Monday, September 28, 2009


Dear Mr. President: Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan: There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations: 1) They MUST retire.. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed. 2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed. 3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed. It can't get any easier than that! If more money is needed, have all members of Congress and their constituents pay their taxes... If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know. From Petersburg Florida Times


Anonymous said...

Start with a well focused tax stimulus and credits for business development/entrepreners would create a healthier country. Cut the tax rate on US Corporations. Encourage domestic oil exploration. Promote buy America. Pull back our military from Europe and the Far East bases. Stop all overeas aid with borrowed dollars. Push manufactured goods exports. Implement a five to ten year economic plan. Pass Fair-Tax legislation and rein in government spending.

Anonymous said...

Change...Yes we can! Does Obama have a speech impairment or is he mentally challenged. Does he suffer from amnesia, or is he developing Alzheimer's, like his congenial predecessor, Ronald Reagan? Are Obama's two brain halves connected? There is no way of telling what exactly is the matter, but let us be generous towards the man and suppose he suffers from a rather serious speech impairment. Perhaps he has long been a stammerer. After all, he cannot deliver a speech without using a teleprompter. Kill the machine and kill the message!

Anonymous said...

Every politician and political leader in America speaks of wanting to be energy efficient and self sufficient of foreign oil. This would be great and I wish we could but the fact is we will be drilling and trying to find new oil throughout America and its shores forever. What should be done and demanded by the American political leadership is to be practically self sufficient in clothing and any other thing made of cloth; towels, sheets, curtains, rugs and the like. If practically all were made in America and very few allowed to be imported this would put about five million or more Americans to work, increase farm production and help related industries amd maybe a size related standard could be in effect where a size 8 would be the same size regardless of who made it. Congress could do this but I'm sure they will not.

Anonymous said...

Obama fancies himself after FDR perhaps he'll make the same mistake and attempt to pull our country out of a self-induced depression by starting a war with Iran. Iraq is at best a stalemate and Afghanistan will likely be lost unless we change tactics. Iran is smack in the middle and the obvious contender. What will come because of his blind ambition and inflated ego is too grusome to fathom.

Anonymous said...

When will Obama, take a stand that is pro American? I dont think that Americans want to live under and answer to the UN.
This NPP winning moonbat doesnt think a weaker dollar is a sign of a weaker America.??
Here is zero's problem.Its his benign neglect of the dollar is another example of an economic policy,along with TARP and the $787billion stimulus — that the White House thinks is helping the economy, but many find that not to be true.
Excuse me Obozo a weak currency arises from a weak economy which in turn is the result of a weak government.
Obama’s polices of massive corrupt spending, massive debt, and printed money are indeed destroying the value of the dollar. When Obama’s massive taxes kick in and slug the ecomomy the permanent slow down in growth will also further weaken the dollar. Instead of making economic and job growth his priorities Obama is making global warming—cap & trade, and income redistribution his priorities. Unless something happens to interrup Obama’s plans the U.S. and the dollar are headed to 2nd rate has been status!
I dont know whether to laugh or cry.Iam not a supporter of Ron Paul but he addressed this during the primary. No one listend. I dont care how big Obozo's ears are he is deaf to what the majority of economist say and most of all,the Amrerican people.

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