Wednesday, March 24, 2010


"Idaho requires its attorney general to sue the feds if ObamaCare passes while Virginia, the cradle of liberty, heads the line of states in front of the federal courtroom. Somewhere Patrick Henry is smiling. As the second coming of King George III seeks to impose the leftist mandate of national health insurance on the unwilling American people, the states are once again in revolt. This time they're unwilling to be the colonies of an imperial federal government determined to spend and tax us into bankruptcy while treating the Constitution as if it were bird cage liner. Is this what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they risked being hanged by the British crown because they said we shouldn't be taxed without representation? Well, we have representation, and they care not about the people they represent. ... Not amused is Idaho, the latest state to jump into the fray last Wednesday, with Gov. C.L. 'Butch' Otter signing into law a measure requiring the state attorney general to sue the federal government if residents are forced to buy health insurance. 'The ivory tower folks will tell you, 'No, they're not going anywhere,' Otter told reporters. 'But I'll tell you what, you got 36 states; that's a critical mass. That's a constitutional mass.' Otter shares the belief that nowhere in the U.S. Constitution is a mandate to buy health insurance or anything else. ... He believes in the 10th Amendment, in states' rights as defined in the Constitution. All powers not specifically given to the federal government belong to the states and to the people. Mandating health insurance is not one of them. Some would say these states are stepping on Superman's cape, that federal law trumps state law. Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli says that's true only when the federal law has some basis in the Constitution and is not in itself unconstitutional." --Investor's Business Daily


Anonymous said...

I we pin our future freedom on these justices the same that allowed municipalities to take our private property away. Then God Help us. We need someone with the will power to stand up to this president like Chief Justice Roger Brooke Tany.

Anonymous said...

The neo-socialists were very clever to populate the judicial system with like minded justices. Justice John Paul Stevens who is in his 90s patiently waited until a Democrat President was in office before he retired ensuring someone as liberal would take his seat. So as we hear Republicans thump their chests and rant about "reject and resubmit" their effort will be trumped by the Supreme Court. Any government body that allows a municipality to take away property from one citizen and pass it to another and call it lawful is indeed blind to reality. After taking a brief recess maybe Justice David Souter will want to resume tearing the country apart from the bench. Next up Ginsberg, who will support an Acorn or SEIU justice instead of her ACLU comrades.

Anonymous said...

Governor Otter may have a point concerning what the Constitution allows. However just because it isn't mentioned has never been an obstacle for the Feds. There are a multitude of issues not described in our constitution that have been forced upon the American people by the Federal Government. Did Governor Otter just discover this wonderful document or does it's purpose suit his political agenda. If he really means what he says he and like minded governors should demand a Constitutional Convention and nothing less. PS I though he was great in the movie Animal House.

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