Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Mayor Remembers Frank Batten

If you’re like me, you’ve never heard our mayor mention Frank Batten before this evening. At an opportune time during the Council Meeting, our mayor brought out the newspaper from last Friday and read to us. She wanted to expound on a quote by Mr. Batton where he provided some of the purposes of a paper. One of those stated . . . “a news report should never be influenced by the owner or a group . . .” Hmmmm, to whom is she referring?


Anonymous said...

Maybe thats why the local SNH takes an Obama like comment approach when it needs to report on the problems that our public servants such a the mayor, the council, school board and the sheriff are found in and alleged to be involved in INCLUDING conflicts of interest.
SNH comment...PRESENT

Anonymous said...

Does Linda remember any history. Hilter, Stalin, Castro, Hussein, Chavez, MSNBC, NBC, ABC,CBS,CNN, NY Times...Socialism and Marxism at the local level lives.

Anonymous said...

Linda does for linda and that is that. Just look at performace to determine intent.

Watcher said...

I am respectfully amazed that s dead man gets more recognition from the mayor than the taxpayers of Suffolk! She recently had the opprotunity to stand against her henchmen demanding for plans to spend a budget surplus, by calling for retuning it to the people. but she failed us again. Perhaps she will use the surplus to fund a City sponsored "Family Transfer" plan to employ her husband.

Things are getting bad in peanut city!

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