the city to spend far more than $50,000 to pick up the 6 months the Volunteer Squad isn’t able too operate. But wise Mr. Brown has spoken and the Council agreed.

Norfolk uses it too, lay off the cops, every thing else is too important to cut, like the SCCA in Suffolk.



Anonymous said...

No citizen should be forced to pay taxes only to see it be given away to non-profit organizations. Whether they agree with the organization's purpose or not.

Who in this government has been given the right to say exactly who is giving what to whom and when is my issue with the City Manager's Budget. This process undermines the importance of giving. It disconnects the community from the non-profit while creating an atmosphere of animosity. Ms. Cuffee-Glenn justify the costs to operate and manage the city and I'll be the judge of which charitable organization will benefit from the few pennies I have left to give.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the Suffolk Hilton Garden Inn Conference Center at $400K? Let's also look at what we are spending on illegals in our city for education and health care? Let's never down-size city government because we would not be able to hand over a 1 million dollar bonus to city employees. If Linda and City Counsel was so pathetic, it would be almost hilarous.

Anonymous said...

Does the Historical Society and similar organizations provide vital services to our community as the rescue squad? Is Mayor Johnson buying votes again from the simple minded while hiding in the shadow of the City Manager? This game of bait and switch has gotten tired. It's about time to grow up.

Deb's Education Corner