Monday, September 26, 2011


“The Scottish folk artist, who will play the season opener at the Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts next week, intentionally incorporates words and subject matter into his songs that nobody else has used in a song before. That from the SNH and it brings additional words to my mind, like squeezing nearly half a million of collected taxes and then expect them to pay for tickets at $35 to $45. and come early for dinner. Not exactly Times Square prices but high enough to keep even culture seekers from filling the seats.
“I do try to use language that isn’t in other songs,”  he said. “I try to write about subject material other people haven’t written about. There are a lot of words that never get to be in songs, and I think it’s unfair to them.” So said the season’s first star, a one man show.

Unfair to words that never get used in a song?  Now that is culture 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Al Stewart had a few big hits in the 70s, including Year of the Cat. He is actually pretty good.

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