Tuesday, March 30, 2010


"As with so many things in life, there are no easy answers to the problems that face the youth of Suffolk — and America — today. From teen teenage sexuality to violence on the streets to declining test scores to a seeming loss of social mores, the social climate surrounding teens today is more potentially poisonous than at any time in the history of the nation, much less the community.

“IS” is tempted to say “Hogwash.” We could judge, from this SNH report that our teenagers have somehow been walled off from their parents and helpful contact with society and forced to grapple with self-created unbearable problems and “pressures” of their own, using only their limited experience to deal with life. Granted, but only if they have no parental guidance or they are the victims of parents they would be better off without. Even kids in that mess often find the right path through teachers and religion. Our guess is that the SNH speaks for a very small percentage of children who haven’t yet realized they have and are a problem.


Anonymous said...

Have no fear SNH, Obama is here! He will forgive student loans by nationalizing the student loan program. Wiping out yet another banking institution. Medical worries are a thing of the past. Young people in the workforce that chose more money over medical coverage now can both. Free pills, x-rays and soon medicinal marijuana with unlimited visits for everyone. Retirement woes are vanishing with a social security-medicare system paid for by China and Japan. For young people looking for work there are a multitude of government and government dependent jobs waiting for them. Just have them sign along the dotted line they are willing to give up all their rights and freedoms to the People's Democratic Republic of Obama.

Pock tell these kid reporters at the SNH how it was to go through a depression, world war, overseas police actions, inflation, unemployment, riots, civil unrest and near nuclear holocaust all before you were 40. If their eyes roll or glaze, they're mindnumbed deserving of a good dose of reality coming their way with a Friday afternoon pink slip and a swift kick in the rear out the door. But always remember to thank a teacher.

Pants on the ground said...

Pants were never lower and boxers never higher than in today's troubled times. These kids need our help. They need a good diet and a belt so their pants stay up where they belong.

Le Sous Chef de Mason said...

Kudos to the Suffolk News Herald for touting Restaurant Week as a success. The numbers aren't in but like Democrats in a tight race on election night they'll claim victory well before the polls close. We'd like to see those same reporters and staff tell us two weeks from now how full are the restaurants. I'll be in the back kitchen watching for them.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if the boys didn't wear their pants so low the teen pregnancy levels would drop. Lets hope the brilliant reporters at the newspaper that cares about Suffolk will ask that important question.

Anonymous said...

Poor Baby, we understand how difficult life can be. It's so hard to go to work five days a week and put in a 40 hour week. The Boss keeps asking to put down the cellphone but heck something will be missed if you're not always texting. At home the XBOX doesn't always work. Mom and Dad keep asking for rent to cover laundry, meals and utility expenses. There hasn't been an official vacation day off in over two months to get another tatoo or body piercing. Summer is just around the corner and the tanning salon is all booked up. The closet is stuffed with last year's fashion and you need another pair $200 jeans, a $50 Sean Jean T-shirt and a $180 pair of (name your basketball star) sneakers. Finding the right Bling means going to the mall for a five finger discount. After all is said and done what will all this do to their magnificent self-esteem. As I sit writing this comment a solitary tear wells up in my eye.

Anonymous said...

The folks at the SNH who were in charge during Bob's time came under fire for his stories and his reporting. He ruffled the panties and depends of the Suffolk movers and shakers of society. Notice those who did stand with Bob were run off too.The Boone empire of small town papers is just that, small time and small thinking.

Toasted Cracker said...

The sad commentary had the Boone management brushed off the Suffolk society crowd and taken a more critical stand their subscriptions would be much bigger. Bigger subcriptions means bigger revenue and higher salaries to the newpaper employees. They are victims of their own stipidity as has so often been pointed out to them by Inside Suffolk.

Watcher said...

The real issue with the SNH is that no one has any stone, since Andy P. left! Our little hometown paper ahs been neutered since the city manager demanded and got editorial control. I like most of my neighbors no longer read the SNH, we look at it in passing on the internet and snicker at them for their poor content and nothing articles. Can anyone take them seriously again?


Anonymous said...

As the economy continue to struggle how much longer will Boone Communications keep the small town papers like our SNH going. Add the new Democrat healthcare costs that will be past on to subcription rate and voila, no more SNH. So Mr. Reeves you will need to play the part of Superman and find new sources of revnenue fast. Raising advertising rates will drive away customers. Sucking up to the city administration will lose subscriptions. What to do? Suggest you take two Kryptonite pills and call your AMA doctor in the morning.

Deb's Education Corner