Thursday, March 11, 2010


Because my assessment has not been reduced I demand they close the Cultural Center. I can live without the arts a few years without reverting to cannibalism. I've still got my TV where I can get even better quality programming. And lock the door on the Tourist Bureau where people sit around and dream up such nutty themes as Restaurant Week so I can enjoy the experience of having lunch for ten dollars and dinner for twenty. I figured how to accomplish that the first day a fast food emporium opened its doors. Seems to me the responsibility for achieving success in that business belongs to the owner. What is next, Bait Shop Week?


Anonymous said...

According to SCCA Director Lasakow the center saved $100,000 and lost only $782,861 compared to $1.58 million in 2008. Besides the fuzzy math one wonders where did such big savings come from? What fat contracts were slimmed down or the payments deferred. Were personnel let go, ticket prices increased and complementary tickets eliminated? Did the city's rent go up? Operating under in a tight economy and lower fundraising revenue this maybe a good opportunity for the SCCA to share their cost paring experiences with the City Council and School Board. Somehow I get the feeling this is another excuse for the city to raise their contribution and we're still waiing to see their business operating plan. This is no time to keep funding welfare for the wealthy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Harry Reid. We only lost . . . jobs this month.

Anonymous said...

Bait shops are in danger. Zero wants to regulate or make fishing illegal.

Anonymous said...

Knowing how they think on Market Street. They'll merge Bait Shop Week with a Taste of Suffolk.

Anonymous said...

Finding a place for dinner that's under twenty dollars a person shouldn't be too difficult. It's called eating at home with the family. Besides being inexpensive, it's a great dining experience. The personalized service is outstanding. There are no chatty table servers with attitudes arbitrarily throwing plates on to the table and no simpleton locals staring at my plate. The best part no meal tax.

Anonymous said...

If the SNH wants to preserve culture in Suffolk how about sponsoring a car in Peanutfest Demolition Derby? They'll get a lot more favorable local exposure wreaking cars.

Anonymous said...

A quick suggestion for our little girl in the Budget Office Ms. Seward. How about a fee for false fire alarms. Apply a hefty city fee for every fire truck that responds to a false alarm. This will include all Suburbans, Rescue, Ladder, Pumper and Brush Trucks. In no time the Suffolk Public Schools and Obici Hospital will be deep in hock. But you will make up that state funding shortage.

Anonymous said...

I was shocked to see how much we have spent to keep the culural arts ctr afloat and we heard the city couldnt pay to fix the kings hwy bridge for a million dollars,alot of people needed the bridge,how many go to the SCA I wonder...more than a miilion has been spent on that fiasco.THE SCA.

Deb's Education Corner