Saturday, March 20, 2010

March Madness

No – I’m not talking about basketball.  But it’s a game that Obama seems to like.  He continues to look for parliamentary tricks to save his game.  He doesn’t like to lose.

He’s been dribbling for over a year on the healthcare bill – and he hasn’t scored yet.  His center, Princess Pelosi, isn’t helping.  And Rebound Harry knows that most Americans don’t want the bill and he is on the offense.  They are now getting even more fired up to cheat the game and even remove the referees.

Obama has changed the game to one-on-one.  He’s enticing players with trips on Air Force One and promising other special favors.  He has a full-court press on the players in Congress.  We’ll watch as he picks off players one by one.  Team Obamacare is committing more than its fair share of personal fouls.  Team players are sneaking along the court looking for every point they can make.  Point guard Roving Rob Emanual continues to try to coordinate the offense for the big win – both in the locker room and in the showers.  He’s now looking for a 3-point play.  If he keeps on his current game plan, his players will continue to foul.

He’s finding it hard to make it through the human hoop of American citizens who simply don’t want some of the plays to result in a score.  But he’s persistent.  He’s looking for a free throw because he can’t make the score any other way. He’s ready to buy the game result.

March Madness is hitting us daily from our legislators in Congress.  I don’t know about you, but I want this madness to be over.


Anonymous said...

Its of my opinion that when Nobama took the Keebler Elf for a ride on AF1 I think that he took him over to the door then opened it and showed the Elf the ground from about 5000 feet.

BO is on a course to failure.
Centralized government is doomed to failure because when many liberals owns something no one takes care of it. It deteriorates. Not one government program or agency has been profitable; not one. Yet this degenerate theme is what BO and his liberal thugs value. They are destroyers. By grabbing healthcare, they will destroy the economy.
This is what liberals do. They destroy because they hate. Period. They hate success, wealth, happiness, beauty and justice all of which derives from individual responsibility and creativity. These things are what they hate while telling us that they are the arbiters of "equality". Liberals have been trying over years and years,(with the constancy of MSM propaganda) to assume complete and total power over the individual in order to destroy individualism.
The stage has finally been set for the second (the first being HillaryCare) major beer hall putsch.
If ObamaCare becomes law, it will fail. But it will take a lot of the country down with it. Then liberals will celebrate because they will at last have equality.

Equality under a dictatorship and in squalor, certainly, but it will be their brand of equality.
All you have to do is open your eyes and look at any city that is controlled by blacks and liberals. You must wonder why ACORN is bankrupt huh? I wonder how mnay milions of dollars are hidden in the Health CONTROL bill I am keeping my powder dry.

Anonymous said...

First it was 57 states, then it was corpse man, and now he cant spell Syracuse when he filled out his bracket for the NCAA's. Did he not also pick Kansas to win it all? Hmmm after today maybe there is hope that like each demorcat he supported in the last elections they lost as the Jayhawks did today and so will HEALTH CONTROL.

Anonymous said...

You think that Pelosi, Reid,Obama have ever seen Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes To Washington? What a lesson in history. Liberals dont like history, they deny it. Just like the little Hitler in Iran does.

Anonymous said...

As is human nature we'll now shift our national priorities and confront our national, political and racial issues in a different light. After slipping to the left, we'll have a sharp jerk to the right. The Joseph McCarthy types to come will make the original look like a side show. Can't say I like the prospects of a divided country but that's the reality.

Anonymous said...

Thats why its time to keep the powder dry and see that the gun laws MUST BE DEFENDED.

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