Good old SPSA, under new management, is on its way out. They look a bit like a drowning man pleading for someone to throw a life preserver. And it could happen soon if they are bought out. Apparently a buyer does not necessarily honor the old contract that gives Suffolk free dumping privilege. So it appears that, without argument, Suffolk must acquiesce and ponder what we must individually pay to keep the streets clean. While $14 per month seems not so bad, it adds to $168 per year and for some that’s hard to swallow. Apparently that $168 covers what city fathers recently deduced was a user fee for large items. It is already obvious that determination was a boo-boo. (THE CITIZENS REVOLTED)And forget opting out of the new charge, they don’t want you dumping on your own property even if you have a thousand acres. They would also fear neighbors pooling their garbage. So it is just another tax and you are used to that.
The new Saturday hours are less convenient 8 to 12, used to be until 4 pm.
WHAT A SURPRISE! Another shing example that government cannot manage anything. Can you imagine how angry voters will become, and how and where they will vent besides the polls. Suffolk politicians are the patsies for Hampton Roads and the other cities know it.
If you have garbage to dump, perhaps a good place to unload it is the front yard of your city councilman and the mayor. It's time to raise a stink.
Tom Kreidel,spokesperson for SPSA, said Norfolk is charged $170 per ton to dump at Suffolks's land fill but private dumper firms pay only $35. Is this true?
So what's the rush to plan another tax, or fee, of $168 per household when SPSA will sruggle on for another 9 years. And didn't the astute Council just uncover a pot of 3 to 5 million surplus? And how can a new buyer cancel the agreement that Suffolk dumps free? Not even a squeal???
So goes the search for more of your money. That is what this exercise is all about. It now cost about 3 million for pick up of your garbage and that cost is part of your property taxes. To now add another $168 per year to our bills for something that Suffolk Government does not pay for is both imoral and improper. If they need to raise taxes lets have that discussion honestly.
This is just another run on your family budget to make it easier for the wild spending spree we have all paid for for the last seven years. The budget of the city has grown by 310% over that persiod and our pay aises have totaled less than 35%. Ten times the growth in City spending, just does nto make sense. With a surplus of up to $5,000,000 it seems that they have enough of our money and thye are still spending strong!
Hey Linda you fooled about 38% of Suffolk last November. That isn't hard to do but it won't happen again. So go ahead play your game break the contract with SPSA and say that you did it for the benefit of Hampton Roads. Raise our taxes, take away the service we already paid for and help your friends on council get re-elected.
ReEnergy wants to buy SPSA and Mayor Linda Johnson and her council want to ReDistribute our money into their's. What a deal!
They slide in another tax/fee under the cover of a mountain of garbage.
Mayor Johnson and city council want to be perceived as a regional players by giving back the SPSA contract and make Suffolkians pay for garbage disposal. The problem is Linda since you King's Highway'd your city and borough you are viewed by the other municipalities and the state as a joke to be ridiculed and an example of small narrow minded politicians. That moniker will never be erased.
Not true, Linda is a shrud politician that knows how to get what is best fo her. She will always vote for what serves her needs over all else. Just look at her votes to support work that a certian lawyer in town is doing and you will - follow the MONEY -!!
SPSA and Suffolk are doomed, unless things change alot and soon.
Dump the police boat chip in and buy a garbage barge. That way once it's out of sight, it's out of mind.
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