Democrats can still win the next election. If, for example, a strong run by a prominent anti-war leftist, such as Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio or former Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, would expose Mr. Obama’s weakness, his plummeting popularity among the party’s base. Outside of blacks, key constituencies of the Democratic Party - feminists, labor unions, gays and lesbians, Hispanics and Jews - are frustrated with his performance. They hunger for change. That person is Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. A liberal candidate probably could win 37 percent, maybe even 40 percent of the vote, against Mr. Obama in Iowa or New Hampshire. Inexorable pressure would build for Mrs. Clinton to throw her hat into the ring, casting herself as the Democrats’ savior. If she were to run, she would beat Mr. Obama in a primary fight - thereby fundamentally altering the 2012 election landscape. The presidential campaign would be transformed from a probable Republican landslide to a horse race. A Hillary-Perry or Hillary-Romney face-off would be easy for the GOP to lose.
Not going to happen that way, the Dems have to much invested in the big ZERO, OBAMA. There is no way they could ever get the African American vote to go along and without that, they know they would lose. Winning at any cost to the rest of us is the name of the Dems game.
A good story, but it just is not going to happen the way you lay it out. The bigger deal is, will the push by the Dems leave many in state and local races in the out? Will we in Suffolk finally have the motivation to get rid of Johnson, Milteer, Bennett (if he still has a seat) and so on? These local Dems may pay the real price!
Pock: This is where I think the contest is coming down to - who can get the most people going out and vote. The big question is - what kind of people Obama can put fire under their feet to go and vote? I do not think we would see as many Jews (not with Obama's anti-Israel positions), White Americans with Black Guilt (they may feel they have paid for their "guilt" by voting for a black president at least once), Blacks (they are even deeper in despair that it would require so much motivation for them to go out) and Hispanics (a lot of them have returned home, numbered over hundreds of thousands). There also are the Environmentalists and Leftists (which includes Socialists and Communists). And now, we have your regular (the Kennedy and Reagen) Democrats who are more likely than not to stay at home. Yes, quite a high percentage of those people would still vote for Obama. I'm just saying we won't see the number to extension that we saw in 2008. It is very likely that we will see more independents/conservatives voters relatively to the liberals than in the past. Really, what it is coming down to is how to divide the Republican Nominee's votes, most likely by planting a third candidate.
The Democrats simply have no credible alternative. Hillary Clinton won't enter the race for the simple reason there's not enough time for her to mount a serious primary challenge. Fringe candidates like Kucinich may enter the primaries but they need not be taken seriously. The Dems are stuck with Obama whether they like it or not.
Why do you think Obama invited Bill to play golf, You dont think that a run by Crankles Skillary wasnt the topic at hand. Question is how much will the Clintons put in their pockets not to run?
Beware primary voters in New Hampshire. They tend to be border crossing liberals from MA of VT that say they are moving to NH so as to qualify in the primary vote. Their mission is to vote for the least qualified, least electable candidate running against Obama. After the first primary money starts to flow to the winner and runner up and the Repubs end up with a candidate with as much spine as jello. Hate to say it but you folks are either simple or stupid selecting a candidate by this method.
There is only one candidate who is spineless, I dont recall any repugs saying present 44 times in the past and now in the future by not accepting any responsibility otheer than saying Bush, Bush Bush
Understand that since Reagan there hasn't been a Republican with spine to stand up to the media, special interest groups, government bureaucrats, democrats or for that matter their own party. Lets review the list; G.H. Bush, Bob Dole, G.W. Bush, and John McCain. The proof of this flawed method of selecting your candidate is we are now trillions in the hole.
Do you see a pattern here? Do you think there is something very wrong in how Republican candidates get in so early before the rest of the population has had the opportunity to vett them. Is the media picking our candidates for us? Are these people conservatives, compasionate conservatives, Rockefeller Republican or RINOs? There is no way to know and it's too late after NH and SC primaries. Here again the definition of Stupid applies by doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Accept that Republicans are Simple minded instead of the other and avoid the loss of one's dignity.
Gee Anon: I guess Herman Cain is a washout then because he is BLACK and he is a repug. At least he knows the history of civil rights and how repugs have been the leader in civil rights laws.He knows that MLK Sr and JR were REPUBLICANS.Would they be considered Uncle Toms and house negroes etc etc today.Would the CBC call them out?
An open uncontrolled straw poll and primaries that allow liberals from neighboring states to vote is hardly a reflection of what is needed in the next candidate to save this country. Cain is not going to be the Rupublican Presidential candidate in 2012. George W. Bush and his father were businessmen just like Cain. Both talked tough just like Cain and look how badly they failed to be so called fiscal conservatives. Cain does his black Baptist preacher schtick for the cameras but has no sense of the political means to reverse decades of damage by both parties.
Allowed unchecked once again you will enter the booth in 2012 and vote for another weak Republican because he was selected well before he was fully vetted. So in 2014 the Chinese economy will surpass ours. The national debt will remain at unsustainable levels. Government will continue to grow and impose restrictions in our lives and businesses. We will have double digit inflation, unemployed masses dependent on government in a European like socialist economy. Lastly Obamacare will be a reality. Sucks doesn't it? Better think it over this is your LAST chance to save what's left of this country.
Zero was fully vetted? roflmao for the rest blame BUSH
Hell if an unqualified unknown black socialist can get elected Cain surely can.
Meanwhile Zero's #1 advisor from GG will keep on shipping jobs to China.
Did anyone say Obama was vetted? The problem is with both parties and the corrupted process of securing the nomination. However the only party that matters towards saving this country is the Republican. Therefore the person that runs against Obama MUST be tried, tested, and unconditionally committed. That means fighting his/her own party as well as big government, unions, the media and democrats. If you have faith the caucus and early primary process will yield that person based upon past perfomance I'm afraid we're in for our biggest and most costly disappointment ever. I guess this must be funny to some but it's frightening that a few states hold control of our destiny.
You Cannot Negotiate With Crazy People And Conservatives Are Way Off The Deep End.
It’s no secret that a warped vision of Christianity has infested the Right Wing of our political system. It’s been going on for decades and has reached its crescendo in the candidacies of Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, two people whose only qualification for running is that they are deeply committed to that distortion of Christianity known as “The Religious Right.” Neither are particularly intelligent or learned. Neither has a successful career as a legislator. Bachmann has not had a single bill she has authored made into law and Texas is doing worse under Perry than it did under Bush. This is a neat trick.
Also, it’s on fire.
But they don’t have to be good at their jobs as politicians as long as they are “Good with God!”
And this is where Obama as the Anti-Christ comes in. Even before he was elected, he was spoken of in negative religious overtones:
That ad was a dog whistle for the conservatives who are convinced they are living in the end times. “Obama is the One” and they certainly didn’t mean Jesus. Unfortunately, the deep recession and slow recovery has fed this movement and it’s grown considerably in the last few years.
This is why there can be no negotiation with the Right. I’ve said this many time before: How can you deal in good faith with someone who thinks you are the literal embodiment of evil? Conservatives do not think he is mistakenly harming the country, they think liberals are literally plotting the destruction of America and the enslavement of all “real” Americans in concentration camps.
They really do think Obama is the Anti-Christ:
My respect for the Secret Service, which was already pretty hefty, currently knows no bounds. That Obama hasn’t even been shot at yet, much less killed, is a testament to their skill.
But back on point, this is the kind of crazy that is the Republican base. This is the reason the country is still in shambles. They have fought harder against Obama then any other President in history. Why? Because he’s “evil.” Never mind that his economic policies are Centrist, at best, and he’s waged harder and more effective war on our actual enemies in three years than the previous administration did in eight. None of that matters. He’s the Anti-Christ and must be stopped at all costs, even if the GOP under the control of the Religious Right has to destroy America to do it.
I would love to be wrong about this. I would be thrilled if it turns out I am over-reacting. I would be supremely happy to be convinced otherwise. Good luck with that. You’ve got your work cut out for you. There’s a dog loose in the wood. And it’s rabid.
Bad doggie! Stop voting Republican!
I do remember an interview with George Soros where he said something to the effect that if Obama doesn’t get the job done, we’ll just get someone else.
Another liberal slave master. Bill would love the fame, power and greed is his and Crankels only focus.
This comment comes from one who voted for Skillary on a write in ticket because McPain was a rino and Obama was a zero
Democrats not supporting Obama and his policies? I guess these “Unseen Democratic Forces Pushing For Hillary Clinton In 2012…” are all just racists……
I think that this leads us to an interesting question…..
If there is a challenge to Obama in 2012, say it is Clinton, aren’t those who vote for her, or work on her campaigns racists? I mean, if you are willing to dump, er, I mean challenge, your parties black president this has to mean that you are a racist and “just want a black man our of office” — isn’t that what the CBC said about the GOP?
Does anyone think that Hillary AND Bill are going to wait around until 2016?
Hillary serves at the pleasure of Zero. Bill serves at the pleasure of Bill and Hillary.Bill was invited by Obama to play around of golf.Do you really have to ask why? Do you think that Bill and Hillary will accept a cash payment not to run? Remember it was reported that she accepted the position of SOS only after Obama agreed to pay off her campagin debt. Now do you think that Obama will pay what they may be asking for? Or is there more to be made if THEY run?
Hillary has always been a fraud and is no more qualified to be President than Obama ther than being able to lean on her "husband" for guidance and advice. Do you think that Hillary came up with the idea of becoming a carpet bagger and moving to NY so she could run for the senate?
You dont thiunk that Hillary AND Bill have forgot who denied her place in history as the first female president by the man who actually became and is the first black president? See Jim Crow laws and the KKK all were ideas of the democratic party, but they have preached they are for the blacks. Get the popcorn this is going to get good. All Hllary has to do is nod her head in approval and Bill and his entrouage will go rabid against Obama, especially if the economy continues into the tank and unemploment reaches 10%, yes 10%
Dont forget it was Obama who asked how much is enough, all the while taking what he can get. On the point of working with conservatives on the right, name me one who has lectured and talked down to the people who elected him and to those who didnt...who has never accepted any responsibilty for one actions?
Obama you can’t give a person the finger with your right hand while holding your left hand out for money!
When Wall Street talks about redistribution of the wealth, they mean the public treasury being turned over to them. Worked under Bush , Pelosi, and Reid.
When Obama talks about redistribution of wealth, he means taking every dime he can from Wall Street, then criminalizing the rest. He is going for an extinction event.
I have two words for Obama and his supporters: Citrate of Magensia. No need to thank me
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