Monday, April 5, 2010


The reason nearly everyone in the universe has a cell phone is that President Reagan did to telephones the exact opposite of what the Democrats have just done with health care. Before Reagan came into office, we had one phone company, ridiculously expensive rates and one phone model. Reagan split up AT&T, deregulated phone service and gave America a competitive market in phones. The rest is history. If you can grasp how inexpensive cell phones in a rainbow of colors and wonders like the iPhone could never have been created under a National Cell Phone Reform Act, you can understand what a disaster ObamaCare is going to be for health care in America." --columnist Ann Coulter

1 comment:

G. Marconi said...

Since the passing of Ma Bell many of those that made millions from cell phones and baby bells seem to have forgotten who was responsible. Most would have been desk jockey paper pushers but for the entreprenurial spirit encouraged by Ronald Reagan. Strange how many of them morphed to become big Democrat Party contributors, Senators and Congressmen. Not to worry the Obama Regieme will act to regulate it again with sensorship, taxes and reduced frequency availability.

Deb's Education Corner