Sunday, April 25, 2010


A young friend of a daughter received this email today; he lives in Phoenix. “We have a couple of hundred Mexicans, milling around the state capitol with stupid signs, that got angry when someone confronted them with reality. Janet Napolitano used to be our Governor and while in that position she would not control the border and complained that it was the Feds problem and her hands were tied. Well guess Obama has put her in charge of Homeland Security and still the Feds keep the border like a sieve. I really think this law is a first step towards the people taking charge and maybe waking Washington up to the fact that this is a crisis. I have been down to and across the border here several times and every time I have seen Mexicans climbing the fence and running like rats into the night. Border security is a joke.”



Anonymous said...

The way things are going so badly on this side of the border, one has to wonder; is the individual climbing up to the top of the fence entering or leaving our country?

You Decide said...

I'm confused is the person in the photo a future democrat party voter, or an illegal alien.

Anonymous said...

The answer to the above question is "both."

Anonymous said...

With over 300,000 illegal criminals estimated to be in Virginia, Its a miracle that our state financal woes "arent" directly related to illegal criminals.Say, I wonder if all of the welfare, benefits, prison expenses and other infrastructure costs of millions of illegals have anything to do with California's $23 billion annual budget deficit? Or New York's catastrophic fiscal problems? Nah, that's got to be a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

I a majority of Arizonians support their state legislators recent action why are our national leaders feining outrage? Are they trying to buy votes, are they media cowards or just plain spineless wimps? Three simple words could solve the hemmorrage; Ready, Aim, Fire!

Deb's Education Corner