Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Welcome to Government By Spoiled Children!

So I read again that Congress is threatening to shut down the government because they can’t reach agreement over how to cover disaster response funding following a series of disasters this year--Joplin, Irene, Lee, etc. Republicans are willing to fund FEMA for what they can document needing but insist that the funds need to come out of existing programs. Democrats predictably argue that any unexpected expenses be covered by more borrowing and increasing the national debt and that they will shut down the govenment rather than pull a dime out of other programs! Sound only too familiar?

This is Congress today as we know it! They refuse to conduct the People's Business anymore because they are too busy playing partisan political games. Both Parties overspend like drug addicts and whenever the American public’s frustration generates more heat than Congress can ignore, Republicans pretend to start looking for areas to cut spending but always fail to sell even the most common sense cuts to the American Public. As their dancing partners, the Democrats invariably pull up the same critical areas of Government: Defense, Disaster Relief, Border Security, Social Security, and Medicare and frame the argument as if these are the ONLY places where funding cuts could POSSIBLY come from--just to guarantee the American public gets as irritated as possible! And it's no different at the State or municipal level folks. Remember Curtis at this year's City Council budget meeting? Paraphrasing because I don't have it in front of me, "We can't possibly make a change to any item of the city's budget without the whole house of cards falling down!" Right! Seriously???

As this charade takes place multiple times a year without effective actions to address the overspending and the lack of a rainy day fund in the first place, both Parties remain clueless to explain why public support for the Tea Party is exploding and why Tea Party supporters seem to be the only people with common sense! All I can say is that if the Republicans are really interested in cutting spending but are unable to convince the American public that there are HUNDREDS of places in the Federal, State, and municipal budgets across the country where the majority of spending is inefficient if not wasteful, going into programs that don’t work or aren’t even needed, or don't fall under the Constitutional responsibility of Government in the first place, the Republican leadership needs to be sacked and sent home! When the Democrats get away with saying that we can't cover emergency Disaster Recovery expenses by cutting wasteful or lower priority spending in countless other programs, and the Republicans are incapable of articulating the absurdity of such a position to the voters, none of these fools deserve to remain in Office. Cut their benefits and cushy retirement programs and send them all back to the private sector to figure out how people really decide between what’s necessary and what’s nice when they have only a set amount of money to work with.

This country desperately needs a Balanced Budget Amendment since the children we elect to represent us only know how to throw temper tantrums whenever We the People tell them we can’t afford everything they can think of!


Anonymous said...

AMEN. Everything is a political decision and not a what's best for the country decision.

Anonymous said...

This man's comments are always excellent. He is making a great contribution to our community as well as to this blog.

SPTSP said...

Have a look at the goings on in Venezuela in recent history. The Government "took over" the country's retirement funds from their citizens, with no consent, and not too long afterwards essentially said: "Oops!, it's all gone.... we spent it!" ...... Think that couldn't happen here? HA!

Obama asks us all to "invest" in America. But stands with unions hell bent on destroying America. if Zero was all that he says he is, the question is why doesntr he invest in America. Mean while his own financial statement showed he doesnt invest as in stocks of American companies but has almost 12 million invested in short term treasuery bonds.Not bad for a young senator who had to take public transportation to get to the DNC convention.I will not invest one hard earned dollar into America either.

SPTSP said...

Food for thought...
Sarah Palin has not spent one campaign dollar and she is within 5points of ObamaRx? And you wonder why liberals are in panic mode?

G.H. Mears ME, MBA said...

And (for what it's worth) here is my supporting cast for the next Republican president of the US (without considering the 2 current top candidates--but leaving room for Christie to jump into the top tier!)

Herman Cain as Sec of Labor,
Ron Paul as Sec of Treasury,
Bachman as head of SEC,
James Inhofe as EPA,
Palin as Interior,
Roy Ennis as HUD,
Frank A. Verrastro (Director, Energy and National Security Program) as Department of Energy,
Gingrich as Sec of State if he'll agree to a gag order and no extemporaneous lectures on the job,
Tom Coburn (MD) as HHS,
Rudy Giuliani as Homeland Security,
Judge Andrew Napolitano as Attorney General
Jim DeMint as Commerce Sec,
David Petraeus as Defense, and
Michelle Rhee as Sec of Education.

And Michelle should be given the latitude and discretion to either drain the swamp or supervise the dismantling of the Department of Education.

PS--and NO Czars!

LOCKED AND LOADED (with reason) said...

Not a bad list,food for thought thou. I think Bolton is a better choice as SEC of State. Newt I think would be a good choice for the UN.Eliminate the EPA and the DEA.

LOCKED AND LOADED (with more reason every day) said...

Cain winning down in Florida has changed the game. How long will it be before we hear him being called house negroe? Uncle Tom etc etc
I cant stand Obama, so by my voting for Cain am I still a rrrraaaaciiissst?. I cant wait for the Black Political Caucus to respond and explain this.
The only thing I can think of is that I am a racist for asking the question.To demonstrate racism, I still have to vote for Obama even though I despise him. Liking and voting for Cain marks me as a racist, unless you are black, in which case you’ve been anti-socially brainwashed by white supremacists and other talk radio hosts.Still if you are not a Bracky fan and you do not support Obama, you are a raaacist. No other facts matter.

Its a shame that all the president has left to offer America,is his color? ”
Its a damn shame that apparently to many black american`s the importance of Obama is he is black not competent , patriotic, believes in the country or has a clue what to do.
I`ll bet the farm if I had one that this view is not shared by the majority of black americans who live , work, earn & contribute to normal American society.
I`ll also bet the farm tractor if I had one that the majority of black voters who want Obama to be re-elected regardless of merit , or how alien his agenda happens to be are for the most part the welfare core base of the democratic party.
Political office is not supposed to be about race or color……but what political party has a Congressional Black Caucus composed of some of the most strident racists in the country who also are some of the dumbest fools ever to have been elected to office ,again based strictly on color & racist redistricting (as we see now here in Suffolk)The democratic party has played the race card for decades all the while being at its core racist but willing to manipulate & use the black vote in order to promote their particular agenda.
This country including the racial minorities needs a better reason to support the candidacy or re-election of a President, Senator or Congressman then what color racial extraction he or she happens to be. Unfortunately this country & its black racial minority has been victimized by for years & the culprits are the liberal democratic party as well as the Black Race Baiting Congressional Black Caucus & other alleged black social activist leadership.Again its a damn shame that all of these morons can offer is color and a color based agenda.

NOBAMA ABO said...

Liberals,please allow me to take this a little further...
I don't need you to protect me from myself
I don't need you to protect me from corporations
I don't need you to tell me what I see
I don't need you to tell me what I hear
I don't need you to tell me what to read
I don't need you to tell me what I should believe
I don't need you to look after my children
I don't need you to tell me what sort of car I drive
I don't need you to tell me when to take public transportation
I don't need you to tell me what foods I should or should not eat
I don't need you to tell me to give to the less fortunate
I don't need you to tell me what constitutes immorality
I don't need you to tell me what constitutes morality
I could go on, but I truly believe that the only way to get you to believe any of what I said is by my vote, because only then, will you be convinced that I truly don't need you at all, despite my protestations on a website.
You are irrelevant, you are obsolete, and you are not wanted. Please, for the sake of everything that gives you the right to respond, I beg of you to respect my right to tell you to go mind your own $#$#@!% business.
I bought an iPod because I thought it was a marvelous idea, NOT because Apple told me to buy one. Conversely, I voted for Skillary Crankels because I believed Barack Obama is a Marxist, and has chosen to disregard every single item I cited above, and his followers continue to do so to this day, no matter what their color is
Please, just go. Leave. "Move on." You are no longer needed, and never really were. Ther only real purpose you have is having your ass handed to you daily and up to election day 2012

Deb's Education Corner